" Stand at attention !"


"The following will be Hailan Commodore speaking for everyone!"

That’s right, although Hailan made a lot of noise because he called the middle and lower-level soldiers to sign in the headquarters last year, but as he later killed the Moonlight Moria, who was over 100 million yuan in bounty, and made many new achievements, now he has done it again. Become a general again.

Apart from this, System has also gained a lot of recognition points from Marine officers and soldiers, allowing Hailan to further strengthen its "calculation" ability.

Identity: Hailan

Perception: Lv7

Calculation: Lv9

Skill proficiency value

Shaving: 100%

Geppo: 100%

Tekkai: 100%

Kami-e: 100%

Rankyaku: 100%


Shigan :100%

Aurora Fruit: 100%

Seimei Kikan :59%

sword technique :23%

Busoshoku Haki: 10%

Approval value: 15633/50000

Special skills: [Unforgettable] The information you obtain through careful observation and reading will become Permanent memory, reminder, please be careful when remembering. (Calculation ability Lv7 bonus skills)

Achievement: [First showing off]→[New official taking office]→[Lead by example] As Marine Headquarters Commodore, you are not afraid of Pirate, not afraid of power, and report unjustified Marine. Crusade against Pirate... Your behavior has won the support of a large number of officers and soldiers and the support of civilians. In the hearts of many people, you have become a kind of "model" existence, and some people have even begun to worship you as an idol.

The level 9 computing power has greatly enhanced Hailan's control over Devil Fruit and Seimei Kikan.

Now if it is about comprehensive strength, although Hailan hasn't been able to defeat the veteran Vice Admiral of "Momonga" and "Yamakaji", the opponent shouldn't catch him and injure him.

The reason why Hailan's military rank is still at the Commodore level is mainly because he doesn't care much about the accumulation of military merit.

Commodore goes up again, nothing more than Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility... This sentence is not necessarily true, because it varies from person to person.

But the greater the military rank, the greater the responsibility, Hailan still agrees.

Akainu will not say much, everyday all is fighting on the front line against Pirate.

Even the Old Fox of Kizaru and the sleepy insect of precognition, Admiral Sengoku and Fleet Admiral Kong have arranged tasks for them, causing them to complain every day.

As for Garp, it is the "Hero of the Marines" who has cleaned up Rocks Pirates and Roger Pirates. No one else has his treatment.

Therefore, Hailan is not in a hurry to accumulate military merits and get promoted quickly.

Vice Admiral How can Commodore live comfortably?

For example, if Hailan is a Vice Admiral, he can’t spare time to train these new recruits.

Kuro himself found a woman named "Monet" to be his assistant. He had already reported this to Hailan.

Of course, Monet did not know that Kuro's true identity was actually Marine undercover.

In this regard, Hailan gave Kuro the greatest degree of right to act cheaply.

Because Hailan knows very well that Kuro is a very smart person, and a smart person will not easily do stupid things.

Kuro knows that everything he has is from Hailan, no matter what he thinks deep in one's heart, he will never betray Hailan in behavior.

And this is Hailan's confidence in her strength and ability.

Of course, this is not to say that Doflamingo does not have such self-confidence, but that Doflamingo hates the feeling of being betrayed by others. He can't tolerate someone like Kuro in his family-even if it's just a sign .


New recruits from East Blue Bridge Kingdom and other places have been screened by Wagner, and there are now 100 people left.

Except for a few people who have heard of Marine, overwhelming majority new recruits don’t know what a Marine Headquarters Commodore’s personal guidance means. They just think that the Sir named Hailan looks There is a sense of profound mystery.

"In the future, you will be divided into two groups. One group will follow Wagner Commander and the other will follow me. When I am not on the ship, Captain Buggy will take care of everything. Do you understand?"

"We understand! Sir!"

"Very good!

As a soldier, you have to remember one thing. You can choose to quit before the war, and after the war You can also raise questions, but if it’s during a war, no matter what happens, no matter what opinions you have on the task, you must stick to your responsibilities and complete your tasks!

Because no one will be willing to Give your back to a companion who doesn’t know when he will forget his responsibilities, can you understand?"

"We understand! Sir!"

In the front, fighting is not typing, it will kill people, it is not the artillery bullets that you can fear the enemy by shouting justice in your mouth, so if you want to quit now, you can stand up first. There are many positions in the headquarters that do not require you to go to the battlefield! "

Wagner walked to Hailan's ear whispered: "Sir, I have already said this to them... These people chose to stay..."

Hailan nodded: "Very good."

"Now I have your new Instructor, Koala...Sensei!"

Hailan originally wanted to talk about Sergeant Koala, but When I thought about it, I couldn't talk nonsense, and then changed it to Sensei.

Seeing a little girl who was obviously less than 10 years old came over, all kinds of wonderful expressions appeared on the faces of 100 new recruits.

Are you kidding me?

Is this serious Sensei?

"Hailan Commodore, Wagner Commander, Captain Buggy!"

Koala saluted the three in turn.

Seeing that cute and beautiful little girl looks serious, the 100th new recruit feels that she is actually quite cute.

But you can still eat as cute? When the military force is used?

Actually, after all, Hailan is a headquarters Commodore. He didn’t have that many time to talk to a group of new recruits. If it weren’t for these new recruits, most of them were recruited from the Kingdom of the Bridge. Government itself has hatred, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

Although Wagner is good at strength, his theoretical knowledge is too poor. Even the theory of Rokushiki is far inferior to Koala, who used to study Hailan when he was a child and ran into the library.

The usual saying "will do not say" is like this.

Looking at the similar expressions on the faces of new recruits, Hailan stood up: "Why? Dissatisfied? If you dissatisfied, you can try. I won't blame you."

" That...Sir, this Little Sister...No, this Koala Sensei is not a Devil Fruit Ability User, right?"

"No, she is just an ordinary people."


"Then she is here to teach us theoretical knowledge, such as navigation, first aid, etc.?"

"Body refinement is also taught by her."

" This..."

"I'm not convinced!"

"Hey, Gerald, don't go..."

Come from the kingdom on the bridge Gerald of Marine Headquarters, when he saw Koala, he remembered his younger sister who died in endless labor.

But Koala is not his younger sister after all. Seeing this guy always staring at her, she gave him a fiercely look.

Who knows, Gerrard actually stood up because of a ghost.

What Hai Lan said was not a polite remark. She talked casually and challenged. As a result, when someone jumped out, they made small moves secretly. He was now anxious for someone to jump out and let Koala slap her face.

As for the strength of this group of new recruits, Hailan has already figured it out and is not Koala's opponent at all.

Otherwise, you have to use childcare...

"The battle begins!"


Koala's little fist banged It touched Gerald's nose, and the latter lay down with a grunt, tears streaming out.

It’s not that Gerrard has no spine, but...anyone who has been hit on the nose knows...

"What's so..." 99 new recruits I thought I was dazzled. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Koala Sensei will teach you all kinds of knowledge in the future, and today is the first lesson I give you!"

Hailan stood up at the right time," In this sea, gender, appearance, race, height, etc... these are not important, the only important thing is to see who has the hardest fist!"


Because there are a lot of things today, there is only one chapter, but everyone can rest assured that Li Zhi will not evade fares, and the one owed will be made up.

Fan fiction has a big advantage and a big disadvantage.

The advantage is that there is an Innate view of the world, without wasting too many brain cells.

The disadvantage is that there are too few enemies and too few blame. If you cut down all the way, even the longest comic, Pirate King, will be finished in less than a million words.

So Li Zhi was thinking about how to fight against hydrology (such as playing Moria, two people come and go, light and dark, 10 chapters on the water, or kill Moria again and again, old I wrote the novel long on the premise of letting him escape), and finally came to the conclusion that it is best to tell everyone a different story.

Although this is not very good, Li Zhi thinks that among Pirate colleagues, it should be considered a novel that can give readers a different feeling, and this is for Li Zhi like this. For old sea fans, that's enough.

This chapter has been written for almost two hours, plus there are a lot of things today, the second chapter is really not written.

It’s not that the hand speed is not enough, but the brain is too busy, so you can’t bring the roasted skewers to everyone, right?

So it’s a chapter today, and tomorrow will be updated three times to make up what you owe today.


...Although I have been nagging a few hundred words, the text is already 2000 words, so this is not the number of water words, haha...

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