Sea Calendar In 1505, Queen Otohime of Fishman Island began to collect signatures from citizens for World Government meetings to show the world the desire of the people of Fishman Island to emigrate.

However, very few Fishman signed.

In the same year, Hailan received a call for help from Grand Line "Peach Island" Yami, saying that the king of their country had turned into a ladyboy overnight, and "Peach Island" was trapped all over the country. It's a mess.

This is a headache for Hai Lan. He originally planned to go to Peach Island for a holiday, but this unimaginable thing happened.

With the attitude of "appreciating the wonderful country", Hailan went to Peach Island, the hometown of Yami, and the result was that the group of Marines who were not surprised almost fell their jaws by the country.

The "shemales" in this world are different from the Thai shemales on Earth.

The Thai ladyboys are "transgender", and the ladyboys on Peach Island are a group of women's ladies...

If you are a white-faced boy like Kuro, maybe put on a lady's dress It can also be used as an entertainment show, but Peach Island is a group of brawny with thick legs and chest hair and ugly looks. They put on women's clothing. The scene can be described as "horror".

And the weirdest thing is that, for some reason, many citizens of this country have readily accepted their status as "shemales". As a Marine who follows the formal procedures, Hailan has no right to intervene in other people’s internal affairs. contradiction.

In the end, he could only escape from Peach Island with Yami.

The homeless Yami finally chose to join Marine and was incorporated into Marine School...


"I will come back so soon Is it?"

Back home, Zephyr looked at Hailan with a weird face, and said in doubt: "I thought you would spend a few more days on Peach Island."

As soon as Hailan remembered her experience in Taoise Island, she felt toothaches: "Don't go... Never go again... That place is poisonous... Spicy eyes..."


Zephyr frowned: "Did the Pirates use poison qi to attack that place?"

"Zephyr-sensei, Hailan said it was poisonous? That's not what I meant..."

There was a voice in the kitchen. A little girl with short orange hair and a dress came out with a plate of juice.

It was Koala who was rescued by Hailan a year ago.

Among the slaves captured by the Richard family, some were sent back to their hometowns by Smoker, some chose to join Marine, and some slaves became insane after being rescued and were imprisoned by Marine into mental illness. hospital.

When it comes to mental issues, Hailan can only use the word "admiration" for Koala.

After a year of soothing treatment, Koala's personality has regained her cheerfulness. Koala is now full of vigor, without the shadow of the slave girl who was desperately mopping the floor.

In Hailan's view, people who have experienced this kind of experience will either go crazy or become distorted in character and begin to embark on the path of inhuman.

Koala's character can be restored to health, although the care of Marine Old Seniors is indispensable, it is more of her own strong heart.

This is really commendable.

However, Koala was too young to enter Marine School.

Several old Marine comrades discussed and decided to adopt this little girl temporarily.

As the only Marine Headquarter, Sengoku is too busy.

The Crane staff was hunting down Donquixote Family recently.

Garp cannot bring a child-this is the consensus of everyone.

So Zephyr, who took a back seat as the Marine Chief Instructor, became the best candidate.

Hailan picked up a glass of juice from the coffee table: "Koala, why are you so diligent today? Did you make any mistakes?"

Zephyr glared at Hailan:" Koala is much more sensible than you were when you were a kid.

How silly like you.

Also, do you use "poisonous" like that? Don’t teach Koala to talk in the future."

Nonsense? When did I mess around?

Well, old people like to protect children, I don't care about you.

Hailan glanced at Koala inadvertently and found that the little girl was rubbing the corners of her skirt, as if there was something unspeakable.

So Hailan took the initiative to ask: "Is there really something wrong?"

Zephyr also realized that something was wrong, "Koala, if you have something, just tell it. Here, no one can bully you."

"No...not like this..."

Koala suddenly closed his eyes tightly, clutching the corners of the skirt. He bowed deeply to Hailan and Zephyr: "I'm sorry, I lied to you, in fact, I...actually I have Mama..."

I was a slave to Richard. When Koala said that he wanted Mama, he would be beaten severely by Richard.

This made her a conditioned reflex in her heart, and she trembled when she thought of Mama.

In order not to be beaten, Koala has always lied that he does not have father Mama.

After a year of life, Koala has not only become cheerful again, but also finally has trust in Zephyr and Hailan gradually.

" turns out to be such a thing..."

Zephyr's gaze was bleak.

He suddenly felt like he was evil, and he was disappointed because Koala's Mama was still alive.

Zephyr suddenly thought of what his brat said, whether a person is good or bad, you can't see what he thinks, but what he does.

Thinking of the countless words I said to Kizaru back then, "I am doing this for your own good," Zephyr suddenly felt that these words were so weak.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

Koala kept apologizing, "But I really miss Mama..."

Tears Like mountain torrents bursting a bank, continuously pouring out from the eyes of a little girl. Koala is less than 7 years old. What more can Hai Lan ask for?

Hailan hugged Koala: "You don't need to say I'm sorry, it's not a mistake to think Mama, does it violate Marine's justice? Where is your home?"

"Fu...Folchate Island..."

"Folchate Island? In New World...but don't worry, UU Reading I will bring it myself tomorrow You go home."

Koala's big eyes lit up: "Really? Can I come back?"

"Come back?"

"I want my Mama to join Marine too, so no one would dare to arrest us!"

"Of course, those who are brave enough to defend justice are of course the more the better!"


"Hailan, let me go!"

Zephyr suddenly stood up.

"Koala, you go back and prepare first, I have something to talk to Hailan."


The sensible Koala is jumping Jumped back to his room.

Hailan was taken aback for a moment: "What's the situation? I thought you were worried that I might be in danger in New World?"

"Devil Fruit has information again..."

Seeing Hailan's face unchanged, Zephyr also knew that this child was almost numb.

Since Hailan planned to find a Devil Fruit, it has been a year since, so far, no ideal Devil Fruit has been found.

There is too much helplessness and sadness in the word "you".

"It is said that the Devil Fruit at this time is very rare, either Logia or Illusory Beast..."

"It's not too different from what you said before..."

"Cough..." Zephyr coughed awkwardly.

"This time is different, even Cipher Pol people are dispatched."


Although Hailan didn't hold too much Hope, but after all, you must try it if you have a chance.

Of course you will feel comfortable if you don’t work hard, but you can’t find Devil Fruit if you don’t work hard.

"This time the goal is in the Kingdom of Falui. It is said that 500 kings have been taken hostage by Pirate..."

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