The Kingdom of Faluyi is a small island nation located in the first half of the Grand Line.

The total population of the country is not large. Relatively speaking, the king's army is certainly not much.

After Pirates "Steel Knife" came to this country, in less than a day, under the absolute suppression of the powerful military force of the opponent, the Kingdom of Farluis was quickly invaded by Pirate, and even the king's army was invaded by Pirate. 500 people were captured by the Pirates.

The desperate King of France Louise can only ask the World Government for help.

For this kind of World Government member countries that have little use value and are basically used to make up the number, World Government generally does not want to talk to them.

However, nothing is absolute.

Two reasons led the World Government to agree to the Faluoy Kingdom’s request for help this time.

First, it is said that the Pirates will capture 500 kings and threaten King Francois because there is a Devil in the Kingdom of Francis that will be dedicated to the World Government in the name of "Heavenly Gold" Fruit.

Tianshangjin is simply understood as "a treasure of gold and silver dedicated to Celestial Dragon". In fact, it is actually another taxation for the purpose of creating a name by the World Government. It can be Beli or treasure. It can also be a treasure item, such as Devil Fruit.

The purpose of Pirate is the Devil Fruit this time.

Another reason why the World Government decided to send reinforcements was because a supernova named "Rob Lucci" appeared in Cipher Pol.

Rob Lucci, who is only 13 years old, has now learned all of Marine Rokushiki. This has broken the record of the minimum age to master Marine Rokushiki in Cipher Pol, and can be regarded as Cipher Pol’s best genius since 800 years. .

This time World Government on the surface only sent Rob Lucci as an agent. This was a test for him.

If he can solve this problem perfectly, then he will become the youngest official member of CP9.

This is the information Hailan got from Zephyr.

As for whether the World Government has secretly dispatched other agents, Hailan is not sure.


"Dear King Falui, Government means that in order to protect the safety of the'Heavenly Gold', I suggest that you first hand over the Heavenly Gold to us. As for a trifling Pirates, we have a way to kill them, not to be afraid."

In the palace of the Kingdom of Falouis, officials sent by the World Government are trying to persuade the King of Falouis to hand over the “Golden in Heaven first. ".

In fact, the "Gorosei" ruling the World Government are the five Celestial Dragons with the greatest power. It's just that overwhelming majority Government officials and Marine generals don't know that they are Celestial Dragons.

If they find some better Devil Fruit, they will first leave it to their henchmen.

The rest will be sent to ordinary Celestial Dragon entertainment or to Cipher Pol agents.

As for the life and death of the 500 kings, they don't really care.

Celestial Dragon was originally the World Nobles of aloof and remote. It took other races as slaves. Gorosei was the Peak power of Celestial Dragon. The lives of 500 untouchables were countless for them. Not really.

It’s just that although the Faluyi Kingdom is not strong, their king is not stupid.

If you hand in the "Heavenly Gold" in advance, can you still do things for me?

"Please forgive me, now 500 soldiers in our country have been taken hostage by Marine. Their wives, children and parents are waiting for their return. I can't take their lives at risk, and now I can't take 'Heaven's gold' is handed over to you."

King Falouis sincerely spoke, and I can see that this is an old king who loves his people.

It is a pity that the Government official in front of him is like a wooden person, and his expressions from start to finish are professional smiles, which have not changed at all.


According to what you mean, solve Pirate's problem first, right?"

"Thank you for your understanding."

Weak country Without diplomacy, the old king got up and bowed deeply to the government officials.

Except for a few large countries, the so-called World Government member countries and World Government are almost equivalent to the status of the vassal country and the Sect Master country.

Even so, it is a pity that King Falouis underestimated the methods of World Government.

After separating from the old king, the smile on the official's face has long been disappeared, and his expression is as calm as a pool of stagnant water: "Rob Lucci, the action this time is left to you, there is only one goal. That is to wipe out all Pirate!"

The 13-year-old Lucci has no sunshine belonging to the youngster. His expression is the same as that of the official: "Weakness is the original sin. I don't want to save a group of weak sheep. ."

"Do you not understand the task I gave you? As long as you can complete the task goal, I am not interested in the process."

Lucci suddenly grinned at Issho, just like a hobby. The blood cheetah looked a little scary: "Then this thing is much simpler..."


"What did you say? You just said you It’s called Hailan?"

"It’s me, what's the matter?"

"Everyone, come here soon, this is Master Hailan who rescued Little Robert from the traffickers Ah!"

Hailan did not bring his own Battleship this time, he came to the Kingdom of Faluyi alone.

Because after all, he is not traveling on official business this time, UU reads www.uukā but for his own personal business.

Hai Lan thought that no one would know him in this small country, but he didn't expect, chatting casually on the street, and someone recognized him.

"Little Robert? Didn't expect his hometown to be the Kingdom of Faluyi."

Robert was one of the children rescued by Hailan. In the best mental state, he was sent back to his hometown by Smoker.

I have to say that Smoker’s personality is quite dumb, not greedy, not pretentious, Hailan’s name must have been blown out by him, no wonder the recognition value has risen so fast in the past year .

Sure enough...

"Master Hailan, didn’t the Master Smoker come?"

Hailan said to everyone Issho: "He, busy I’m trying to catch human traffickers."

"It’s okay, it’s okay...Although Mr. Smoker is not here, but with you, we have a bottom line in our hearts... Please, Mr. Hailan, you go Please help my husband..."

"Please help my son..."

"Please help my father..."

More and more people began to plead with Hailan, and some people even knelt on the ground, and the scene felt a tragic feeling for a while.

Hailan never wanted to be a hero.

But as a soldier, it is his responsibility to fight crime and protect the people.

"It's just a trifling steel knife Pirates, what's to worry about?"

Hailan raised up an old man closest to him and greeted other citizens They also stood up.

"Go home and clean the room well, and be ready to welcome your family."

"Up to three days, your family will reunite with you!"

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