This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 115 0114. The strongest undercover agent Hagers

The mist plane is a real planet.

Land, mountains, lakes, rivers, and oceans would be quite habitable if the "haze" on Misty Star was not so severe.

The mist of the Misty Star is born with it, it comes from birth, and the Star Lord cannot dispel it.

Against foreign enemies, this layer of fog is more useful than spears and heavy artillery.

If outsiders invade the Misty Star, nine out of ten will die in the mist.

Legend has it that they were formed by death, and death must exist in the land of life, whether it is a beast figure.

The negative energy formed before death is stubborn and complex. Because there is enough life, there will be more deaths. The negative energy will instinctively create more killings over the years. This is also the main reason why the Misty Star Lord gave up his "hometown".

The fog has little effect on lives above level B.

However, there are no eggs.

With all the subjects gone, what else do gods do? There are hundreds of evil gods guarding a Death Star, so why not move away?

Starlight Palace, the residence of Star Lord Volanto.

Look up at the stars and step on the earth.

At today's private banquet, sitting on the seats were the four-shouldered blue-skinned Volanto and the black-skinned elephant-trunk guest opposite.

"Brother Martha, thank you for your help to the Misty Star. To be honest, before you came, I could hardly hold on anymore. I couldn't do anything about the mist. There is also one star master and two aiming star masters in the Shenmu plane. I can't Launching a strong attack makes me so worried that my hair is almost turning gray."

With that said, Volanto drank a glass of blood wine.

Elephant Trunk Malda said: "We are brothers, whether we help or not, this is what I should do."

"What you call uncontrollable things can be controlled by a Saint Realm Lord. If the Saint Realm King takes action, they will immediately become a protective barrier for the plane."

"It's just that you also know that the Kelsu plane was framed by a villain and encountered a group of masked star thieves. The Clown Emperor personally shot the father to death."

Speaking of this, Elephant Trunk Martha couldn't help but click her tongue twice.

"Perhaps this is fate. Father God Kel'Thuzad has protected the saints for countless years. They should have been enshrined in the temple, but now that the Masked Star Thieves are so powerful, their funerals can only be hasty."

The ones here refer to the realm king Kel'Thuzad and the eight evil gods, Kel'Thuzad's most powerful force.

Kelsu, who had lost his realm king and realm master, was still on the main plane, and his fate could be imagined.

However, those bandits from all directions did not go too far, especially after the Clown King defeated the Aurora God King with two moves.

Nowadays, there is only one Realm Lord left in the Kelsu plane, and he is the kind with half a foot in the coffin.

It is impossible to defend a main plane with this.

But they also have a Realm Master who claims to have completely separated from the family and serves in the Masked Star Thief Group.

The number of the three realm kings and the ten realm masters of the Masked Star Cluster has more than doubled. The evil god realm master Magadh is one of the ten realm masters.

I bully the Kelsu plane too much. What if the world lord comes back one day to settle the general ledger?

Although the chance of Magadh taking revenge under the banner of the Masked Star Thieves is low.

Don't forget, the Clown King is a lunatic in addition to being a bandit leader.

Recently, Meng Xingtuan has robbed the Aurora God Realm seven times in a row!

The audience was shocked to see it.

The Aurora God King was defeated indeed, and he was slapped in the face, but there were nine Kaioshins on the throne. Isn't the Clown King afraid of gang fights?


"If you and I still can't take the Shenmu Plane, I will ask Uncle Magadh. Either we join the Masked Star Thief Group, or Uncle Magadh helps us take action."

"There are not many secondary planes still in the hands of the saints. Uncle Magadh shouldn't just watch us suffer misfortune."

The two evil god realm masters toasted again and drank it all in one gulp.


"Woof woof!"

A Shar-Pei puppy squeezed under Volanto's chair and rubbed hard against the evil star's ankle.

The long-nosed evil god Malda asked: "Is this your pet?"

The blue Volanto said: "No, it is a demon king from the demon world of the Shenmu plane. I accidentally found it and captured it for interrogation. The result was not bad."

Martha said: "Well, you did the right thing. If all the demon kings in the demon world are like this dog, why worry about not being able to take the sacred tree plane."

Traitors are a powerful tool for dismantling local power.

After the black dog demon king surrendered, he ate well, slept well, and was rich and nourished in the mist plane. He was a model for other demon kings in the demon world and might be of great use in the future.

Ignoring the Dark Lord, the two evil star masters continued to chat.

Below, Hagers acted cute again and turned to leave the banquet hall.

"It seems I made the right choice."

Hagers said: "The God Realm and the Demon Realm are actually part of the Shenmu Plane, and Matthew is so perverted and strong precisely because he is the Lord of the Shenmu Star and controls the power of this plane."

"The Great Mother Goddess Hera has not come out in recent years. She must have been killed by Matthew, or she was driven out of the position of Star Lord and imprisoned."

"It's no wonder that His Majesty the Demon Lord has never been able to defeat Matthew. One Quasi Star Master and one Star Master are half a level apart. In this way, my two choices were correct!"

After walking out of the Starlight Palace, Hagers sat down, raised his dog's head, and looked up at the red moon.

"Your Majesty the Demon Lord, I really have no choice but to reveal information to the evil god this time, basically about the world of the goddess."

"Oh, no, we can't call you Your Majesty now. The Demon Lord is not even the Star Lord."

"Matthew is a hottie."

"My fingernails are almost worn out trying to dig gold for him!"

"That guy is just a garbage, perverted, violent maniac. I don't dare to go back until I dig out all the gold. Then I was captured by the evil god and made him a prisoner."

"In order to leave a spark for the demon clan to rise again, I can only superficially agree to the evil god's request."

"I didn't suffer a loss. From their mouths, I learned a lot of knowledge and information that I couldn't have access to before."

"There is a huge sea of ​​stars outside the Shenmu plane. S-level ones are not even considered minions. The wild star masters can barely provide enough food and clothing. Only when they reach the world lord level can they be considered the overlords."

"King of Kai is a powerful person. The main plane of Xinghai is limited, and one main plane can only accommodate one King of Kai."

"As for the Kaiōshin, there are only ten known to be active among people, including the nine established God-Kings, and His Majesty the Clown Emperor, the leader of the masked Star Thieves group in the mist plane."

Dark Lord Hegos smiled and said, "Does this count as joining the God King organization?"

"I guess..."

"Huh, I'm looking forward to Matthew's expression when he sees me next time. It will be very exciting."

"It's just a star master, he is just playing tricks in the Shenmu plane, bullying the goddess and us little devils who have never seen the world."

"Matthew! When the evil god's army breaks through the goddess world, I must pay back all the humiliation he gave me!"


"three times!"

The Dark Lord fell asleep with a sweet smile.

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