This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 29 There are always outrageous things

The next morning, after a good sleep, Andrew simply sorted out his gains after waking up and went to eat happily.

Although the first class today was Transfiguration, he did not plan to submit a paper in this class. He planned to try to improve his own things as much as possible - although it was rudimentary, the more the better.

However, during breakfast, he realized that something was wrong. Owls flew into the cafeteria like crazy, and packages were delivered like snowflakes.

He managed to protect his bowl from being dropped by owl feathers.

"Oh, what happened?"

He curiously asked the person next door who received the package but did not remember his name.

"Of course it's Magic Legend."

The classmate at the next table looked as if it was a matter of course.

Oh, Magic Legend, speaking of which, today is the fifth day, the publication date...

Andrew was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered - in order to pretend that he had nothing to do with the story, he did not even read the story after the editor polished it.

But why does Hogwarts have so many readers!!!

Andrew even saw an owl flying over the professor's desk!!!

It's deadly!

I should have known this earlier, I was just lying to myself...

Andrew finally faced up to his miserable life as he watched his classmates enthusiastically unpacking the owl.

The famous best-selling author Lockhart could publish his face in newspapers, but he was indifferent at this moment.

He had good expression management and a perfect plan for making mistakes. His mentality had been adjusted at this moment. It was just a trivial matter, so it was not worth mentioning.

"I spent too much pocket money, so there is no way. I can only choose one between the owl and the magazine."

Andrew made a regretful expression.

"It's really a pity, but if I finish reading it before tonight, I can lend it to you - it's the homework for the spells class..."

"No problem."

Andrew carried out his disguise to the end.

This is not the time to pretend that he didn't see it. Being in the enemy camp, you have to be in the light and watch with everyone instead of pretending to be uninterested and being targeted.

There is just one thing that is not so good - with the new issue of the magazine being sent out, the next issue of the manuscript needs to be put on the schedule, and he must at least submit the story before the first of next month.

"Tsk tsk, look over there."

Just when Andrew completed a seemingly pleasant transaction, Hal next to him poked him, "Here."

Andrew took a look - nothing strange happened.

"Over there, that one, the one who walked past the Slytherin table."

Andrew then noticed an ordinary Ravenclaw girl - normal height, normal appearance, nothing outstanding, but when passing by Slytherin, those people avoided her like avoiding the plague.

"What's wrong?"

Andrew asked in a low voice, "Is it the illegitimate child of the professor?"

It's not that he guessed blindly, it's hard to see the arrogant Slytherin like that.

"That's not it, that one is the person who can't be mentioned in the mouth of Slytherin."


"Yes, that's right, a Muggle-born wizard, who completely violates the rules."

Why does it sound like Mary Sue?

Probably because of Andrew's strange look, Hal quickly explained.

"Is this okay?"

"Yes, this is okay too."

Andrew almost laughed out loud - it was indeed against the rules.

In short, the whole of Europe is a place with a large number of nobles. The pure bloods in the magic world are also wizards who have obtained the nobility qualification, and they have been proud of this over the years.

For example, the Malfoy family, their ancestors were wizards who clearly supported the current Muggle royal family. Although they retired into the magic world after the Statute of Secrecy, they always said that when mentioning the glory of their ancestors.

Well, nobility and pure blood are a perfect match.

Other pure bloods are also, it is a very good idea to link themselves with nobility in publicity.

However, after walking too much at night, I finally met a ghost.

When the magic world was tirelessly absorbing fresh blood from the Muggle world, it happened to meet a new wizard who had a castle at home, a title to inherit, and he himself had the right of inheritance, and a complete and reliable family history.

Then everything was normal. This witch was peaceful and hardworking. She didn't have any conflicts with her classmates. Apart from her interest in ancient magic, there was nothing worth mentioning. But at the end of the first half of the first grade, she was insulted by a mudblood.

After learning the meaning of this word, she began to explode. She insulted the other party in terms of bloodline, name, honor, and title, and wrote a letter with her own coat of arms and relevant certification documents to the school board to condemn this matter.

If it were an ordinary Muggle-born wizard, no one would pay attention to this operation, but this witch named Elizabeth had all the certification documents real, and she could even be related to several ancestors of the school board family.

This is a dilemma - not acknowledging it means denying the glory of the ancestors, and there is no way to talk about the nobility among wizards, but how to count it if you admit it, a witch with a title, is she a glorious pure blood?

This is a very buggy thing. When Hal described it, Andrew could imagine the headaches that the school directors had over the appearance of such an anomaly in Hogwarts.

It is said that the final result of the discussion is that this witch will be treated as a descendant of a noble pure-blood who gave birth to a squib and returned to the magic world (Hal said that it was verified that the descendant was a pure-blood, but Andrew thought it was like this). It is not a pure-blood in the true sense, but it is treated as a pure-blood descendant.

‘It’s a pity that those titles that can be obtained by donating money are probably not recognized, otherwise it would be fun to make up a pure-blood identity. ’

Andrew thought about things that could easily lead to continued suicide, and ignored the farce over there - ancient magic and ancient magic are two completely different things. Even if there is any involvement in the future, he only plans to study his Transfiguration honestly in his first year, and he doesn’t expect anything else.

Eat, eat, and wait for class.

Andrew calmed down, finished this not-so-perfect breakfast, and went to the Transfiguration classroom to find a good seat, waiting to block Professor McGonagall at the door after class to make a simple report.

However, he thought too much - there are people who are not afraid of death...

"Confiscate it, Hufflepuff will lose one point."

Professor McGonagall brought a copy of "Magic Legends" to the podium, "I reiterate for the last time that any distraction in Transfiguration is likely to lead to the most serious consequences, even a little distraction is not acceptable."

It can be seen that Professor McGonagall is almost suppressing her anger - Andrew gave up the idea of ​​looking for the professor after class without thinking.

'There are no new problems at the moment, so I will study on my own. It's just right to hand in the paper homework next Monday. '

Andrew thought so.

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