"Boss, do you say that King Louis will accept our terms? I don't think 500 lives are necessarily worth a Devil Fruit!"

"You are stupid , Are they ordinary people? That’s the king’s army of the Kingdom of Falouis. It’s fine if you change to a big country like Alabasta, but how many people are there in the Kingdom of Falouis? The lives of 500 soldiers say you want it or not, I see him This king doesn’t want to be anymore."

"The boss is right..."

"If a person does not have any ability, then it is best not to have any good things in his hands. , Otherwise this is the original sin!"

Although I don’t know what the boss is talking about, but flattery is right: "The boss is wise..."

On the other side, near the factory warehouse occupied by Pirate, several Pirates are patrolling with guns.

"I heard that King Falouis has asked for help from the World Government. The officials sent by the World Government seem to have arrived. We will not be in any danger?"

"This you Don't worry, we have 500 hostages in our hands. Even the World Government dare not ignore it. This is 500 lives. Even if it is killed, I am afraid that it will make your hands numb."

The Pirates burned, killed, looted, and they were indeed demons in the eyes of civilians.

But the real devil, who knows whether it is the World Government of aloof and remote?

With 500 lives, the overwhelming majority Pirate may be unbearable, but in the eyes of Gorosei, even the number is not as good.

Because a Buster Call call was made, the entire island was destroyed. The number of people affected was 500.

Pirate originally planned to analyze two more sentences, but his gaze suddenly became tilted, and then he fell heavily to the ground.

Because his neck had been twisted behind his back, the vertical ground became the last picture he saw on the world.


Another Pirate stared in horror before he even finished speaking, he was pierced by a finger Up the heart.

He spit out a mouthful of blood, but the person opposite him did not even hide, letting the blood spray on his face.

Rob Lucci stretched out his tongue and licked the blood on his lips. This action scared the other two Pirates who came back to his senses and ran away.

But in front of Lucci's shave, they are like wriggling snails.

As soon as he stepped on the ground with his right foot, without lifting his left foot, he was sent to hell by Lucci.

"This brat is worthy of being Cipher Pol's best genius for eight hundred years. His Rokushiki is very skilled. It seems that Spandane did not brag."

Secretly, Hailan is quietly observing Rob Lucci's actions.

Lucci, who was trained as a CP9 agent since he was a child, has a strong detective ability. He quickly found the factory where Pirate was stationed and the warehouse where the king's army was imprisoned.

Hailan only needs to follow Lucci quietly and arrive at the destination easily, even if the enemies along the way don't need to deal with it by himself.

Lucci found the key from Warden Pirate and opened the warehouse door.

Accompanied by a sour metal rubbing sound, the outdoor light gradually illuminates the dark warehouse, and 500 pairs of frightened eyes looked towards the silhouette at the door.

The 13-year-old Lucci is not tall, but under the light, a long shadow is drawn on the floor, which looks very majestic and imposing manner.

Lucci squinted his eyes slightly, making his expression look extremely cold: "Are you the 500 soldiers caught by Pirate?"

"It's us... "

"Are you here to save us?"

Lucci's eyes became colder: "No, I'm here to kill you!"


The soldiers showed incredible expressions: "What did you say?"

"Weakness is the original sin,

As the king's army, you were so easily caught by Pirate. Living, which leads to the crisis of the country, then maybe the same thing will happen in the future. Soldiers as weak as you have no right to survive!"

Lucci patiently explained his theory.

Then, before the soldiers questioned, he rushed to the nearest soldier.

"Soru! Shigan!"

"Fly. Shigan!"

Lucci, who had already flashed in front of the soldier, suddenly felt a command coming from behind. He has the danger of one's hair stand on end.

When the condensed air bomb was about to hit Lucci's back, Lucci hurriedly stabilized his figure: "Tekkai!"


The air bomb hit Lucci's back, making a crisp metal humming sound.

As a Marine, Hailan did not intend to kill the agent directly, so Lucci successfully defended his attack.

And if Hailan hadn't acted decisively, the soldier would have been stabbed to death by Lucci's finger. Even so, the soldier would still be penetrated by the subconsciously lifting arm.

Lucci turned his head angrily: "who?!"

"Marine Headquarters, Captain, Hailan!"

A person walked out behind the door The silhouette, who couldn't see his appearance, instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The soldiers were dumbfounded and looked towards Lucci: "This...what's going on? Are you not Marine?"

Lucci didn't take care of the "weak" at all, He questioned Hailan: "Why prevent me from killing this group of waste?"

Lucci has heard of Hailan, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com because his Sir Spandain often speaks N Bo N Bo annoyed him: "Lucci, you hurry up and learn Marine Rokushiki, so you can vent my anger! The Hai Lan from Marine Headquarters is really going to piss me off! You must do it for me... ah no, for We Cipher Pol find face!"

Lucci at first just thinks Spandane is more disgusting. After a long time, the hatred will naturally be transferred to Hailan.

"Why prevent you from killing them?"

Hailan smiled.

These people are all my identification value, 500 soldier is 500 points, plus their wives, parents, children, so much identification value, can you afford it?

Nothing, right...

Hailan asked, "Isn’t your Sir’s task for you to rescue these soldiers, but to kill them?"

"Weakness is the original sin, their incompetence endangers justice, I must kill them!"

Although Lucci's character is a bit extreme, he is not a murderer, so he is still fighting Hailan strives for reasons, not directly.

"Weakness is the original sin? Well said, well said..."

This sentence was originally used to motivate oneself to become strong. Is this method used to pretend to beep?

Hailan walked to Rob Lucci step by step, his height is close to 1.9 meters, and the 13-year-old Lucci can only look up when he looks at him.

"If you are the old man of Whitebeard, you can just say this."

"But you are just a fledgling Brat now, what qualifications do you have? Here is a lot of talk!"

"You...guilty! Because you...are still weak!"

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