"Gurgling!" …

The bedroom of the male god's cabin.

Ares, whose hair was a little messy, showed a tired expression, coughed twice and said, "Teacher, are you doing that?"

Matthew glanced at the time, nodded slightly and said, "There is progress, but don't be proud."

Of the three secrets of yoga, Ares majors in breathing, and her minor skills include meditation and movement.

In terms of meditation, Matthew couldn't open her mind to see it, so he could only find time to help her correct her movements.

Tree Pose, Boat Pose, Forward Bend.

The first two moves require a lot of balance, but Ares has an S-level foundation, so it's not difficult to complete them.

Pure black sleeveless yoga clothes, three-quarter yoga pants of the same color, long hair tied up.

Ares lifted her left foot, stepped on the side of her right leg a little below the knee, and clasped her hands together.

Breathing and meditation are necessary at this time. Ares imagined that she was on the endless prairie, bathing in the gentle wind and warm sunshine, which was very comfortable.

As for Matthew, it’s just two words, “persistence.”

Then enjoy the 360-degree view of the beautiful scenery in front of you.

Haha, this is the benefit of being a beauty artist, it is more three-dimensional and more flexible than flat photos.

Although it does not carry the Holy Light.

It doesn't matter, once Ares becomes more proficient, it's not up to him to decide whether to bring the Holy Light or not.

On the other side, although Goddess Ares had her eyes closed, she could feel the gaze from Teacher Matthew.

"The teacher is just teaching me knowledge."

"The teacher is just teaching me knowledge."

"The teacher is just teaching me knowledge!"

Say important things three times.

After finishing reading, Ares's heartbeat calmed down a little.

But when she reached forward bend and touched her feet with her hands, Teacher Matthew seemed to be standing behind her for a long time.

Her yoga clothes were hand-sewn by the home goddess Angela, and they are very close-fitting and comfortable.

Because of this, Ares now has nothing on her except yoga clothes and a headband.

She struggled to adjust her breathing, her body was still very hot, and it felt like the teacher gently caressed her before taking it internally.

Ares took a deep breath and asked, "Teacher, is it okay?"

Matthew nodded and said, "Take a bath and go to bed."

In the bathroom, Ares washed her pants first.

She was a little annoyed, "The teacher must have been disappointed just now."

Her Majesty the Great Goddess Hera is right. After Teacher Matthew returned, the speed of her divine power increased again.

The breathing technique the teacher gave her was also a good thing. Not only was it useful at night, but after practicing it during the day, Ares felt that her control over her body had improved, and the power of her magic had also been slightly strengthened.

Everyone is working hard, everyone is struggling, and the war with the evil god may break out at any time. She actually stopped because of shyness. It is really embarrassing!

Thinking of this, Ares finished taking a shower, hung up her clothes, and went to the master bedroom again.

"Teacher, I want to make progress, please continue to train me!"

Hey, no one?

Ares felt gloomy for a while, "The teacher is indeed angry with me... I will train by myself first, and I must apologize to Teacher Matthew tomorrow."

At this moment.

Ares’ teacher Matthew has arrived in the demon world.

There is a time difference between the divine world and the demonic world. It is night in the divine world, but it is still daytime in the demonic world.

Matthew comes to find Nelubelle.

When he came back, Nerubel said he would give him a few days to sort out the affairs of the clan, and Matthew readily agreed.

Now that the so-called few days have passed, Matthew is going to give three yoga secrets to Nilu to help her improve her skill level.

The palace of the Demon Lord.


Are you busy with the business you promised?

Went to the countryside for a private visit?

Matthew continued walking inside. After all, it was not his first time here, so it was impossible for a lost horse to exist.

There's nothing wrong with waiting for someone to come back on Nilu's bed. It just so happens that he hasn't slept in Nilu's bed in the Demon Realm yet, so he can preview it in advance.

There is someone on the bed...

It's Miss Meili wearing a dark gray ultra-short cheongsam.

Meili was tied up in a big Aimu position, with a small tail and beads at the back end of the tail.

Meili's eyes were a little blank, and her legs only moved unconsciously.

Right, right, right, right...

Matthew also saw the count on her lap.

Pulling out the ball from her mouth, Matthew asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Meili gasped and said, "Master Matthew, could you please beg Your Majesty for mercy? Just say that I know I was wrong and I will never dare to do it again."

Matthew said yes, even though the scene was filled with smoke that made people dream.

"No, no, don't leave!"

Xiao Meili from the yandere school has a confused and miserable face, so pitiful.

Meili said: "I did not do the right thing. Your Majesty said that as long as 100 times, the punishment will be over."

"Please... please... help me, please?"

Matthew asked: "How many times are left?"


"When will this happen?"

"You can, please, don't look for anyone else."

Meili had seen trams and hypnosis with her own eyes. If she hadn't been too scared, she wouldn't have left Nilu and run away underground.

"Everything else is possible, as long as it's you."

This is Meili's bottom line.

Of course, if Lord Matthew forced her, she wouldn't be able to resist.

So she could only pretend to be pitiful. No, she was really pitiful. She had been for several days.

Matthew said: "As long as it's me?"


Meili: (`)?

"Close your eyes."

Meili's mind was already blank and she closed her eyes as she said.

[Clone Technique]!

The second, third, and fourth Matthew quietly appeared on the scene...

At the same time, outside the large bedroom.

Nerubel, who had been secretly observing, suddenly went dark.

"This bastard is really lying to me!"

Her Majesty Nilu was silently angry.

When He punishes Meili, one aspect is punishment, and the other aspect is testing someone.

It didn’t take long to try it out. Matthew’s clone skills had no restrictions at all.


A pair of hands hugging the LED appeared in front of him.

Nerubel's eyes widened and she asked, "What did you say last time?"

Matthew quibbled and said, "I didn't say that to you, not to Meili, and it was she who begged me."


"Then what?"

His Majesty Nerubel, who looked down upon the Shenmu Plane, gradually weakened, "I admit defeat..."

"Any more?"

"Brother Matthew."


Nilu closed her eyes tightly, "baba!"

"Any more?"

"Matthew, don't go too far!"

Matthew watched the football civilizedly, but the beautiful girl in his arms couldn't run away anyway.

After that, the two looked at each other for a while, and Her Majesty Nilu weakened again, "Please..."

"Any more?"

"In the end what you want?!"

Matthew conjured up three secret books and said, "Learn, I'll check next time."

Nerubel: (.)

After taking the book, Nilu thought it was something more extreme.

Results: "Yoga - Meditation Method", "Yoga - Breathing Method", "Yoga - Asana Method".

Although the little man on the map is not wearing clothes, it does not say that you cannot practice with clothes on.

The body and mind are one, so mysterious and profound.

These are good books.

Then Nerubel lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Thank you."

Matthew: "Then thank me right here."

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