This is what Ravenclaw looks like.

Chapter 77 A new semester begins

"We're back!"

Just when Andrew was taking notes in the dormitory, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Bell, who was as tall as a third-year student, rushed in almost by force, then walked quickly to his bed and pounced on him.

"Andrew is not here again, why are you shouting - he must be in the library... Oh, my God, what day is today?"

Hal, who was a little slower, walked in muttering, and his face showed an exaggerated expression when he saw Andrew.

"The first day of school."

Andrew put down his quill and closed his notebook, "Where are the two of them?"

"In the back, Ganasi next door got an introduction book on Egyptian witchcraft from somewhere, and the two of them didn't even squeeze into the carriage with us - I tell you, Andrew, a carriage that can fly by itself!"

"No, it's a night star! Although I can't see it, the seniors say so."

Bell refuted firmly.

"Yes, it was Ye Qi - you should have heard about what happened before the holiday, didn't they fight on the train?"

"They did fight, but there were a few seventh-year Hufflepuffs on the train who were interns at St. Mungo's, and they were cured on the spot - but two people felt that their mouths were a little crooked, and now they are probably going to the hospital."


Although it was not the first time he heard such outrageous news, Andrew was still a little uncomfortable.

The nearly omnipotent potion plus the help of magic made the impact of non-magical injuries on wizards too small - unless it was a fatal injury, two days of recovery would be enough for even the most serious injuries.

But it is precisely because of this ridiculously powerful medical care that the fighting within the school is far greater than that of other schools. There is no way. Losing an arm or a leg is a minor injury. People can go to school normally the next day. It would be strange if they don’t break their heads…

“I’m afraid there will be more fighting,” Andrew sighed. “Slytherin has basically won the college cup this year. Gryffindor will definitely not focus on the score anymore. And Slytherin has been deceived once, so they will definitely vent their anger.”

“It’s none of our business. No college will fight on two fronts. By the way, when I just came here, I saw that other colleges have piled up founder sculptures. Don’t we have any?”

Hal did not comment. He liked to hear some interesting things. Fighting between Slytherin and Gryffindor was not news in Hogwarts.

“Yes, on the top of the tower, but it’s hard to see. The best viewing angle is to fly up to the sky from the stadium.”

“Cool, what about the school? Is there anything new?”

Yes, but I can’t say…

Andrew shook his head and greeted his roommate with a helpless expression. I knew he would have such a helpless expression.

"My fault, I should have asked the library if they had purchased a new batch of books."

This caused Bell to laugh wildly in support, "Yes, yes, Andrew must know this question."

"I'll go out and ask, see you in the restaurant."

Hal confirmed again that his roommate was a traditionalist, and ran away.


"You really are..."

At the table, Hal looked at Andrew and shook his head.

In the short hour between returning to school and before dinner, Hal had already found out about three couples in the school who stayed in school because of love, a seventh-year student who got an internship position in the Ministry of Magic, Professor Flitwick's plan to set up a club, the Weasley brothers were caught by Filch the day before yesterday (this information was severely despised by a group of first-year students and said it was not news), and five Hufflepuff students were sent to the hospital for food poisoning before dinner... and a series of other information.

The number and scope are shocking.

"Information, information is the most important thing," Hal shook his finger, his round face still childish under his messy hair was full of confidence and pride, "I will definitely be a reporter for the Daily Prophet in the future."

The first-year students did not refute him - it was such a busy time at the beginning of the school, and it was really a blessing to be able to hear these school news.

Although Andrew had a certain prejudice against journalism, he still recognized Hal's ability - he stayed in the school for a whole holiday and was completely unaware of these things.

"This is not news, yours is at most school gossip."

A third-year student who Andrew didn't pay much attention to leaned over and said, "Far from it."

"You should pay more attention to Rita's news, her exclusive and unexpected things can be considered news, you are far behind. The most important thing about news is the unexpected surprise, not the messy family affairs."

Andrew still knew the name Rita - he had carefully investigated the best-selling magazines in the magic world and knew this Rita Skeeter.

One of the most popular journalists in the wizarding world, yes, this is also inconsistent with the speed pass. It says that Rita is a shameless and unpopular guy.

Andrew is not sure about the shamelessness, and it remains to be understood, but it is absolutely impossible for her to be unpopular - she is the number one of the best-selling newspapers in the wizarding world, and her fans are not much less than that of the best-selling author.

It is not strange to meet her fans in the castle. To be more precise, it is strange not to meet her fans.

"I don't agree with some of her remarks," Bell said seriously, "Her news pursues uniqueness too much, as if everything must have a hidden side, and everything will have a strange reversal - this is too one-sided, there are not so many reasons for many things."

"What's news if it's not novel? Who wants to read those boring things..."

The other party shook his head and turned away, not even wanting to argue, as if he would be polluted if he said more words to Bell.

"Hmph..." Bell made a contemptuous sound through his nose in response, but was not affected and continued to start his school gossip.

The prefects just glanced at it, turned their heads indifferently, and continued to deal with the food - don't worry about it, this kind of thing is too common in Ravenclaw.

Disagreements are too common in Ravenclaw, especially when it comes to differences in hobbies. It is normal to get into fights. There are not even the conflicts between a few groups that are worthy of attention—— The latter's attack was a ruthless one.

As far as the two in front of me are concerned, even if they quarrel after graduation, they will just have a war of words in the newspaper, have a fight in person, and those in the club...

All I can say is that anything mixed with Galleons or the Ministry of Magic is not good.

The six prefects looked at each other and shook their heads.

It would be great if they could all be like that student named Taylor - the traditional Ravenclaw who goes to the library is the most popular, but it would be good if one-third of the students can do it every year, and Everyone's addiction time is high and low.

It sounds outrageous that not all Ravenclaws who pursue wisdom spend their days in the library - but that's exactly what happens.

The accumulation of knowledge, logical reasoning, observation and association of things, control of one's own emotions, and handling of things and relationships are all wisdom.

More than half of Ravenclaw students only maintain acceptable grades in other subjects, and then spend a lot of time on what they are interested in, and they are quite crazy about understanding it.

And the craziness of these people can even be subdivided - just like playing competitive games, some people rush to rank like crazy, while others specialize in one role and study various playing styles, and some people, I like to study routines and play with different feelings. As for the rest, there are still people who play and switch to single-player...

Most of the things that Ravenclaw is interested in cannot be solved by spending time in the library. You can't say that it is not the pursuit of wisdom.

The rest are so bizarre that it’s impossible to even list them all.

‘It’s noisy...what can we do...there is no one who can take the lead. ’

The six of them looked at each other - it would be very late to decide on the first-year prefect.

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