By the way, why do Pirate write so much about Marine recently?

The protagonist of the last book was Pirate, who was born in West Blue, and then there were a bunch of Pirate colleagues who started West Blue...

This book writes Marine, and it blows out again. The Pirate comrades who wrote Marine...

Can I still control the direction of the Pirate comrades at the starting point?

Acknowledge your hips...


In other words, this book is more tiring than the last one.

This book thinks too much, sometimes the code is halfway through, and suddenly I find a loophole in the logic, delete it!

I found that this behavior does not match the character’s IQ/character, delete...

Sometimes I think, if this book is a cool article, it’s fine, although the grades are not good. It must be better than it is now, but at least it is easy to write.

Not much to say...

Tell me about the update.

It will be on the shelves in the early morning. The update is arranged like this.

Seven shifts-Two shifts are today's normal updates, and fifth shifts are updates after the shelves!

Because not every genuine reader has a monthly pass, the rules for adding and changing are as follows:

First, two guarantees are guaranteed (the first day is guaranteed five times!)

One more change is ordered for every 100, and the upper limit is not capped; the total average order reaches 2000, guarantees three changes!

The monthly ticket is magical, don’t force it, I suggest you grab the monthly package, and then come back and give me the subscription, haha...

Because there will be a delay in the early morning, it may not be possible at 12 o’clock The new chapter will be sent out, but it must be sent out before 1 o'clock.

Because the manuscript is not enough, there may be only 5 or 6 chapters when it is sent out, but before everyone wakes up tomorrow morning, there will definitely be 7 more (2 free + 5vip)

Then the update time will be fixed at 0:00-0.30 every day!

The guaranteed chapter and the addition are updated together, not separate!

As for anti-piracy or something, Lizhi will definitely not set it up.

Because everyone lacks money, it is understandable.

After all, if everyone is an ordinary family who is not interested in money like this Ma, then they will definitely not look at piracy, right!

But if I have spare capacity, I still hope to support genuine, haha...

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