Unlike Pika Pika no Mi, which is closer to "laser" in Kizaru, Hailan's Aurora does not have the "explosive" ability of Kizaru.

Aurora is essentially a stream of high-energy charged particles. Natural aurora can generate powerful currents to disrupt the signals of Wireless Electronics and radar.

There is no need for in-depth development. Hailan only needs to release the aurora to his heart's content. By his side, Den Den Mushi's signal will be interfered, making it impossible to send and receive information.

This is like the "Mera Mera no Mi" Ability User will increase the surrounding temperature when the flame is released. This is a kind of inherent "innate talent" ability.

With the further development of Hailan, inspired by Goro Goro no Mi, Hailan tries to control the current generated by the aurora through calculations, so that his ability is no longer simply to interfere with electrical signals. Instead, you can improve your perception ability through electrical signals.

With the help of Kenbunshoku Haki's skills, Hailan can now easily hear others' deliberately lowered voices.

It’s just that, after all, he eats "Aurora Fruit" instead of "Goro Goro no Mi", so it is a bit difficult for him to increase his range of perception. Up to now he can only perceive several hundred meters. scope.

But this was enough for him to hear the conversation between Sengoku and Rosinante.

However, Hailan did not deliberately expose Sengoku's tricks, because he still does not want to expose his ability.


"Come in!"

Sengoku knows that the daoist sect is Hailan, but during work, they are just headquarter Admiral With Captain, the necessary process still needs to be walked.

"Are you going to Fishman Island?"

"Yes, leave the task of investigating Fishman Island this time to me!"

Sengoku squinted He closed his eyes: "Hai Lan, tell me the truth, do you know something?"

"No no."

Hailan shook the head: "This is not Koala has long said that she wants to visit Fishman Island? So..."

Sengoku deliberately made a face: "Smelly brat, don't push the pot on Koala!"


"Uh, you really guessed it, actually I want to go to Fishman Island to see..."

Sengoku suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh, I said Does the pot mean this?

Sengoku suddenly said to Hailan earnestly: "You are now the Commodore of Marine Headquarters. With your abilities, within a year or a half, you may be able to become the headquarters in history. Young Rear Admiral.

Hailan, don’t get stuck with your own future. Don’t confuse some things, especially things related to Celestial Dragon."

"Don't worry, why would I go against Celestial Dragon in idle time?

You know, I have a few fishman soldiers on board.

Didn’t the Fisher Tiger escape from Mariejois recently? I have to go to Fishman Island and have a good chat with the Fishman. Don’t go astray because of that Tiger.

Of course I’m not going to save that thing. Tiger.

But Fishman Island’s military resources and water control skills, I will not give up easily."

Hearing Hailan’s explanation, Sengoku's worried expression eased a lot. .

What he is most worried about now is that Hailan will suddenly embark on a revolutionary road like Garp's son.

"Since you have promised me, I won't say much, I am more at ease with you.

Then you go, I will wait Go call Strawberry Commodore and tell him not to go to Fishman Island."

"Thank you, Uncle Sengoku!"

"You just need to work hard, thank you Needless to say."

"By the way, Uncle Sengoku, where's that pie?"

"What kind of pie?"

"I’m here The half of the pie that Dressrosa brought you back!"

"It’s all rotten, I’ve already threw it away! What are you playing with me? I don’t even know what the pie is. What's the use!"


Hailan awkwardly Issho,

"The cake fell from a Pirate..."

Sengoku rubbed the temple: "Pirate that many in this world, how do I know which Pirate likes to eat this kind of cake, when the time comes? Besides, there is a lot of work waiting for me."

Unfortunately, Hailan doesn't know exactly what role the pie can play. The only thing that can be determined is that it has something to do with Doflamingo, otherwise he won't have to fight with Sengoku.


"Hailan, I heard that you are going to Fishman Island? I want to go too!"

Before leaving the headquarters, I don’t know where to get it. Koala of the news came to the door.

"Which Fishman island are you going to a flat little girl? The Fishman there are very hostile to humans, how dangerous!"

This really means that Cao Cao has arrived. The pot pushed on Koala.

"I have taught myself navigation. I can help you sail."

"I know how to sail."

"Then I can give You act as a temporary ship doctor."

"I will do that too."

"Then I...I used to be a slave before!"

"en ????"

Is there any relationship between being a slave and going to Fishman Island?

Seeing Hailan’s doubts, Koala explained: “The residents of Fishman Island hate humans. Isn’t it because humans always capture their compatriots?

You It's Marine, they must think you are maintaining Celestial Dragon; but I am different. I have been a slave, and they will definitely have a better attitude when facing me!"

Hailan shook the head: "You little girl, your heart is really big, it sounds like this happened to someone else."

"The past will pass, and the future will be the most important! So you are Allow me to go to Fishman Island with you?"

"All right, I am not going to fight anyway."

"Very good!"

" Bru Bru Bru..."


Koala closed her mouth in time, UU read www. uukanshu. Com Hailan answered the phone: "It's noon on the day of hoesing the hell."

"...The picture of the river on the Qingming Festival..."

If the code is correct, it means Kuro is there. There are no accidents.

"Let’s talk, what's the matter?"

"Ah..." Kuro cleared his throat, "That...oh yes, there is a man who calls himself a plum People are coming to me."

"The club?"

"The club in the poker card."

Kuro briefly added and continued to explain Said: "The slimy plum said that their boss JOKER wants to cooperate with me, get rid of'cheat' Smith, and wants me to replace him and become JOKER's spokesperson in Sabaody Archipelago.

This I am unable to help Lord, so I want to ask you what I should do next, and that JOKER, do you know who he is?"

"The slimy person has Photo?"

"I took it."

"Very well, you will find a way to send it back for me to see, now you can agree to that JOKER request, and remember Stay, don’t conflict with the other party, that JOKER is probably Great Pirate that even I can’t easily defeat.”

Hailan had seen Trebol caught by Crane when he was in Dressrosa. , He has guessed the identity of JOKER, now there is only one photo to confirm.

"I see, Sir, then I can do it..."

Kuro hesitates, if he replaces "cheat" Smith, he will definitely take over the population in the future When the time comes, Hailan won’t clean up herself, right?

"Do it. Don't worry, you won't be in the dark."

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