This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 27: Outrageous Society

‘There’s no lemon-flavored ice cream…’

Andrew didn’t have full health after lunch, but he still cleaned himself up and walked towards the agreed empty classroom.

Although he was disappointed with the club he joined that claimed to be eager for the Ministry of Magic, he still wanted to see if there was anything he could get for free.

But when he went over, the empty classroom was already half full.

“Andrew, here, here!”

Connie, who recommended him to officially join the club, called him from the back near the door, and Andrew sat down in the empty seat behind him.

Only then did he notice that the seats had been arranged by magic into several small areas surrounding the blank area in the middle, and several senior Ravenclaws sat at the front of several areas.

‘No way? ’

Andrew had an outrageous idea in his mind, but unfortunately, five or six minutes later, he confirmed his idea.

The temple is small, the demons are strong, and the pond is shallow, the turtles are many.

Although this sentence seems to be a curse on himself, Andrew couldn’t think of a more appropriate adjective.

Can you believe that a broken club is divided into several factions?

And this assignment is well-reasoned - everyone wants to join the Ministry of Magic, so there has to be a selection, right?

Those who plan to arrest their classmates in the future, of course, tend to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. People in this group regard the "unrighteous" Ravenclaw as the best opponent in the future, and they are also the most radical. The older the students are, the more so. Not to mention looking at other Ravenclaws, even the people in their own club, their eyes are scrutinizing...

There are also those who are frank and don't intend to pretend. They think that the Minister of Magic's Office and Logistics Department is a good place to go. The senior students have successfully obtained the qualifications for office internships during the summer vacation. Whether they will be selected in the future or not is not a matter of whether they will be selected in the future. At present, they are probably the most arrogant in the club. They call the juniors behind them like subordinates.

There are also those who tend to the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. They think that the necessary abilities are still necessary. The Ministry of Magic always needs a group of people who can do practical things. They are the reserve forces to maintain peace in the wizarding world - this is also the group with the best attitude.

People who were inclined to the Sports Department basically didn't come - unless there were major meetings, that group of people were practicing Quidditch or participating in the Quidditch competitions within the college. Of course, there were also double clubs that participated in small competitions such as High Step Stones or Thunderbolt Explosion Cards to assist. They also had excuses, which was highly professional, and daily practice was very important.

These were a few classic ones, and as for the non-classic ones who were inclined to other departments, there was no need to count them.

As for Connie who recommended Andrew, there was no doubt that he belonged to the Office of the Minister of Magic and the Logistics Department, who were the best at discrimination.

There were a few people who were inclined to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures who really loved magical creatures, but Connie's group who brought him in basically...

"You are a smart enough person, Taylor, they all agree with what you said, and we should indeed discriminate against them equally."

Connie smiled, "You will know how wise your choice is in the future. Minister Fudge is young and promising. When you graduate, I think he will still be the minister, just like our previous Minister of Magic."

Andrew still knew this, because that minister, Millicent Bagno, served as minister until he didn't want to work anymore.

"That's a must... I absolutely support the Minister of Magic."

Andrew said this without hesitation - although he didn't say who the Minister of Magic supports, the truth is no different, right?

"I'm just sorry, I've had a headache since I was a child seeing paperwork... I've fallen asleep once in the History of Magic class..." Andrew said quickly in a low voice, "I'm pretty good at spells, I plan to try my luck in the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters."

"Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters?"

Connie glanced at Andrew - there was no conflict with him there, forget it, a guy who couldn't understand the most promising position, a little smart but not enough...

"Well, go ahead, no matter where you are, you're serving the Ministry of Magic, right?"

He said with a smile, but the eager look disappeared completely.

'There are still normal people...'

Andrew happily abandoned Connie's side, greeted the senior students in front of him on the other side, and sat down even more happily.

It's not often that you get two good news at once - it's really great to stay away from abnormal people when you know that the college can still be saved.

After that, it was very simple - the club summarized the number of people who got positions and interns in the Ministry of Magic last summer, praised the Ministry of Magic and looked forward to the future.

Then the small organization recommended the courses that freshmen should focus on and the books to read outside of class according to their own preferences - with the help of these things, whether it is to get an intern position or to join the Ministry of Magic in the future, you can gain certain advantages.

In simple terms, senior freshmen teach you how to pass the written test and interview...

Andrew noticed that most of the magic recommended on the other side was office magic - sorting parchment, making teleporting paper airplanes, brewing coffee at the right temperature...

'Talking big words for a long time, learn to work first...'

Andrew and his friends have another set - but he is different.

"Try the principle of brain occlusion first. Usually we don't recommend freshmen to join, but since you are here, try this final assessment. If you learn it before the end of the fifth year, you will be exempted from other assessments and can be recommended as an intern. However, few people have succeeded in this clause."

"What you need is to lay a good foundation in the first year. As for the key defense against the dark arts - my personal suggestion is to study hard by yourself. Neither classmates nor senior students will give you much help because this is their unique skill."

The leading boy named Ham gave Andrew this advice.

"As a qualified Ravenclaw, you know why, but I can guarantee that if your final transcript for the first half of the year is good enough, I will give you a list of books I recommend."

Yes, Andrew knew - in theory, they were competitors, and defense against the dark arts, a course that Hogwarts did not excel in, was a necessary assessment content, and not many people were willing to share it - no matter which college, although Ravenclaw might be the most serious.

"Okay, I will lay a good foundation."

Andrew agreed very happily - although he would never do it.

He would be crazy to provoke Professor Quirrell. Self-study is the limit, and that has to be after Transfiguration - that is a potential course with good professors to guide.

For him, this club is a background to get through the lower grades. The Ministry of Magic is not as important as magic itself.

"Okay, everyone, the first gathering of the new semester ends here - I hope everyone will see you at the Ministry of Magic."

"See you at the Ministry of Magic."

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