This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 253 0252. Isn’t the God of War delicious?

Matthew killed someone on the Star Train.

No one knew about the two-headed travelers before, but the conflict between the Han Kaio trio and Matthew was obvious to all.

As a result, Matthew returned to the carriage room safely, and the three brothers disappeared. Then his people took the three brothers' relics to the shop to exchange money. To describe it in four words, it was audacious.

The rules of the interstellar train cannot be trampled upon, and the face of His Majesty the Holy Lord cannot be trampled upon even more.

After getting the "evidence", Mader, the store owner, immediately reported it to the police.

Then, there is no more.

Boss Big Mouth waited for half an hour, but there was no response from the "official" forces. He was so frightened that he hurriedly invited Milly, who was in charge of selling things, into the VIP room in the inner hall.

Milly left the shopping street with the crystal card and seal, and Mader immediately changed the clerk!

Again, the rules of the interstellar train cannot be violated. Otherwise, if you step on them and others kick them, how can the passengers on the train willingly pay for the tickets?

The reason for not caring about it must be that the three Kaio brothers are too insignificant.

On the other hand, the strength or background status of the person who killed the three brothers was enough to make His Majesty the Holy Lord break the rules a little.

And this kind of person Madhu and his shop cannot afford to offend.

One hundred thousand cosmic coins were exchanged for the other party's tolerance, and the shop owner handed over the three brothers' belongings after a quick maneuver.

These things are not valuable, but they are genuine evidence. Holding them in his arms will make the Star Lord mistakenly think that he intends to use them as a threat.

Busy till evening.

He still felt uneasy.

"Forget it, it's better to lose some money than lose your life."

"I have made money for half my life, so it's time for me to take a rest."

That night, the grocery store was closed and temporarily suspended.

The question is that the boss is going on a trip and will be back after a while.

Room 589.

Master Matthew, who once again escaped from abject poverty, was in a beautiful mood.

Milly, who has regained her true appearance, is also quite beautiful. She is not as beautiful as Nelubelle, who is in the extreme trend. She is a girl with glasses and has a cuteness that no other woman has.

No, she is still a little girl.

Matthew had no intention of turning her into a woman.

"Master Xiu, can I continue to follow you?"

Taking advantage of her own merits, the bespectacled girl Milly said.

Matthew said: "I didn't drive you away either."

Milly mustered up her courage and said, "Sir, I'm talking about after getting off the bus."

Matthew frowned.

Assuming that Milly is a Holy Lord or a Kaioshin, it won't be a big problem for Matthew to bring her along.

The current Lord Matthew doesn't like to fight. If a strong man comes to fight, he will fight. Even the minions want him to take action, which is troublesome.

It's a pity that Milly is a realm master, and the kind of realm master whose fighting ability is quite mediocre.

"I'll just bring Sky City out."

With the Sky City in hand, Matthew could throw Milly in and take it out when needed, and there would be no problem.

So he asked, "Where are you going?"

The girl with little glasses shook her head, "This is my first time leaving my hometown."

"Then it turned into running away from home?"


Milly felt that there was little hope and said quickly: "Sir, I will go wherever you go. I am willing to serve you and study at the same time. My talent is not bad, but it was wasted before, and there are still more..."

In the end, Millie's most valuable thing is her body.

Matthew said: "I want to go to the Phoenix Realm, where there is a war. The Holy Kings are fighting, and the Holy Lords have fallen."

Milly puffed up her modest chest and said, "I'm not afraid, Master Xiu. If I die, it's my fate and it has nothing to do with you."

Matthew: "I promised you that you have nothing to do with me, so don't rely on me when the time comes."

"Thank you, Master Xiu, thank you, Master Xiu!"

It wasn't that Matthew was soft-hearted, but that he suddenly remembered the glasses girl's head-changing and transformation skills.

The Holy Land of Phoenix is ​​also unknown to him.

Even if he succeeds in finding Kristina, he may not get the result he wants.

Matthew has hundreds of clones, but the werewolf killing incident proved that this skill has hidden dangers.

He can also transform, but it is a very simple and crude transformation.

Millie changed her head, Matthew couldn't see the flaw, and the system gave no prompts.

"You become me and see."

"Okay, sir. But you have to wait for me to think about it for a while. It's too safe here."

Millie, the bespectacled girl, transforms into a female Matthew!


Ho ho ho ho, what changes is the body, and the clothes will not change because of it.

Holding his nose, Matthew tapped "himself" on the face and patted "himself" on the chest, "It's really hard to see any flaws."

He wanted to ask Milly, "Are you cheating?" but he didn't have the nerve to ask.

If Millie needs to disguise herself as Matthew in the future, no one will check to see if she has anything to do with it.

Done, solved.

Lord Matthew continued to go to bed and learn new knowledge.

Late at night.

The girl with glasses packed up and went to take a shower.

After five minutes, ten minutes and fifteen minutes, she finally took a nice shower.

The girl with glasses has blue hair, light, smooth and shiny.

Blow-dry your long hair, tie it up, and put on your nightgown.

Millie breathed, breathed, took a deep breath, and then she got into Matthew's bed at once!

"What are you going to do if I go?"

"Don't you wear glasses? How could this be a mistake?"

"Go, go, go, don't disturb me reading. Think about what to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow, and what else is fun in the car. We still have two days to get off the bus, so we can't come here in vain."

Milly, the courageous girl with glasses: (.)

After reacting, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Thank you, my lord."


Matthew said she was boring.

Millie cried and laughed and went back to her bed.

Room 589 was quiet for a while.

After a while, Milly, who was in the bed next door, asked: "Master Xiu, can I ask you a question?"

Mr. Matthew is very good at playing octavo (Krypton gold) games, and he talks easily while reading comics.

"If you have any questions, ask them quickly. You still have a chance to regret it before you get off the bus, but you won't have it after that."

Milly blinked her big eyes that were still a little red and asked: "Master Xiu, do you have a wife?"

Bang bang bang, bang bang, bang bang.

Matthew said: "No...but I have a lot of little sisters who play well."

Milly's face changed from () to (`).

After taking a few breaths, she added: "My hometown is in the blue-light star field of Persia Kent Sanctuary, in the plane of Miluo. What about you?"

Matthew: "Second question."

Milly looked eager to learn.

Ho ho ho, the little bespectacled girl is even more cowardly than little Tina, and her level of coquettishness is at least 50 to 60% as good as the goddess of wisdom Saori.

Well, reading comics all the time can be boring, especially the water part.

Then Matthew said: "I am the male god of the God Realm in the Xinghai Shenmu Plane."

"A kind-hearted man?"


When Matthew chose the god position, it was completely random by the system.

Isn’t the God of War delicious?

The God of Fighting and the God of Light are also more popular than the kind-hearted God of Meow.

"Master Xiu, what are you doing in the Holy Land of Phoenix?"

"Find someone?"

"I'll help you find it, sir."

"Come on, I'm looking for someone who can make you die ten thousand times with just one glare."

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