This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 216 0215. Nerubel advances to the realm of kings (please subscribe and vote monthly!)

They said that Matthew was so good that they offended the palace, and Mrs. Nelu was so angry that it would not be too much to give them a lesson.

They said something bad about Matthew... They didn't dare to say it, and they weren't qualified to say it; besides, even if Nerubel was scolding her so happily now, it would definitely disappear within two days.

After her anger subsided, she remembered that two little girls had scolded her man. Could the outcome of the two girls be good?

The little snake girl Sasami relied on her personal relationship with Sister Nilu to persuade her: "Sister, maybe Brother Matthew is in an emergency."

Nerubel snorted coldly, "What can he be in a hurry for? He will never come in if there is an emergency. It is the wild women outside who come to him for urgent matters."

Wild seems like they both count.

But if Matthew really goes out to find a woman, Lisa and Sasami are determined to side with Nerubelle.

"Sister Nilu, calm down. We are now on the third floor of the outer battlefield. Maybe there is some danger outside."

"Yes, Sister Nilu, Brother Matthew actually misses you. Brother Matthew has come back three times, right? Each time he only saw you and no one else."

"And Brother Matthew, the holy master, risked his life to come to the battlefield outside the territory. Who is it for? It's you, Sister Nilu."

"The little goblin outside is just that. Even if Brother Matthew is confused, it is only temporary. When he gets tired of playing and remembers that Sister Nilu is waiting for him at home, he will come back to you immediately."

"Besides, the little fairy is pretty and can you be as beautiful as Sister Nilu. Anyway, if I were a man, you would definitely not look for another woman after having Sister Nilu. As for Brother Matthew, he is just playing around. Sister, don't be as knowledgeable as him. , just find an opportunity to teach him a lesson."

No matter what, you need to be persuaded.

The two little girls were not good at persuading this, and their words were confusing. However, there was strength in numbers, and they were able to get their words right at the end of the conversation, which made Nelubelle couldn't help but smile.

"Sister Nilu smiled!"

Sasame and Lisa clapped their hands and said.

Nilu said: "You two have been helping that bastard speak up. Tell me honestly, have you slept with him?"

"No no)!"

The two women immediately denied it.


They looked at each other suspiciously.

Little female dragon Lisa said: "I don't. I'm not like some people who pounce on Brother Matthew when they see him, hoping to get pregnant the next second."

Sasami, who is much shorter than her, immediately retorted: "I didn't! Brother Matthew is my savior, sister Nilu is my good sister, what's wrong with me getting closer to them? And sister Nilu didn't say anything Me, why are you talking about me?"

Sasame crossed her arms and said, "It's a certain female dragon. I've always regretted not being Brother Matthew's mount. I just heard that Brother Matthew is back and he's flying so fast."

Little female dragon Lisa: "I didn't!"

Sasami: "You just have it!"

"Dwarf winter melon!"

"Flat girl!"

"You are shameless!"

"More shameful than you!"

The legendary plastic sisters, hehehe

They had cooperated tacitly when persuading people before, but after Nirubel said something casually, the two of them immediately became mortal enemies.

Finally, Mrs. Nelu made the final decision, "Okay, stop making trouble, I will help you make arrangements when you have time."

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The little female dragon was very courageous. When she heard this, she puffed up her little chest and said, "Sister Nilu, don't worry, I will definitely serve Brother Matthew well."

The little snake girl Sasami was a little embarrassed because she was too familiar with Nerubel, but when she saw a certain female dragon being proud and arrogant, she curled her lips and said, "I'm definitely better than you."

Lisa showed off her long legs, "Just you?"

Sasame straightened her back and said tremblingly, "Yes, it's just me!"

Nerubel, "Since you are so willing to compete, I will arrange for you two to be together."

The little female dragon continued to be arrogant, "Kuoyi, I listen to Sister Nilu!"

Two people together, wouldn't that be

The little snake girl gritted her teeth and said, "I also listen to Sister Nilu!"



Lisa and Salsa Mae went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

Judging from their appearance, they all seem to be sure of winning, and they all have their trump cards hidden.

Nerubel returned to the house, and the big hole in the wall was "healing" on its own.

Nelubelle's smile gradually faded, and her pink hands gradually clenched into fists.

"What on earth is that bastard doing?"

Matthew cheated on Nelu not once or twice. He really did whatever it took to achieve his goal.

Almost every time, his goal was achieved, but this time, he did nothing except push Nerubel away.

"It's urgent, dangerous... He is the Holy Lord, what danger can there be?"

When Matthew left, he took the mouthful of blood he sprayed with him.

Nerubel saw with her own eyes that the blood stood up like a living creature.

"He won't...are he really in any danger..."

Thinking back carefully, although Matthew looked like usual today, he was not serious when we met.

His face...

"His face looked like he had been cursed."

Nerubelle smashed a table with a slap, showing an anxious expression.

But she knew that it was useless to be anxious. No matter how powerful or scheming she was, she was just a realm master, but she could not solve the troubles at the level of a holy master.

At this moment...a whisper came from Nerubelle's ears.

"It's not that you can't influence the Holy Lord, it's just that your strength is indeed a bit lacking."

Whispered: "You are not far from the King of Kai."

Nilu Bell blinked her eyes, yes, after the experience of the battlefield outside the territory, and someone's continuous watering, at this time, Her Majesty Nilu was already at the pinnacle of the world lord. All she had to do was find a suitable main plane, or rely on the gods. The king's secret treasure [Sky Castle] can be upgraded to a realm king.

Matthew told her not to advance to the realm of king in Sky City.

If the Kaio is a god, the main plane is the anchor of the gods.

Although [Sky City] is a valuable secret treasure of the God King, its stability is definitely not as good as that of the main plane.

Not to mention, Sky City is already the anchor of the Three Hundred Realm Kings, and Nerubel is destined not to go far if she gets on this ship.

Whispered: "Why do you have to rely on outsiders to advance to the realm of kings? Has your man relied on anything? He has not; your talent and potential are not inferior to his, and you can also advance to the realm of kings with your own strength."

A dim light flashed, and the witch Nelubel advanced successfully!

What a magical, strange feeling.

Nerubel saw more clearly, her perception was amplified, and her only connection with Sky City was severed the moment she successfully advanced.

At the same time, some of the suppression and restraints placed on her by [Sky City] disappeared.

Nerubel raised her hand, "This is the power of the King of Kai."

Summoning the thunder dagger, Nilu tried to stab it, but this realm master's secret treasure couldn't even pierce her skin.

"I can break them."

"Even without the blessing of the main plane, I am many times stronger than the peak realm lord."

Whispered: "No, my child, you are stronger than those realm kings who rely on external forces to advance, and your future achievements will be greater."

"Down below, there's Kaioshin."

Nerubel: "Kaioshin?"

Whispering: "That's right, in fact, the Kaioshin in your eyes is not much stronger than the Kaiowen. Listen to me..."

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