This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Those Who Have Been Banned 2 (This chapter is free)

02.Those whose accounts have been banned 2 (this chapter is free)


The stage is so big, so many people are queuing, going back and forth, and it’s even crowded.

However, some were lively, some were lackluster throughout, and some were bombarded.

After all, there are too many people who want to appear.

Balu, the evil dragon demon king, felt miserable.

There are things worse than that.

[No, I am the worst, I want to add drama! 】

——From Demon King Balu.

[No matter how miserable you are, can you be worse than those nameless sidekicks? 】


[Go and take your medicine. 】

[No, I’m not sick, I don’t want to take medicine! 】

Two contestants walked onto the stage.

One is ugly, the other is uglier.

Ugly said: "Hello everyone, I am the extremely evil demon king, one of the only three SS-level demon kings in the demon world."

Even uglier said: "Hello everyone, I am the Great Demon King of the Abyss, and I am also one of the only three SS-level demon kings in the demon world. When you look at the abyss, the abyss is also looking at you."

Harmony: "Hello everyone, we are the combination of Ji (ji) Le (e) Pure (shen) Tu (yuan)!"

"Today we are going to dance for you."

"You can even sing a paragraph."

"It's okay to say a cross talk."

The two ugly beeps were decisively knocked down.

Next two.

"Hello everyone, I am the Wisdom Demon King Hax."

"I am the Spirit Demon King Bruder."

"I asked for extra scenes," said the horned Hux.

The old and ugly Bruder was very confident, "I ask for it, it doesn't matter if I add it or not."

Hax immediately became unhappy and reminded: "Read according to the script."

Bruder said: "The two little witches you sent yesterday taste good, but I have already eaten them all, unless you send me two more."

Hux: "No!"

"very good."

Spirit Demon King Bruder raised his chest and raised his head, "Originally, I didn't want to pretend, but it's a pity that my strength doesn't allow it."

"Please give us a review. Which demon king has more scenes than me in the text?"

"There should be applause here!"

It doesn't seem like much.

However, Bruder didn't notice and continued: "So, you can't be too rigid as a demon king. Some demon kings claim to be highly intelligent and don't even know the most basic thigh-hugging skills."

Hux complained: "No Bilian."

Spirit Demon King Bruder replied: "Why do you want face? Can you have money to spend on face? Can you have a witch to accompany you if you want face? Or can you add some drama if you want face?"

"Besides, I am the Demon King. Is it wrong for me to hug Her Majesty Nelu's thigh?"

"Your Majesty Matthew is the husband of Your Majesty Nilu. Is it wrong for me to hug his thigh?"

"Lady Ares, the Goddess of the younger sister of His Majesty Nelu. I hugged her thigh. Is that wrong?!"

Anyone who has read the last few chapters knows that Hera, the Great Mother Goddess of the Divine Tree Sanctuary, and Kate, the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, are equivalent to one person.

Nerubel is the daughter of the demon lord Kate, which is equivalent to the daughter of the mother goddess Hera.

And the Shenmu goddesses are all daughters of Hera. In this way, Nerubel has a proper sister relationship with the goddesses.

Just then——

A portal opens.

Nelubelle, wearing a black swan dress, walked out quickly.

"Your Majesty Nilu!"

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty Nilu!"

The two demon kings bowed to the end.

Nerubel asked coldly: "Have you seen Matthew?"

Wisdom Demon King Hax: "No."

The demon king Bruder talked a lot, "Your Majesty, this is a special show for titled characters. Your Majesty, Matthew, is the male protagonist. How could he be here?"

Nerubel: "Yeah."

There was no praise or reprimand, indicating that Bruder had once again succeeded in holding the thigh!

However, Nilu did not leave immediately.

"Who said just now that the goddess and I are sisters?"

Spirit Demon King Bruder: "!!!"

Hax decisively identified, "It's Him, Your Majesty."

"Brud, this young man, not only used the goddess to belittle you, but also said that hugging the goddess's thigh is right."

Bruder: "Ha, please don't spit on demons!"

Wisdom Demon King Hax smiled and said four characters steadily, "I have a recording."


"Dong dong"!

Blood splattered all over the floor.

It took the staff a long time to finally clean it up.

Next person.

Sister-in-law Stephanie appears.

"Cough, cough."

Little Witch Stephanie moistened her throat.

Dressed like a navy commander, she took off her outer cloak and put it aside, straightening her large-brimmed hat.

"Hello everyone, I am Matthew's sister-in-law and Nerubelle's sister Stephanie."

"I have some bad news for you today."

"I just finished watching the finale. After watching it, I realized that all the scenes I shot in the second half were cut out!"

"I want to complain, I want to report, report that the author took advantage of that little tablet, tampered with the script, and randomly deleted characters!"

After saying this, Stephanie changed to crying, "My role was just average at first, and then the author told me that Mia was banned and asked me to take her place as the female number three, four, five and six."

"I know there are many backup heroines in this book, but I took a peek at Mia's script. It's super thick and has a lot of scenes, so I agreed."

"As a result, I became another hated character after Mia and Hagus."

"Can you blame me? I act according to the script."

"The crowd's eyes are very sharp. I ate so many bananas and practiced waist kung fu so many times for this role, but in the end I didn't use it!"

"Author, come out!"

"You added my role to that flat little girl, didn't you?!"

"What, no?"

"I do not believe!"

Little Witch Stephanie crossed her arms.

Another voice came from the audience.

Stephanie listened and said, "You said Barbie is also banned in disguise?...That's more or less the same."

But in some ways, the little witch is also very smart.

Immediately, Stephanie reacted, "Does it have anything to do with me whether she blocks her account? I am me, and she is her."

"You deleted her scene and didn't add it to me!"

Countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7...

Miss Stephanie instantly became a pitiful person.

"All you kind-hearted brothers and sisters, please vote for me. I want to show my face in the extra episode."


"You must vote for me."

Stephanie stepped off the stage in high combat boots.

The last one.

Hell Girl Barbie!

A little Barbie girl in a pure white dress and glass slippers walked onto the stage.

"Hello everyone, I'm Barbie, Matthew's dad's cutest, most loving, and most obedient daughter."

"Because I am obedient, my view on being cut off from the scene is's weird."

The little girl puffed up her cheeks, looking fierce.

"It's all Stephanie's fault."

"My character and her are natural enemies. She was hated and banned, so I immediately lost my enemies."

"Without enemies, there is no conflict. Without conflict, there is nothing to watch. My role is just like that, gone."

"In order to defeat that super-thick-skinned woman, I watched the entire set of "The Devil's Father" eight times."

"That's it, I didn't even get a shot of the second half."

"I want to say...where is the author? I want to kill him!"

Voices from the audience.

The Barbie girl was still fierce, "What, you said my character coincides with the otaku goddess Angela?"

"Nonsense, you think I haven't read the script. Angela's character is a yandere, and my character is a good daughter. Where is the overlap?"

"What, you said Angela changed her character? When did it happen?"

"After Miya was banned... I wasn't there yet."

Little Barbie was helpless.

Helpless and sighing.

"Okay, let's forget about the previous things for now. If you don't have me in the extra chapter, I will definitely kill you!"

"What, my dad is about to appear."

Barbie girl instantly turned into a little white flower, "Yeah, yeah, vote for me in the extra episode, thank you, love you, okay~"

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

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