This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 160 0159. Matthew calls him a monster

Back at the male god's cabin, the spring water goddess Vivian comes to clean every day. When she meets Master Matthew, the cleaning speed must be much slower.

In particular, Vivian has also recently completed the intermediate version of Yoga Secrets. The three secrets were given to her by Master Matthew. For guidance, she also relies on Master Matthew, who is a beauty teacher.

It's just that Matthew's guidance today was a little bit inattentive. Although Vivian couldn't see it, she could feel it.

"It must be that I didn't practice well enough and let Master Matthew down."

Vivian then decided to step up her efforts.

Until she was out of breath from exhaustion, Vivian finally received praise from Lord Matthew.

Vivian's mind is very simple. She doesn't want much, just a compliment.

"Thank you, Master Matthew. I'm going to do the laundry first."

After saying this, Vivian carried the clothes into the laundry room.

Matthew looked at the two dazzling long legs floating in front of his eyes, and what he was thinking in his heart was: "Can humans and goddesses have babies?"

"It would be nice if I couldn't."

Of course, the reason why Matthew didn't attack Vivian had nothing to do with the baby, but because the girl was too painful and he couldn't let her go.

"Well, let's wait for Nirubelle's call and see what tricks she can come up with today."

After about half an hour, the "beep" sound finally sounded.

"Matthew, are you busy now?" A familiar voice said in a familiar tone.

Ho ho ho, awkward woman.

Matthew said deliberately: "There is indeed something unfinished."

There was silence on the other side for ten seconds, and then a calmer voice said, "After you finish your work, come to my place. I have just cooked some dishes that you like."

Matthew raised his lips and said, "Then I'd better not go. I've never seen you cooking. I suspect you want to poison me."


Her Majesty Nilu is obviously not the kind of character who can be manipulated by others, but she quickly adjusted her mood and said, "I just want to cook a meal for you. If you don't think it tastes good, just change it to a new one. That's okay, right?" ."

Matthew said, "Come on, wait until I finish what I'm doing and go to your place."

At the same time, the Demon God's palace.

Her Majesty Nilu almost knocked a table of oriental delicacies to the floor.

"That bastard, I've called him several times, but he actually said he was busy and didn't want to come over?!"

"What is he busy with? I didn't know before he left the Shenmu plane. He still wants to fool me!"

The Supreme God and Supreme Lord of Xinghai, His Majesty Matthew, is just a hands-off shopkeeper.

In this regard, he is very similar to his daughter Barbie. All major and minor matters up and down the star sea are solved by other Kaioshins, Kaios, and World Lords. Matthew can only spend a few minutes making a decision.

The same is true for Xinghai Holy World. There are only a few things waiting for him to make decisions in a month.

He is busy, no one can believe that he is busy!

"A few days ago, he said he missed me... Liar, maybe he was in the bed of some goddess just now."

Just then——

"What kind of goddess bed?"

Matthew, dressed in white, walked in slowly.

Nerubel: "..."

Instantly restrained his angry expression.

In the palace bedroom, in front of the big soft bed with scattered flower petals, there is not only a table of dishes, but also an exquisitely decorated Nero.

Thinking of Nelu, Matthew immediately thought of the proud black swan.

Not so today.

The black long skirt that Nerubelle often wore was gone. The color was still black, but it was a short skirt made of light gauze.

Her upper body is only a skirt, really only a skirt.

The lower body is worn with a pair of black stockings. They are made of the same material and straight from the middle to the outside. The reason why Matthew can see clearly is because of this special material.

"Gudu", Matthew, who saw Nelubelle dressed like this for the first time, couldn't help swallowing.

Nerubelle was quite satisfied with his reaction.

Not to mention that a woman is a confidant, but she has been dressing up for so long and the man opposite her has no reaction at all, which shows that she is not attractive enough.

How can a woman tolerate this happening?

At this moment, Matthew grabbed her hand.

Nerubel said: "Don't make trouble, let's eat first."

Based on her understanding of Matthew, the latter would definitely not listen to her.

Matthew said: "Okay, let's eat first."

Nilu: "..."

He actually held back! ! !

At the dinner table, the two chatted about recent events.

Nerubelle heard it from Mellie, and Matthew heard it from Vivian and Ares.

"Destroying the Evil God of Mist is only a matter of time. How are you going to distribute it after that?" Matthew asked.

"It's you who plans to distribute it, not me." Nerubelle rolled her eyes.

Matthew thought about it, when it came time to divide the territory, he really had to say it in order to be fair and just.

"Okay, don't worry about it for a day or two."

Matthew praised, "I didn't expect that your craftsmanship is pretty good."

Her Majesty Nilu rolled her eyes again.

Her life experience is no better than that of an orphan. Nowadays, she no longer has to do it herself. In the past, Nilu often cooked for herself.

"Is there any wine?"

This time it was Matthew who took the initiative to attack.

Nerubel's drinking ability is not good, and she will get into trouble every time she drinks with someone, so if there is nothing else, she will definitely refuse.

Today it's the opposite.

Nerubelle picked up a bottle and bent down to pour a full glass for Matthew.

"It's such a happy day, why don't you have a drink with me?"


10 cups vs 1 cup.

Nerubel said: "I don't know how to drink. If you don't hide your bad intentions, we will drink like this."

Matthew said yes, it's just a 10 to 1 ratio. A full-level boss can kill 100 Nerubels in an instant with just 10 glasses of wine. It's not too easy.

After 30 glasses of wine.

Nelubelle, whose cheeks were red, decisively sat on Matthew's lap.

Don’t forget the domineering effect of this suit.

Her Majesty Nilu took the initiative to pick up a glass of wine, poured it down her snow-white neck, and then directly hugged Matthew into her heart.

Matthew directly called sin.

He knew what the other party wanted to do and held it deliberately.

But if he can still handle it like this, he is no longer a full-level boss.

the next day.

Nerubel woke up faintly and turned around to see that yesterday's coat and socks had been torn.

The stomach on the top and back is so full, it's someone's style.

But soon, Nelubelle sat up in shock!

Because her magic pattern energy has barely increased.

"Asshole, he actually did it all!..."

Nerubel frowned, "Did he know something else?"

Speaking of knowing, Nilu also felt a little guilty, but whether it was true or not would be clear after one more night.

On the same day, Her Majesty Nilu changed her clothes again, wearing white socks and a youthful light-colored short skirt.

Inviting someone to dinner again, someone praised her cooking skills again.

"Is there any more wine?" Matthew asked.

"You drank all of it yesterday." Nerubelle replied with her hands spread out.

Matthew picked up a box of wine and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm not used to drinking the wine you have here. Try the wine I brought today. I'll keep you for one drink, and you'll want two. After you finish two glasses, you'll want the third! ... "

Nerubel: "..."

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