This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 28 Every Ravenclaw is his own protagonist

The closer you are to the Ministry of Magic, the crazier you get…

After leaving the party, Andrew suddenly had this sentence in his mind.

But when he tried to refute it with a smile, he found that it actually made some sense.

Even the Minister of Magic confirmed this sentence. If the minister was still in his right mind, how could he think of turning against Dumbledore…

‘I can’t get away for a while…unless I’m considered not good enough and eliminated. ’

He didn’t even need to ask how this school club was formed—Ravenclaws who entered the Ministry of Magic began to try to keep warm together, and then because of the thirst for new blood, they made some hints when they contacted the interns in the school, and those senior students who had plans for the future naturally gathered together under the temptation of relevant information.

After that, it was even simpler. After the seniors gathered together, they began to absorb students of lower grades, and then in order to expand their influence, the scope of the entire club was expanded to the entire college. Under the slogan that Ravenclaw should keep warm together in the Ministry of Magic, it became cohesive and then passed on from generation to generation.

In short, the Ravenclaws who stick together in the Ministry of Magic have made the clubs in the school successful, and the Ravenclaws who join the Ministry of Magic in the clubs have fed back to the small groups in the Ministry of Magic - in this case, the Minister of Magic may not be able to break these people off, this is a stronger chain of interests than Slytherin.

Fortunately, there are not many people, and the aggressiveness is almost non-existent - just from such a regular meeting, Andrew knows that even such a club is a mess.

'Just come and punch in on time, don't be active or object. '

Andrew doesn't intend to blow up the cesspool at all - if he really makes any criticisms, it won't solve the problem, and these students will really deal with the person who made the comments.

‘There really aren’t any stupid people in our college, but what’s worse is that no one will absolutely accept another person, and everyone intends to follow their own ideas…’

‘But this is why the clubs in the college are the most paranoid—because the leaders all have the same ideas that they insist on…’

Andrew shook his head and began to search for empty classrooms—he currently needs to practice Transfiguration a lot to master his skills, and then use these experiments to improve the paper he will submit to Professor McGonagall.


“We will be able to see Harry Potter in the evening—this is not an easy thing. This is the only course we take with Gryffindor in our first year.”

At the dinner table, Andrew, who had been busy all afternoon, was finally able to rest comfortably in his chair, but his roommate Hal next to him suddenly brought up such a topic.

This topic quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

"That's true, but I heard that Potter's grades don't seem to be very good."

"It seems so. I heard that the Potions professor scored two points on him - it's obvious that the professor intends to use him as a target for this year."

"There are Gryffindors like this every year, but this year is a little special. But have you heard that Gryffindor has a powerful character this year?"

"Oh, Miss Granger? I heard about it in the professor's office today. Every teacher who has taught her praised her."

"Well, I heard about it too. She rushed to the library on the first day of school and took away a lot of books. She is currently good at every subject."

"That's amazing... But I'm not sure yet. If it's on Sunday, If all five of them don't perform badly, I'm afraid she will be the first in the grade this year. "

"No way," the second-year student next to him joined the conversation, "Are we going to lose the first place again this year?"

"It's hard to say, but it seems like this now."

Hal made himself a big spoonful of mashed potatoes, "At least I didn't find anyone who could suppress Miss Granger."


The second-year shook his head, "We're used to it... We're always used to losing the first place."


Although everyone was mentally prepared, there were still many freshmen who wanted to see Miss Granger-although Harry and the others didn't intend to let her go, the title of first in the grade would not be much less attractive to Ravenclaw.

But after going to the astronomy tower, everyone gave up the idea.

Although the breeze in late summer was very refreshing, there was one thing that most people didn't think of before coming.

In order to allow everyone to have a better observation effect, there was almost no light source near the tower. Even Professor Aurora Sinistra only used fluorescent flashes to let everyone know where she was. After confirming that everyone had arrived, the light source was turned off.

In short, except for those who were closer, you could barely make out some outlines of others, and it was even difficult to tell the gender of those who were a little further away.

To be precise, the only light source in the entire venue was the astronomical instrument that was slightly lit to simulate the operation of the starry sky...

Throughout the night, Aurora Sinistra taught various information about stars, planets and constellations, and all students observed the sky with telescopes under her command.

This class was unusually harmonious, and there was no quarrel even between Gryffindor and Slytherin - there was no way, everyone couldn't see each other.

Although Andrew had always doubted the relationship between astronomy and magic, he still successfully re-recognized the stars in class and remembered them in his heart.

After the class, although the astronomy professor did not give any extra points to any college, and the students' wish to see Harry Potter was not fulfilled, everyone quickly voted this professor as one of the most popular professors.

No other reason - there is almost no homework in this class!

After class, the students of Ravenclaw rarely returned to the common room ahead of other colleges, and then began to gossip enthusiastically - especially those close to Gryffindor.

But there was no conclusion - there was no opportunity to show off in this class, and everyone could hardly see their own classmates.

And the seniors also happily supplemented it - there is no roll call in astronomy, and if you can remember the star map without relying on the professor, you can even pass the exam perfectly, even including owls.

'How can there be such a non-magical course in the magic world...'

Andrew, who thought that the senior was going to reveal some exam secrets, complained like this after listening to the senior's supplement - in theory, unless a wizard showed his skills and knocked off a star, there would be no major deviation in this class.

‘Why not let Dun-ah, Gryffindor cast a spell to get a star…Writing more stories is just enough to buy a planetarium. If I can look at the star map every day in this class, I will basically get a high score. ’

Andrew even felt a little ashamed, but it quickly disappeared.

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