This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 161 0160.Nelubel: I’m not pregnant

That night, Nelubelle, who had taken hangover medicine in advance, was not completely drunk, but Matthew thought it was interesting to be half drunk and half awake.

Matthew asked: "Tell me, since when did you start craving for my body?"

Nerubel: "I don't... know."

"I don't know, but it is there?"

Nelubelle was spinning, her mind was blank, she could only follow his words.

An hour later, Matthew changed his tone and said, "Nilu, I want to admit a mistake to you. Can you forgive me first?"

Nerubel: "What...thing?"

Matthew said: "I tattooed two words on your back. I didn't mean it, but only I can see those two words. Hey, these two words don't seem to be written by me. Nilu, you know this is why?"

Nerubel: "I don't know..."

In the early morning of the third day, His Majesty Nilu woke up faintly.

Not surprisingly, the clothes she wore last night were once again scrapped.

Touching the magic pattern on her lower abdomen, Nilu was immediately furious, "That bastard was really playing tricks on me. He even deliberately tempted me to say some weird words last night. I'll fight him!"

His Majesty Nilu went out and bumped into the butler Mei Li entering the door.

Seeing her mistress' face full of anger, Meili immediately persuaded her: "Your Majesty, your body is different from before. You can't be angry. If you have any problems, tell me and I will help you solve them. If I can't solve it, you can also tell me Lord Matthew, I believe Lord Matthew will be very happy to help you."

Nerubel: ()?

Meili's maternal eyes were obviously abnormal.

In particular, she always stared at Nelu's belly from time to time.

"What did you say to Matthew again?"

Nerubel asked.

Meili said with envy and joy: "It's nothing, Your Majesty, I just told Lord Matthew about your happy news. After Lord Matthew heard this, he has been visiting you for the past two days, which shows that he attaches great importance to you and the baby."

precious! precious!

Nerubel was immediately stunned.

Combined with the experiences of the past two days, some parts still seem a bit unreasonable, but Matthew's unwillingness to live or die finally has an explanation.

Her Majesty Nilu, who looked like a black swan in front of others, said with a calm face: "I'm not pregnant!"

"If humans and demons can produce offspring, I will never allow that guy to mess around!"

Meili: (°ー°〃), stunned.

The sunny world of gods.

Matthew found a random restaurant and ate a bowl of Supreme Braised Noodles. He felt refreshed and smiling endlessly.

"Why do I want to see Nelubelle going crazy in person?"

"No, I'm not like that Matthew, I'm just afraid of hurting the baby."

"There are still two days left, and the most critical battle for Nilu's player is about to begin."

"What new moves will she use to deal with me? It was black the day before yesterday and white yesterday. Repeated moves are useless in front of this male god... But... I still think Nelubelle in the black suit is more interesting. .”

Master Matthew took a walk after dinner, and suddenly felt that something was missing.

Walking + dog walking are a perfect match, Matthew’s dog… Matthew’s dog…

"After I've convinced Nelubelle, I'll go find the black dog. Although the black dog can't do anything he wants, his character of insisting on telling the truth is quite lovable."

Turning a corner, Matthew walked back to the male god's cabin.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish"... In the living room, the spring water goddess Vivian was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. A Shar-Pei, standing on its feet fifty or sixty centimeters tall, was wiping very hard and seriously. floor.

Matthew pushed the door open, and Vivian quickly stood up, "Master Matthew, you are back!"

Vivian ran over excitedly and took the initiative to place a kiss on Matthew's lips without permission. Then she knelt down and changed Matthew's shoes, which was extremely considerate.

At this time, the black dog Hagus had already knelt down, "Great master, your gold ore and your humble servant dog have all been exchanged for gold coins and placed in your bedroom."

"Great Master, I am guilty. The gold coins were exchanged a long time ago. It was because I was too greedy that I accidentally got lost and made you worry, Master."

"Great Master, I am guilty. I took away Mistress Vivian's job and made Miss Vivian unhappy for a long time. I beg you to punish me."

"Great master!..."


Matthew just praised Hagers for insisting on telling the truth, although it is also in the category of truth now. Didn't you see that Vivian obviously wanted to talk to him about something?

The black dog Hagers nodded variously, "Master, I just saw that the lawn outside needs to be mowed. I'll go right away!"

Before leaving with the big scissors, the little black dog quietly made a cheering gesture.

"Bang", the door closes.

Within a few seconds, there was a "click-click" sound outside.

While working, Hagers murmured, "See, see, this is the power of the madam's route. I have long figured it out. To deal with a guy like him with strong limbs and a simple mind, just use your brain a little. Done in minutes.”

Hagers raised his head, and the "goods" were looking at it coldly.


Matthew said, "You think I don't know about all the shit you do?!"

Back in the room, the simple and beautiful Vivian still closed her eyes and covered her ears.

Matthew put her down.

Vivian kissed Matthew's lips again.

She doesn't know anything, Matthew knows everything.

Vivian is very clumsy in this regard, but Vivian is both clumsy and very serious, and Matthew finds it very interesting.


"Lord Matthew."

"Come on, let me show you a big treasure. It's sweet and delicious, and it will help improve your divine power."

Vivian, the spring goddess: ().

Facts have proved that Vivian is not a gifted goddess.

Without Matthew's help, she might not be able to obtain the approval of the secondary spring authorities to this day.

If you don’t have enough talent, you have to work hard to make it happen.

She couldn't do it twice once, or three times twice, and with Master Matthew's careful instruction, she finally mastered some tricks.

At night, Matthew came to the Demon God's Palace again, and there must be no shortage of good wine and food. His Majesty Nilu showed off her appearance in black again.

But she firmly refused to drink.

She said she had something to talk to Matthew about later.

When they got to the bed, Nerubelle ignored the erratic hand, lay in Matthew's arms, and said, "I'm not pregnant."

Matthew: "Huh?"

"Meili misunderstood."

"Oh, that's how it is"

Nerubel looked up and saw a lonely expression on someone's face that she had never seen before. It seemed like what Meili said, he paid great attention to the "baby" in her belly.


Her Majesty Nelu's sincere apology is also rare.

Suddenly, Matthew moved, lifted up her top, and put his ear to it.

Matthew touched the magic pattern on his lower abdomen. Normally, this area was not allowed to be touched.

This is the source of Nerubelle's magic power. Matthew's hand is very strong. If it is broken, she will fall back to SS level.

But today, when Matthew touched it, magic surged in Nelubelle's body.

Due to the continuous use of the magic pattern ability in the arena, the magic power accumulated in the pattern has been exhausted.

Ten seconds were filled with concepts, and Nelubelle almost fainted.

"What did you do to me?" Nilu asked.

"Don't worry, we're getting ready to start."

Matthew said: "I think hard work will always pay off. Also, you dare to lie to me, I want to punish you!"

Thanks to Mr. Meng and Mr. Gongzi for your monthly votes!

Thanks for the reward, sir |'-')

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