"It turned out to be a member of the Donquixote Family. It seems that Doflamingo's appetite is not small."

After receiving the picture of "Plum Blossom" from Kuro, Hai Arashi confirmed the identity of the slimy Trebol.

The main battlefield on the surface of the Donquixote Family now is North Blue, but JOKER in the dark has extended his claws to the distant Sabaody Archipelago.

In North Blue, Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was enlisted in the same batch with Sengoku and Garp, is now in charge of hunting down the Donquixote Family. With her strength and ingenuity, plus Rosinante’s undercover, Rosinante’s internal and external cooperation, this is nothing. Can successfully capture this Pirates, which is enough to illustrate the ability of Doflamingo.

But at the same time, this also shows another thing-Doflamingo himself is absolutely impossible to gain a foothold in Sabaody Archipelago.

If you can get rid of "cheat" Smith with the help of Doflamingo's hands, and make Kuro become JOKER's spokesperson in Sabaody Archipelago, and become the leader there, then in fact, Kuro will control the population trading of Chambord in the future. Now, when the time comes, you can save more slaves based on fraudulent accounts.

All of these ideas are very beautiful, but there is a doubt in it-why does Doflamingo dare to move Smith who serves Celestial Dragon?

Hailan doesn't believe that Doflamingo doesn't know who Smith's backstage is.

Could it be said that Doflamingo's backstage is also Celestial Dragon?

And this seems to explain why Sengoku and Crane pay attention to this trifling North Blue Pirates at the same time.

With the two of them in charge, Doflamingo won't cause too much trouble, so after giving instructions to Kuro, Hailan still plans to go to Fishman Island to talk to Jinbe in the next step.

Before leaving, Hailan called Major Wagner, who was an independent leader.

Wagner was full of enthusiasm. Everyday all was upholding Marine's justice, fighting crime, and protecting civilians, which made him rise to a major in Marine Headquarters in a short time.

For this reason, Hailan also arranged several Fishman soldiers on his boat. At present, it seems that the two sides get along pretty well.

"Report Commodore, I am now hunting down a Pirates with a bounty of more than 80 million Beli, everything else is normal."

"Do what you can, don't be greedy."


This is a world in which a single man is formed. Quantity cannot shake quality. Hailan will not instill dead thoughts into his subordinates. People of different strengths have different meanings.

"Don't worry, their captain actually only bounty 46 million..."

Den Den Mushi imitated Wagner's awkward expression without omission.

After a few brief explanations, Hailan hung up the phone and took Koala, Buggy, Hachi and the others to the shampoo site. After coating, he dived and sailed to the sea for 10,000 meters. Fishman Island.

The current Fisher Tiger is no longer what it used to be, because he is no longer the simple Fishman explorer before, and his back has been branded with the mark of Celestial Dragon-Hoof of the Celestial Dragon.

Hoof of the Celestial Dragon is not a boring trick that Celestial Dragon deliberately devised to insult slaves. Every slave branded with Hoof of the Celestial Dragon is equivalent to being labeled with a label ――This is a private item of Celestial Dragon. (Comic 623)

When Celestial Dragon's slave escapes, all Marine officers above the rank of lieutenant will receive an additional task-to recover the lost private items of Celestial Dragon.

Maybe few people outside know that Fisher Tiger used to be the slave of Celestial Dragon, but it has been circulated within Marine and Cipher Pol department.

However, since Celestial Dragon’s slave system is inherently contrary to Marine’s justice, overwhelming majority Marine will treat this extra task as a fart by Celestial Dragon. For those slaves who escaped, everyone will turn a blind eye.

Tiger has not done the future big thing that angers Celestial Dragon.

Few Marines will take seriously a lost Fishman slave.

That's why Sengoku transfers the task of searching Fishman Island to Hailan without the slightest hesitation, because this is just a pretentious one.

If it wasn't for the Celestial Dragon that just lost the slave and was still in anger, Marine wouldn't even need to do more superficial articles.

"Wow...Is this Fishman Island? It's really beautiful! It's even more spectacular than the book says!"

A few days later, the Hailan entire group successfully arrived To Fishman Island.

Not to mention that Koala is only 7 years old now, even Hailan is attracted by this fantastic underwater scenery.

On the contrary, it was Buggy because he had followed Roger on Fishman Island in his early years, and he had a certain degree of immunity in his heart.

Buggy showed a triumphant smile like an old driver: "Little Koala, isn't it beautiful here? Would you like this lieutenant to take you to play together!"

The English name of Koala is called Koala. (Koala), like Monkey D. Garp's Monkey, is the name of an animal.

When Koala was in a trance, the Marines on the ship gradually repaired her heart, so the title of "Little Koala" spread gradually.

Koala made a face to Buggy: "I won't go with you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will play with you IQ, I want to play with Hailan!"

"What the hell?"

Buggy jumped up with anger, and the Marines all laughed, and the deck was filled with a pleasant atmosphere for a while.

Hailan squatted beside Koala and touched Koala's head: "I'm going to talk to Jinbe about some business matters. Let Buggy take you to play first."

"That's okay." Although somewhat reluctant, Koala was still nodded obediently.

Hailan’s Battleship entered Fishman Island through a regular channel, so soon a team of Sea King troops came near the Battleship.

It is Jinbe who is in charge of leading the team.

The chubby Jinbe laughed and stepped forward: "hahaha, it turned out to be Hailan Captain, excuse me for not going out to meet you, disrespect and disrespect!"

Fishman Island The overwhelming majority Fishman did not know that Fisher Tiger was once caught as a slave, but Jinbe knew it very well.

It didn't take long for a Battleship to arrive at Fishman Island. Could it be that Tiger came to catch Big Brother Tiger?

Buggy corrected in time: "It's Hailan Commodore!"

Jinbe startled: "Oh? Then I really want to congratulate Hailan Commodore!"

Hailan said to Jinbe Issho: "There is a tiger lost in the zoo. I wonder if Mr. Jinbe has heard of it?"

A group of Sea King troops heard it in the cloud and mist, zoo tigers Why did you come to Fishman Island after you got lost?

Regarding the "tiger" stalk, Jinbe is very clear. This is clearly his Big Brother Tiger.

Jinbe's face remained silent: "Then Hailan Commodore wants me to help catch the tiger?"

Hailan shook the head: "If you lose the tiger, you will lose it. Nothing at worst, I just want to come to Fishman Island to see, the tigers who escaped from the zoo will not do anything dangerous, right?"

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