This man is obviously super strong but refuses to pass the level

Chapter 436 03. When Matthew is no longer a max-level boss

"Ring ring ring"!

There was a loud sound of the alarm clock.

On the single bed in the bedroom, Matthew slapped Zhong, but he failed to shut up Zhong.

"Hey, where did the alarm clock come from?"

Matthew, who had not yet opened his eyes, said: "I have been sleeping until I wake up naturally for many years. Although I don't sleep often."

"Besides, I seemed to have used a lot of strength just now."

Full level boss.

The Origin Holy Lord.

The Lord of the Universe of the Flame Universe.

Can't deal with an alarm clock?

Two slaps, three slaps, four slaps, and the world finally became quiet.

Then, Matthew felt something was wrong again because he felt pain in his hand.

Open your left eye to the slit.

Matthew took the hand that was slapping the alarm clock over and said, "Nah, it turned out really well."


With a "swish", he sat up from the bed. Due to the suddenness, the blood supply to the brain was insufficient, and he felt dizzy.

Familiar bed, familiar ceiling, familiar everything.

After more than ten seconds, Matthew's vision returned to stability.

At the same time, he finally realized that he had traveled back through time.

The main mission.

The last link to dominate the universe ends.

[Congratulations to Mr. Matthew for successfully completing the level! 】

The natural next step is to return to the original world.

Or, "With high EQ, this is just a dream. I am still playing with the goddesses in the God Realm. This is my dream; with low EQ, I have never worn it, but dreamed that I was at full level." Time travel, ho ho ho.”

Pick up the phone on the bedside table.

Matthew didn't realize he was on the phone because the alarm sound from the phone reminded him.

As an ordinary migrant worker, it is normal to work overtime on the first day and lie in bed the next day.

Double alarms represent double insurance, and sometimes double insurance may not be reliable.

Several tests proved that Matthew was indeed back.

Regardless of whether he can accept it or not, getting up and going to work is a must.

As necessary as breakfast, lunch and dinner are, work is also necessary.

How necessary the rent is, how necessary it is to work.

With a carton of milk and a piece of bread, Matthew put on his shoes and walked out.

One second goes and comes back again.

"I remembered, the inspection of work clothes has been strict recently, so you can't just enter the office casually."

I rummaged through the box and couldn't find it.

Matthew covered his handsome face again, "It should be at the company, I have a bad memory."


Mobile push.

Pay attention to the information.

[Infinity Train will be released in Dragon Kingdom soon! 】

[Slam Dunk is going to get a movie version! 】

"Cow beep."

Matthew shouted excitedly, put his work badge in his pocket, and went out to work.

"duangduang, duangduang"~

The city's morning rush hour is a crowded morning rush hour, and this is true all year round.

It is summer at this time, and the subway environment is a typical example of alternating hot and cold conditions.

Holding the handrail with one hand and scrolling through the mobile phone with the other, this is the normal state of workers.

There are messy sounds of chatting, chewing, swallowing, etc. in my ears.

Matthew is checking the time.

How long did it take for him to go from the real world to the game world, and then back from the game world, and whether there were any new changes.

"It's not that long."

Matthew consoled himself.

"Damn it, it happened so many years ago, I know what year and month I went to see old Hera?!"

Before going out, Matthew subconsciously opened the portal.

In the real world, this is a bad habit, can hit people hard, and is embarrassing.

To put it bluntly, it’s just that I’ve been dreaming for too long and haven’t recovered from it.

Think about what to have for lunch.

Think of the landlord’s vicious face.

Think again that if you don’t work hard, you will have to use your precious figures to exchange for money...


Matthew asked again, "Why didn't I see them when we came out?"

At this moment, a hand that was not very big stretched out to Matthew's thigh.

Whether he had experience or the perception in his dream was brought back, Matthew dodged away flexibly and without leaving a trace.

Looking back, it was an aunt.

He is in his forties, with slit crow's feet, and a well-maintained figure that is visible, but it is only visible when wearing clothes, after all, he has reached his age.

The aunt failed, but she was not angry. On the contrary, her eyes were filled with the brilliance of the game, and her cheeks, which were heavily powdered, were abnormally flushed, like... a slut in a book.

The aunt came over and said quietly: "Young man, do you want to save 20 years of hard work?"

Hold the grass, this is the real-life story of my girlfriend’s 60th birthday!

I remember Matthew once laughed at two evil gods. The female evil god was at least nearly ten million years older than the male evil god.

Just talk about the relationship between a man and a woman, no one would believe it!

In the subway.

A new stop has arrived.

The aunt took advantage of the chaos and stuffed something into Matthew's hand.

Matthew looked down and was a mini remote control.


If you come out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Matthew threw away the thing and took advantage of the moment the car door closed to get out.

As for the aunt in the car, her current body is not suitable for playing a chase game.

But she didn't seem to give up, standing at the door and watching Matthew until the subway left the platform.

the other side.

Matthew, who was "surviving the disaster", shook his head and said helplessly: "It's all my face that caused the trouble. If it were a slut like Nelubelle, I would reluctantly accept the remote control, 'Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore'" 'I can't do it... This is more confidence than a commander should have!"

Since I woke up early today, the bus was just a little late. After leaving the subway station, Marshal Bimao ​​ran all the way.

Two kilometers in eight minutes.

Running laps on the playground is nothing.

Where does reality come from?

Stairs are not decorations, traffic lights are not decorations, and he can't take off.

Hurrying slowly, Matthew finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words "Go to work, punched in successfully."


Oh again↗.

Mainly, Matthew found that after running the two-kilometer obstacle course, his face was not red and his heart was not beating. "Could it be that... the super physical strength in the dream was also brought back to me?"

Lord Matthew in the dream, 1VS2, 1VS3, 1VS4 smiled slightly.

If he is still generous in reality, he will not have to worry about it for the rest of his life.

"With my face and my waist, which girl will be better off in the end?"

Enter the building.

Card swiping failed.

Matthew regarded his ID card as a work badge, so naturally he couldn't open the gate.

"The work badge is also on the work station?"

"Swipe your card in both directions at the gate. How did I get out last night?"

Well, although I have completed my check-in, it is not appropriate to go too late at night.

So Matthew left the gate on the left, turned around and walked to the right. He met the lady at the front desk and said with a smile: "Beauty, open the door for me. I forgot to bring my work badge."

His smile was so healing that the lady at the front desk took a few seconds to remember to answer: "I'm sorry, sir, we have rules."

Matthew said: "The rule is that the dead are alive, how about I buy you coffee after get off work in the evening?"

The lady at the front desk shook her head in various ways.

" takes out, guaranteed to arrive in 30 minutes, COCO, Gongcha, Heytea, Yidian... just pick whatever you want and I'll treat you to a drink!"

"Then buy the Heytea. I want it with a milk cap."

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