This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 76: Arrange your time after school starts

‘Damn it, Professor McGonagall also said that, I actually overlooked this. ’

He now just wanted to scold himself for being a fool - Professor McGonagall had clearly told both of them that Dumbledore had taken the magic mirror away, but he actually didn't think of this problem at the first time!

Now that he thought about it, the wrong thing was that there were not only two people in that room, but three people, and his clumsy means of probing had long been covered up by some magic.

Just like Professor McGonagall used it to test the mentality of several people helping in the office, Dumbledore obviously wanted to use it to cultivate Harry's mentality, and he and Percy ran into it head-on!

In order to assist Percy, he pulled Harry out, and self-righteously talked about some great principles of life - other students would definitely not panic, but he really did!

He just finished ordering Quirrell this year, and no matter how big his heart was, Dumbledore had to pay more attention to the people close to Harry. Once the author of the book is found out...

But, fortunately, due to his personality, he only gave a few words of advice - it's not a big problem, and they won't have any dealings in the future.

Percy, on the other hand, has no worries now.

"I think he must have recognized the reality now, although I don't know what false existence he saw in the mirror," Percy said happily, with a proud tone, "but he will definitely not be deceived so easily now."

As a prefect who is demanding of himself, he will never punish students indiscriminately on weekdays - but his younger brother is an exception.

If one meal is not enough, he will do it again, so that he can recognize that the things he got in the mirror, whether it is power or something else, are unreliable after all - although he himself has been addicted for a few days, it is a good thing to wake up a day earlier.

"Be careful, don't hit his confidence too much."

"I will pay attention, but it will definitely be okay this time."


"No more..."

When Harry went to the empty classroom to see Ron, Ron's eyes had returned to clarity.

"It's all fake. Percy fixed me with a spell, and then started to hit my butt hard with his shoes--"

He carefully rubbed his still painful buttocks, "It's all fake. Percy's spell made everything disappear..."

"We have to go back and study the curse, Harry," Ron pulled Harry's sleeve, "I don't want to be blocked here and kicked in the butt again."

Studying the school rules in depth is useless in front of Percy. The only thing to be thankful for this time is that after Percy kicked him, the matter was over, and he didn't receive the horrible letter from home.

Snape taught him the limitations and innovations of school rules in class, and Percy told him that there are rules outside of school rules-of course, not all of them are right.


Harry was a little frustrated. He was going to do it a few more times, but--are they all fake?

He was a little reluctant to believe it, but...the other party also looked at the mirror and broke free. Not only him, but also Percy. Ron didn't see it as clearly as he did.

Percy and the Ravenclaw student recognized the mirror at a glance, and after taking a look, they mercilessly shifted their gaze to other places and concentrated on looking for them.

The other party must have looked at the mirror, but they all got rid of the influence of the mirror!

The idea of ​​not admitting defeat and the desire to see his family again began to fight in his mind, and they fought fiercely.

"Take another look, Ron."

Harry looked at Ron and promised seriously.

With a farewell mentality, he looked at the mirror for the last time, then waved his arms and said goodbye to his family one by one.

There is a whole team of people who need me, and a whole college is waiting for me.

He whispered, silently stroking the mirror, conveying his feelings, and finally closed his eyes tightly, said goodbye for the last time, and then slowly turned his head.

"Let's go, Ron. I have said goodbye seriously, and they must be very happy to see what I did."

Harry forced himself to grin and smile.

'It's not fake, they just stayed there to bless me. ’

He silently refuted the unknown Ravenclaw’s words, and then he and Ron put on the invisibility cloak again, pushed open the door firmly, and walked towards the common room.


“Disillusionment spell?”

Percy looked at Andrew, “That is not a spell that should be learned by lower grades. In fact, even I have a little difficulty in casting it. After all, it is a magic prepared for sixth graders.”

“But it is really attractive. I just want to understand part of its principles.”

Andrew looked serious.

This made Percy unable to refuse-it was Andrew who held Harry back just now, so he could wake up that idiot Ron. It was really unreasonable to refuse him now.

Considering that there was no other arrangement in the morning, he finally agreed to let Andrew experience what this magic felt like in person.

This was not an easy thing-especially after Percy knew the bad nature of the lower grade Ravenclaw in front of him.

Sure enough, just as he guessed, after he cast a spell to let the other party feel the effect of the Disillusionment spell, a series of requests came together.

Explain the spell to him and let him feel the effect of the spell. After casting the spell, try to attack with simple spells and use Transfiguration to try to crack it...

Before it was time to eat, Percy even felt that his proficiency in the Disguise Charm had improved a lot. He was absolutely betting that if it hadn't been for dinner time, Professor McGonagall's new assistant would have been shameless enough to bother him all day long!

"It does seem like there is a possibility of fusion, but it's a bit too far-fetched for me."

After the last test after using the Iron Armor Curse and the Disillusionment Curse at the same time, Percy said this result with a little surprise.

"At least my guess is correct, Senior Percy."

Andrew smiled sincerely, "It's time for us to go to the cafeteria. Meal time is much shorter these days."

He had gained a lot this time. The Disguise Curse was no worse than the Head Bubble Curse when used properly. The only problem was that Percy was not Nellie, so he couldn't use it to kill him.

But sadly, Nellie didn't stay in school either.

But it doesn’t matter, I gave out Christmas gifts anyway, and got something at the same time - just communicate with senior Nellie this time in the name of Christmas chat, which just makes him put aside other arrangements after the start of school and focus on Christmas. What a new imitation of the Illusion Spell combat.


"You're just... not coming?"

In the empty classroom, the eager Dumbledore didn't see the person he was waiting for - but this made his smile become more kind.

It’s a good thing you didn’t come!

A Harry who was free from the attraction of fantasy... it was so, so nice.

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