This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 217 0216. I know the secret of the Holy King (Please subscribe and vote monthly!)

Having seen the toxicity of soul beads, Matthew had already killed the new clone.

All the soul beads and the king beast soul beads were eaten by the new No. 1 soul bead. If these beads are poisonous, he will be the most poisoned.


Matthew didn't care about the clones scattered outside. There was obviously no obvious abnormality in the original body. For safety reasons, Matthew still distributed the status of the original body to more than a hundred clones.

This is equivalent to diluting the toxin.

Matthew's strength was close to that of the legendary Holy Lord, and he had removed 99% of the toxins that might have accumulated in his body. Only then did he dare to go home to see Nilu.

However, he did not expect that such a so-called "poison" could still occur.

Matthew had a feeling that after Black Blood stood up, his target was not himself, but Nelubelle.

"Are you going to take my woman as a hostage and then threaten me? Just dream!"

A mouthful of blood came out, and Matthew's condition completely returned to normal.

The system did not display it, but the quasi-holy king's perception told Matthew that all the drawbacks caused by his previous consumption of soul beads had been eliminated.

No, it has not been completely eliminated, but has been temporarily suppressed in the Sky Tower.

The top of the Sky Tower.

"Tower Spirit" Tina's face turned pale, "Master, Master, what did you put in? It is so vicious and destructive!"

The Sky Tower has a total of 28 floors, which is equivalent to blessing 28 seals.

Due to the change in the nature of use, breaking through the first level also requires Kaioshin-level power.

Matthew said: "Don't worry, just follow me!"

Little Tina in Flame Yuyi: "..."

She had no choice but to follow him, as Matthew held the miniature Sky Tower in his hands.

Return to Matthew's House in the Underground Vault.

The red-haired female realm king Wennington is preparing dinner for His Majesty.

Matthew said: "Open the door, I want to go up!"

Wennington: ()?

It is normal for the Holy Lord to appear and disappear, and it is also normal for the Holy Lord to give strong orders.

However, after not seeing each other for a few hours, Matthew's expression returned to the look it had when they first met.

Also, "Your Majesty, I haven't finished collecting the information about the statue of the Holy King yet..."

Matthew said: "No, I'll open the door myself!"

Stepping to the door of the underground shelter, Matthew shouted: "Open the door!"

The black-faced old woman who was resting in the triangular house raised her scepter and swiped it to the side, and the large iron door of the shelter opened.

Sky Tower, Little Tina: "Master, Master, it's getting more and more fierce, I can't suppress it anymore!"

Matthew replied: "Hold on, you have completed the task I gave you well. I will treat you to delicious hot dog ice cream later."

Hearing this, Xiao Tina's eyes lit up in various ways, but she quickly reacted.

"I don't want to eat that stinky stuff."

Matthew glared.

Little Tina instantly understood, "I was wrong, can't I just eat..."

While being sincere, she couldn't help but laugh twice.

The third, fourth and fifth floors.

The eighth, ninth and tenth floors.

Not only did the black-blood monster's breakthrough speed not slow down as the number of layers increased, but it became faster and faster.

Matthew returns to the third level of the surface world.

A teleportation came to the plain with rolling black clouds.

"Let it out!"

All 28 doors of the Sky Tower are opened.

Immediately afterwards, something that looked like venom burst out of the door and headed straight for Matthew.

It comes from Matthew's body, cannot survive independently, and cannot find a new parasite. Naturally, it is most reliable to return to the original body.




"You despicable reptiles, come and kill me if you dare!"

The lightning of Gonzalez, the Holy Lord of Black Thunder, has arrived. It does not distinguish between friend and foe, and will strike at any living thing it sees.

Obviously, monsters with only fluid black blood are also within the category of living creatures.




Matthew and Fluid Black Blood were struck at the same time. No injury was not his goal. He wanted to see if Gonzalez's black thunder could kill Fluid Black Blood.

Moreover, after being struck twice by lightning, Matthew found that he was more energetic.

"Oh, the thunder attribute restrains the poison of the soul bead."

"Kakaka"! ...the thunder continued.

The fluid black blood was finally not so fierce, as if seeing that Matthew was not afraid of getting hit, he had no intention of leaving, and wanted to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

"If you want to run away, there's no way."

Matthew found that physical attacks could not overcome this "venom", and he could not attack with spells, so he thought of using other forces to kill him.

On the third level of the extraterritorial battlefield, outside of St. Ann Village, there were so many strange powers that Matthew's clone was split into two and a half, let alone a ball of flesh.

"Come on, this is just an appetizer, the fun is yet to come."

The next day, the volume of the fluid black blood shrank from adult level to adolescent level, wilting.

On the third day, the liquid black blood was only the size of a child's. It lay on the ground and would not get up unless Matthew was chasing after it.

On the fourth day, the fluid black blood turned into a small black fist, and then turned into a villain, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing in various ways.

"Brother, I was wrong. I never dare to do it again. Please let me live."

Gee, after "getting along" with Matthew for a few days, he even learned human speech, which is worthy of praise.

"I didn't mean to harm anyone, I just wanted to live."

"I have a little memory of the Holy King. I know the secret of advancing to the Holy King. I just ask you to let me go."

Matthew: Level MAX/600.

Unknowingly, it was promoted to another level.

Unfortunately, the level limit of 600 is still not a Holy King.




The fluid black blood was finally broken.

Every drop of blood evaporated into black mist, and all the bits and pieces were evaporated at the same time.

Matthew's use of soul beads to upgrade is finally over.

No, if he could still find soul beads at the king beast level or even higher than the king beast in the dark land, he would still choose to eat them.

A great man once said that 300% interest can make people desperate.

Level 500 to 600, although it is not as fast as the version update, but its speed is still too fast, so fast that Matthew still can't believe it.



"Could it be that the Kaiojins in Sheng'an Village decided to pursue their so-called path to the Holy King without hesitation because of what I felt just now?"

Matthew woke up little Tina who had fallen on his shoulder again, "Let me ask you, what exactly is the Holy King?"

Tina, who was gluttonous and sleepy, woke up dimly and said: "The Holy King is the Holy King. He rules a Holy Domain. When it comes to fighting, even a hundred Holy Lords are no match for one Holy King."

Saying it means saying it in vain.

"Then how could the Holy King not be able to defeat an evil creature?"

Xiao Tina replied: "Because it is too evil. It is more powerful than you...well, it is more powerful than the Holy King. Not only is it a powerful fighter, it is also good at confusing people. I remember that the Holy King and Holy Lord who died back then had Xiao Tina. Half died at the hands of their own people.”

Matthew: "I feel like you're hiding something from me."

Tina: "No, no, absolutely no master, I'll serve four!"

Matthew looked in the direction of St. Ann's Village, "If not, then don't let me know."

Tina lowered her head: dot, dot, dot.

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