"Why...what's going on..."

Finally, the faces of the Mafia are no longer the mockery they had at the beginning, now their faces Only deep fear was left.

Behind the strange creature Moonlight Moria, who was originally alone, a group of strange-looking Pirates sprang up.

Their strength is very strong, against these West Blue mainstream mafia, almost always a crushing situation.

In less than a few minutes, more than a dozen mafia have been beheaded by Moria's men.

But it is not the death of the companion that frightens the Mafia the most.

When the living companions were sent to Moria's side by Moria's men, they watched Moria cut out the shadow of the prey with a pair of scissors.

The Mafia whose shadow was cut off went into a coma on the spot, but the corpses that were stuffed into the shadow by Moria were "resurrected" like zombie.

Paramecia ・Shadow Fruit!

Using the power of Devil Fruit, Moria can cut the shadows of the living and stuff them into the dead, turning the dead into a zombie puppet completely obedient to himself!

"Laugh, laugh to your heart's content!"

Moria raised her monster-like hands to the sky and let out a weird laugh.

His companions also laughed and agreed.

The most incredible thing is that all the zombies who were "resurrected" by Moria also laughed.

"Have you seen it? Your souls will be driven by me!"

Following Moria's order, the zombies rushed to the Mafia.

Although the body is still the original mafia, but because the zombie does not feel pain, the zombies are almost crushed against the mafia.

But after Moria laughed strangely, he took his men and left here.

A Pirate asked: "Captain, don't you take those shadow zombies?"

Moria curl one's lip disdainfully: "Those shadows and bodies are too weak, where Are you better than you? After waiting for a while, after your strength has improved, I will take you to Grand Line and New World to compete for a piece of our own world!"

The person whose shadow is cut by Moria will be burnt to nothing if exposed to sunlight.

Those mafia who lost their shadows will inevitably die, and if the owner of the shadows dies, the shadows will disappear too-Moria doesn't need to worry much, these mafia are basically gone.

Even if one or two miscellaneous fish are missed, Moria will not take seriously at all.


Sea Calendar 1506 is a year belonging to the Fishman family.

Just like last year, Queen Otohime of Fishman Island worked tirelessly to give a speech in order to collect signatures from the people, but the effect is still not very significant.

But what makes the civilians of Fishman Royal Family and Fishman Island excited is that the beautiful mermaid Princess "Shirahoshi" has successfully come to the world.

Good things come in pairs. They were taken by human traffickers and sold to Celestial Dragon. The slave "Fisher ・Tiger" didn't know how to escape from the "Holy Land" Mariejois where Celestial Dragon lived. Fishman Island is hostile to humans. The people regard Tiger as a hero who slapped humans fiercely.

Whether it is the elite Jinbe of the Sea King Army (the King's Army of Fishman Island), or the Arlong who has become Pirate, they all regard Tiger as their idol.

On Marine Battleship, Octopus Hachi suddenly found Hailan: "Sir, I want to take a leave of absence to return to Fishman Island for a few days."

The Fishman family can do it because of their special innate talent. Communicate with the fish. Although the intelligence that Tiger has returned to Fishman Island is very secret, Hachi has already learned through the information transmitted by the fish.

Hailan looked towards Hachi: "Why? What's the matter?"

"That... Brother Tiger, he answered... Uhhhhh..."


Hachi's words were only halfway through,

the other Fishman companions hurriedly covered their mouths.

The Fishman's faces were filled with astonishment: How can this child dare to say anything?

And this is why Hailan never allows Hachi to access key intelligence.

Hailan was amused by the funny look of the Fishman: "Tiger, Fisher ・Tiger? Are you trying to say that he has returned to Fishman Island?"

Hachi A look of confusion: "Hey? Do you know all of them?"

Hailan explained: "This is not a high level of confidentiality. How could I not know?"

Actually, Hai Lan only knows that Tiger has escaped, but does not know where Tiger is going.

Hachi had a worried look: "Then you will catch him?"

Hailan gave the Fishman a reassuring look: "My soldiers have always Only catch Pirate. If he doesn't become Pirate, how can I catch him?"

"Then we can rest assured!"

Hachi smiled happily When I get up, the other Fishman may still be a little worried, but Hachi is really relieved.

"But I have to go and talk to him. If he becomes Pirate because of resentment, then things are not easy to handle."

Hailan Requires Fishman skills such as Fishman soldier and Fishman unarmed from Fishman Island.

He knows very well that as a hero of Fishman Island, whether Tiger chooses to be Pirate or do other things, the Fishman will strongly support him.

If Hailan arrests Tiger who has gone astray, the friendship bridge he has finally built between mankind and Fishman Island will be broken if it is broken.

"Don't worry, I will first go to Admiral Sengoku to apply for a permit, and then I will return to Fishman Island with you."

After arranging the ship’s affairs, Hailan walked towards The office building of Marine Headquarters was established.

At this time, Admiral Sengoku in the office, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is making a secret call.

"This is Miguo, and Miguo calls Great Immortal."

"This is Great Immortal... Do you have any new information?"


Sengoku, who was originally serious, has a guilty conscience on his face.

Rosinante went to Donquixote Family undercover. Even Garp didn't know about it. Only he Sengoku, Fleet Admiral Kong and the crane who was responsible for hunting down Donquixote Family knew about it.

"Recently, Donquixote Family has another group of brats. I tried all the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to bully them. In the end, three children stayed behind. Two of them are Devil Fruit Ability User and Paramecia. Weapon fruit and Paramecia turn fruit, and one...there is platinum-lead disease!" Sengoku was silent for a moment, then comforted Rosinante. : "The demise of the white town has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself too much. If the three little demons can't go away, then forget it. Don't show the weak spot.

Remember your Mission, don’t use emotions, as long as we can arrest Doflamingo, Marine’s justice will definitely correct the three views of the three little demon."

"I know..."

"Do you know you are still making this call? Do you know how risky it is?"

"I miss you, daddy!" Rosinante called haha ​​deliberately.

"Asshole brat, is it time to make you nonsense? Someone is here on my side, I will hang up first, be careful on your side."

Kenbunshoku Haki caught it As someone approached his office, Sengoku hung up the phone hurriedly.


Hailan was slightly startled.

"The person on the other side of the phone, is it Rosinante?"

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