This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 252 0251. One Hundred Thousand Universe Coins

A long-faced man blocked Matthew's way, with a familiar smile on his face, "Ha, Jack, isn't this Brother Jack? You didn't even say a word to Big Brother when you came here, let's go, let's go, Big Brother will buy you a drink!"

The other two big men were also laughing and joking, seeming to drag Matthew away.

"What are you doing, let go?!"

Judging from the appearance and essence, Millie, the bespectacled girl, is as courageous as Little Tina +1.

But she wasn't timid at all when facing the enemy. Unfortunately, her combat power was too poor and she couldn't defeat three big men.

"We don't even know you!" Millie shouted.

She probably planned to attract passers-by and use the rules on the train to scare them away.

Three big men and three realm kings, many passers-by knew them.

"Those three scoundrels again."

"Who knows the couple opposite?"

"I don't know him. He seems to be new here."

"New here? No wonder."

On the street, three big men did not intend to entangle, and instead grabbed Millie.

Kaiou versus Kaiou, unless there is a real fight, it is difficult to win immediately even if it is three against one.

As for the Realm Master, the weakling, the three of them can crush the bespectacled girl to death with just a little bit of strength.

Matthew pulled Milly behind him and said, "You have the final say, I will go with you."

When the three big men heard this, the boy was a little interested.

"Okay, we don't want to steal our brothers' women, let's go and have a drink!"

Matthew turned and waved to the girl with glasses, "Wait for me here."

After saying this, the four of them put their arms around each other and turned into a small alley.

The eldest brother among the big men played with the dagger in a novel way, "swish, swish, swish", which was dazzling.

He patted Matthew on the shoulder and said, "Brother, since you are still worthy of Daoer, the three of us will not make things difficult for you. We will keep your clothes and hand over the rest of your things, and then you can leave."

Matthew said: "Okay."

Then he suddenly grabbed the fancy dagger and cut off the hand that had just patted his shoulder.


"Asshole, I will kill you today!"

Matthew took action first, and the nature of the matter immediately changed. From now on, the three brothers could fully say that they were acting in self-defense.

"Kill him!"

"Bang, bang", the two big brothers fell to the ground and turned into soft-footed shrimps.

When the boss saw it, he was confused.

"Big, big, sir..."

【Space Strangulation】!

With this move, Matthew can instantly kill any Kaio.

The eldest brother among the big men was broken into pieces, and the space ring was left behind.

The remaining two realm kings——

"We say, we say, we are willing to say anything!"

"Your Majesty, we are willing to sign a slave contract with you, please spare our lives!"

Matthew said: "Not interested."

"Swish, swish", two more blows, and all three Kaiou brothers were killed.

Lord Matthew’s Universe Coin +2518!

"Three paupers."

In addition, there are some miscellaneous things, as well as equipment items and the secret treasure of the Unbounded King.

"Three paupers."

Clapping his hands, Matthew returned the same way.

Millie, the bespectacled girl, was sitting on the ground and crying.

"Why are you crying? I didn't go to the crematorium."

Milly raised her head, took off her wet glasses, wiped them hard, and put them back on, "Master Xiu, you are back!"

After confirming that Matthew was intact, the bespectacled girl screamed happily and hugged Matthew's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Passenger Room, No. 589.

Matthew came back and threw out a huge pile of bits and pieces.

Equip medicines, rocks for taking pictures, women's clothes and so on.

Matthew washed his hands and went to bed to read and said, "Take it and sell it tomorrow, and also sell it to that store."

The bespectacled girl pointed to the small clothes and the things on the back, "Sir, do you want to sell these too?"

Matthew: "."

With a [Space Strangulation], it was crushed into the air.

After finishing the work, Matthew started studying again.

Well, I have money in my pocket, so I can do anything without panic.

Milly on the other side first sorted and sorted the things that Master Xiu brought back.

Then there are your own things.

After working as a maid for a few days, she was a little tired. Milly learned a lot.

The so-called working outside the home is to exchange things for money, but Milly did not sit idle during the free time, but worked for others for free.

Milly knew that she had no ability to survive. After this trip, she would definitely not be able to go back in a short time.

Since she is not going back, she must be able to survive. It is not easy to be self-sufficient. At least she must learn to take care of herself first.

Milly arranged Master Xiu's shoes, wiped the table, cleaned the floor, and the bathroom. During the process, she was 100% gentle and did not disturb Master Xiu while he was reading.

In fact, she was quite curious about what Master Xiu was watching every day.

Kaiou, Kaiou, a coveted rank. If she were a Kaiou, her family would never give her to a dying old man so easily.

Immediately, the bespectacled girl Milly sighed, and the disguise on her face disappeared unconsciously.

There is a flaw in their clan's abilities, that is, they cannot be used when they are completely relaxed.

In other words, when Milly is at home and there is no one or thing to guard against, her ability to transform and disguise will lose its effect.

She ran away from home and was alone, so she had to be careful at every turn.

But just now, her wariness towards Matthew no longer existed, and she naturally returned to her true self.


The girl with glasses couldn't help but blush.

"It's not like that Milly. Master Xiu is a good person. Although he likes to tease people, Master Xiu is an out-and-out good person."

Matthew was silently dealt a good guy card without even realizing it.

After exiting the study state, Milly just returned with dinner.

"Hey, there's progress."

These are two sentences.

The previous part was filled with doubts about Millie's return to her true self.

What follows is appreciation for her proactive and conscious attitude.

Dining tables, plates, cutlery.

Millie still hasn't left.

Matthew smiled and said, "What, you plan to eat with me?"

Milly: "No, no, no, I've already had lunch, Master Xiu."

"Then you plan to feed me?"

Milly was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and Matthew said: "No, my hands are not that disabled yet."

Matthew asked while eating: "Tell me, what do you want from me? Don't be in a daze, you just wrote a few words on your face that I have something to say."

Beautiful bespectacled girl Millie(`): "Oh."

She gave Matthew a deep bow. Well, where there is a ditch, there will be fire.

"Sir, I already sold those things in the afternoon."

"How much?"

Milly handed over a crystal card with both hands, and the number on it showed: 100,000.

Then, "They gave your seal back."

Matthew’s total assets: 105,758 Universe Coins.

Convert it into gold coins. If you don’t exchange it for gold coins, the gold coins are worthless, so you won’t exchange them for gold coins anymore.

After taking back his belongings, Matthew said, "I guess they're a bit jealous."

Matthew's main purpose for going out this time was to redeem things for the bespectacled girl, and earn some pocket money by the way.

If the other party was not so greedy, he would make less money. The shop owner Mud was interested in Matthew's purse, so he would not blame Matthew for taking money out of his purse.

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