
Hailan is also interested in this weird man who doesn't even give the king's face.

The other party has a long wavy hair of rice yellow, a pointed aquiline nose, and wears a pair of small sunglasses. It looks exactly like the old witch in a western fairy tale-perfectly in line with what Hai Lan heard The imagination of the other party's laughter was nothing short of a Demoness hat, a black cloak, and a broom.

First there was a magician, and now there is an old witch again. This country is really interesting.

"This Marine Sir, that quack doctor is actually a kind-hearted good person, please let him go."

Although Gu Leiwa is not afraid of Hailan, But unlike the arrogance when facing the king, facing Hai Lan, a foreigner, she was still very polite.

"A good guy?"

Hailan looked towards the people of Magnetic Drum Island: "So, they are actually making up stories to lie to me?"

"Master Marine, please don't believe Dr. Gurewa, what we say is true!"

"The quack doctor of Shiruluk really made my husband like a frog. Although it was Dr. Gureywa who changed him back...but he actually claimed half of our family's property!"

Buggy's face suddenly showed Satori's expression: " I see!"

Gu Leiwa looked at the big red nose not far away, "What do you understand?" "There is only one truth, and that is that you two are cooperating! One sells fake drugs for no money, the other treats people with a doctor. You two are simply shameless! Come on, get me the rapper!"

Buggy gave an order and rushed out first, and then Hachi hurriedly followed.

Other Marines looked towards Hailan, waiting for Captain's order.

It is a pity that with Buggy and Hachi's skills, I might have beaten Gureywa in a frontal fight, but if Gureywa wanted to escape, they would be a little confused.

Hailan asked the king of Magnetic Drum Island: "What the hell is going on?"

"Ai, in fact, things are not like what the adult said... "

The old king sighed his head and shook his head: "That Shiluk is indeed a counterfeit drug seller, but his intention is not bad. It is indeed to treat patients."

"The original intention is not important, the important thing is to see what he did."

Cabaji Ji interrupted suddenly.

As the "staff" of Buggy Pirates, although Cabaji Ji is not as good as Kuro, he still has his brain.

In this case, some words should be spoken by their subordinates instead of the highest Sir Hailan.

"I know..."

Cabaji was taken aback: "You know? Didn't you order him to be arrested?"

The old king said with a bitter smile: "Catch it, I can't catch it..."


Cabaji Ji didn't know what to say anymore.

Hailan changed the subject and said: "Then what is going on with Dr. Guraywa?"

"Guraywa calls herself Demoness, but it is actually our Drum Island medical technique. The best doctors, some incurable diseases that ordinary doctors cannot cure, she can cure them all."

Cabaji curl one's lip: "The one who claims to be a doctor is a fake medicine, and the one who claims to be Demoness is a Divine. Doctor, really you can't judge a person by appearance."

The old king said sincerely, "Hailan Captain, for the sake of my face, don't catch this Dr. Gurewa After all, her existence is still beneficial to the people."

"Since the king Your Majesty said so, I will not pursue it, but the quack..."

"At your disposal."

Under the warm hospitality of the king, Hailan and the soldiers stayed on Drum Island for a few days.

During the period, Zephyr and Koala also called him and asked him if he encountered any difficulties.

Hearing that Hailan was actually on vacation, Zephyr told Hailan a few words not to forget the cultivation, and Koala said that she must take her to Drum Island next time.

Time without missions always flies quickly. In a blink of an eye, Hailan has returned to Marine Headquarters.

When Hailan returned to the headquarters, Zephyr was teaching Marine's new life, so he did not come to greet him.

When Hailan saw Koala looking out at the sea at the Marine Naval Port, he immediately noticed a weird man in a white coat next to Koala.

"Buggy, the handover is up to you, I'll go first."

"Good!" Buggy saluted him, then rolled up his sleeves and started shouting.

"Vegapunk? What do you want to do to Koala?"

Turning into a stream of light, Hailan instantly stopped between Koala and Bergapunk.

For "mad scientists" and so on, Hai Lan has always equated them with danger.

Begapunk was followed by two bodyguards, and Hailan felt that they should almost have the strength of Marine Vice Admiral.

"Oh... Dear Hailan Captain, don't be nervous."

Begapunk lifted his hands to indicate that he was not malicious.

"I'm a serious scientist, and I don't know how to do experiments with little children."

Hai Lan glanced at Koala behind her and found that she was not abnormal.

Begapunk grinned Issho: "I'll just say it, my goal this time is you."

Hailan frowned: "Me?"

"Yes, you!"

Begapunk continued to explain: "The people above want me to study some powerful weapons. I originally wanted to find Kizaru Vice Admiral, but You know, he is too busy to spend time with me in scientific research."

Although Kizaru’s work attitude is to clock in and go to work, Kizaru now is a Vice Admiral, not every day in the future. Just waiting for the Marine Headquarter recruited by Celestial Dragon, so he still has a lot of tasks.

Hailan quickly understood: "Your research is related to the Devil Fruit of the Light Department?"

Begapunk nodded: "Talking to smart people is easy and pleasant. That's right!"

"Forget it, I'm not in the habit of being studied yet."

After that, Hai Lan will take Koala out of here.

Begapunk does not stop Hailan, UU reading www. uukanshu.com He stood there and persuaded loudly: "Hailan Captain, you can think about it again, there are so many benefits."

Hailan thought about it a little bit, and really turned back: "I Recently I caught a fake drug, so I’d better give it to you for more research and study. Remember to remember the benefits on my head."

Begapunk's face turned black, "The fake drug seller ?"

"Yes, his medicine can make people become frogs."

"This is Interesting..."

Bei Gapunk suddenly came in interest.

Although it has nothing to do with weapons research, maybe it can give him a further breakthrough in the research of "bloodline factor theory".

"What are my benefits?"

Begapunk shook the head: "It's not the same.

If you let me study, the benefits It was immediate; as for the benefits of selling fake drugs, it depends on what research he can help me to break through."


West Blue, Mafia" In the territory of the Capone family.

"hahahaha...what the hell is this? A bat? An onion? How come there are two small demon horns?"

Seeing an onion in front of you The head of the strange creature, a group of mafia are laughing.

But one of the drunks was stared wide-eyed and slowly backed away, with fear in his eyes.

"Hehe hehe..."

The strange creature gave out a weird laugh, "In this Great Age of Pirates, it is actually a few mafia who control West Blue. Family, West Blue is really depraved...

Laugh, laugh all, you won’t be able to laugh anymore!"

Endure the fear in your heart, drunkard Finally yelled out: "Everyone is running! He is Moonlight Moria!"

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