
Kuro smiled and pushed his own glasses: "Mr. Saini Oro, don't say so tall, the black market is the black market, Sabaody Archipelago is a small, palm-sized land. It’s not an Underworld. If your JOKER masters it, that’s the real Underworld."

Saini Oro sat down on a wine barrel:" Although these words you said are very nice, you still did not answer my question."

"I sold the slave to Marine? Is there a problem?"

" Is it okay?"

"I am a businessman, I only serve for money, whoever pays a high price, I will sell the slave to whom, otherwise, why does cheat get rich? Because of his big customers—— ―Celestial Dragon is the richest!

Because these slaves have been abused by slave hunters, their hatred for Pirate is far greater than that of ordinary people. When they become Marine, they will naturally fight Pirate more hard. Therefore, selling this kind of ordinary people slave to Marine can make the highest profit.

Mr. Saini, do you think this reason makes sense?"

Saini Oro showed a thoughtful expression, and Kuro smiled and added: "Or else, leave the treasure to me, and the slaves will take it away, so I will be less happy to have a deal with Marine, you What do you think?"

To be honest, Saini Oro didn't want to leave with the slaves.

Because these slaves are useless at all, they have to consume food on the road, and they have to sell them on their own in the future, even in places like North Blue, they may not be able to sell them quickly.

When he caught a glimpse of a few female slaves in the cabin holding each other and crying, the male chauvinism urged him to make a decision: "Forget it, who you sell the slave to? Your own power, as long as you don’t forget the transaction between us."

"Of course."

In fact, after Doflamingo learned about the strength of the "black cat", Originally planned to invite the other party to join the Donquixote Family.

But after realizing the scheming side of the "black cat", Doflamingo gave up this plan.

Some people don't like to be too smart as their subordinates.

Although with Doflamingo's strength, he has full confidence that even if the black cat rebels, he can kill the opponent to the last one, but what Doflamingo hates most is the feeling of being deceived.

And this is the reason why Donquixote Family has cultivated family members since childhood, and the purpose of Cipher Pol is the same-small children are easy to brainwash.

The first generation of "Red Heart" Vergo is a veteran of the Donquixote Family. Doflamingo will naturally not doubt him. The remaining "Luo", "Baby-5", "Buffalo" and "Dellinger" are still a few small children.

So the result is that the IQ levels of the remaining overwhelming majority members of the Donquixote Family are all below the average, and only a few have the IQ of normal people.

As for the cunning black cat like Kuro, Doflamingo will only choose to use it instead of conquering it.

After collecting the treasure, Saini Oro took the boat and sailed away, leaving only a corpse on the slave boat and the slave in the cabin.

Kuro walked to the side of a pair of young girls. The big one had long, smooth wavy hair of grass green, and looked fifteen or six years old, and the small one had short blue-green wavy hair, about seven or eight. age.

"You two are sisters?"

"What are you doing?"

Although her hands were tied behind her back, the girl still wriggled and blocked the girl before.

A cold cat's claw reached the girl's neck, and Kuro showed a cruel smile.

The young girl guarded the girl, staring at Kuro steadily, with a deadly expression of "If you want to hurt my younger sister, you must step on my corpse".

For a long time, Kuro laughed silently.

He dragged the two girls from the cabin to the deck outside.

"Why do you want to follow me?"

The girl's eyes flashed: "What do you mean?"

"Don't pretend to be confused."

Kuro pushed his glasses: "I noticed you from the very beginning, you haven't panicked from start to finish. So... don't pretend to be confused!"

"That Where is my younger sister?"

"She will be sent to a safe place, as long as you don’t have any problems, she won’t have any problems, do you know what I mean?

Now, answer my question."

"Okay, I'll do it with you!"

The young girl finally made her choice.

The chain of Kairoseki's handcuffs hit the floor with a crisp sound.

"Now, tell me your name."

"Monet! She is my younger sister...It's called granulated sugar!"


Marine Headquarters.

"No! What bicycle do I want?!"

"Why do I want a bicycle? I want Devil Fruit!"

Hailan rubbed it Rubbed the temple, Koala doesn't understand this stalk!

Koala continued to chase Hailan and shouted: "Don't you have a lot of Devil Fruit? Give me one. Why are you so stingy?"

After the army was annihilated, Koala, who had lost many friends, secretly vowed in his heart that he must train himself to be as strong as Hailan, so that his friends would not be injured.

But Koala is a girl. This World does not have Spiritual Qi, magic, or chakras. It is extremely unfriendly to women. The only thing that can close the gap between men and women is Devil Fruit or genetic mutation.

"It's not that I don't give it to you, but I don't have a few good Devil Fruits here. If you want to eat it, you have to eat something extraordinary, right?"

When Devil Fruit, he did find a lot of them, but there were few that he liked.

Koala's eyes are bright: "So you promised me?"

"Of course, can I stop you from making you stronger? But... "

Hailan changed his words: "Devil Fruit this thing, UUReading www.uukanshu.com It just allows you to acquire a special superpower, how much can you really play in battle? The destructive power of the Ability User is closely related to the physique of the Ability User. You are only 8 years old. It is useless to eat Devil Fruit for you. You should exercise your body obediently and honestly first."

Koala is sensible Nodded: "Of course, I won't fall into cultivation, but you can't lie to me!"

When it comes to narrowing the natural gap between men and women, many people may think of Zoan or strength Devil Fruit, but Hailan doesn’t think so.

Is there any Devil Fruit that can narrow the gap between people better than "More-More Fruit Reality"?

But just think about it. After all, Byrnndi Wapol, the "world destroyer", has been frozen into a big ice pile, thrown in the endless hell of Impel Down, Hailan can't go to Impel Down. Kill him, even more how, even if Wapol is hacked to death, who knows where More-More Fruit will actually appear?

In fact, Hailan feels that there is no need to narrow the gap between men and women for Koala. Since strength is the weak point of women, then do not use strength Sect, just eat some Devil Fruit with lawful ability.

It is a pity that Devil Fruits such as "Space Fruit" and "Time Fruit" do not exist, at least there is no record in the illustration.

But there are many Devil Fruits related to "time", "regressive fruit", "age fruit", "slow fruit", "childlike fruit"...

Hailan was ruled out, after all, fighting intent is not meaningful.

But if anyone can find a wife who eats the fruits of age, then this life will be happy.

Sister Keyu, Ke Lolita, Kemai, Keji...

Wait, it seems to be crooked?

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