"elder sister ..."

"Shh... don't talk."

Hancock made a silent gesture, Accelerated the pace of movement.

A few days have passed since the arson of Holy Land Mariejois, Boa Hancock and her two younger sisters, who had been hiding, finally walked out of hiding.

This is the No. 12 mangrove area of ​​Sabaody Archipelago, belonging to the No. 1-29 zone.

Although in the area managed by Marine, the weird look of the Boa three sisters will definitely be searched by Marine, but here, it is normal to hide your body under the hood Things, few people come to trouble the cloaked man.

Even when Celestial Dragon is furious, the Unable to Zone still has its special peace.

Sabaody Archipelago is a sensitive military area. Gorosei is not a fool and will not offend the entire sea of ​​Pirate because of this.

as the saying goes, it is better to block than to sparse.

With the military power of the World Government, a pass can be set up between Chambord Land and Fishman Island to block all Pirate who wants to go to New World, or New World who wants to return to the first half of Pirate. .

But if you really do that, it will block Pirate's channel, and it will inevitably cause all Pirate to rebound.

Thus, World Government left such a small channel.

Whether it is humans or other creatures, there is such a commonality, but when they give them a little hope, they will not choose cutting off one's means of retreat.

Gorosei sees this very clearly.

It's not what Gorosei wants to see if it hurts one thousand and eight hundred. What they want is stability and control.

Although Hancock is still only a 16-year-old teenage girl, she has already awakened Kenbunshoku Haki during Celestial Dragon’s abuse, plus Celestial Dragon forced her to eat "Mero" because of the entertainment performance. Mero no Mi", the average little thief is not Hancock's opponent at all.

Otherwise, where would the three girls dare to wander in the impossible zone?

Hancock has noticed the group not far from him.

But she doesn't want to cause trouble now, just want to get rid of them as soon as possible so that she will not be exposed.

But Hancock's rush made the group of traffickers become nervous and afraid of girls. They followed the steps of Boa's three sisters faster and faster.

All of this was under the surveillance of the Kenbunshoku electric field in Hailan. He even heard the quiet conversations of the three Boa sisters, the whispers of the traffickers, and the swallowing sounds of the mysterious powerhouse while drinking.

"This elder sister is very difficult to deal with. There is no panic at all. It seems that I am quite confident in myself."

Although the 16-year-old Hancock is already very beautiful , But what Hai Lan really cares about is the powerhouse in the dark.

It’s still unclear whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend. It’s not worthwhile to pretend to be a hero for trifling 3 points of identification.

"elder sister...they are catching up."

Although Hancock's two younger sisters also ate Devil Fruit, their years of slave career made them courageous. Becomes very small.

Especially when facing human traffickers, they have an instinctive fear.

"Damn stinky men..."

Currently, Hancock has not yet developed the further capabilities of Paramecia Mero Mero no Mi.

So she really doesn't want to use her Devil Fruit ability, because she can only petrify those traffickers if she exposes her beauty first and makes those men tempted.

But that will attract the attention of more traffickers. When the time comes, the trouble will only continue.

"The three of you will go around from the left, and the four of you will go ahead and intercept..."

The traffickers are quietly discussing plans to capture these three girls.

To be precise, it is the black long straight girl at the front.

She is so beautiful!

There is even more a charm like magic,

almost irresistible to men.

The leader of human traffickers even had the urge not to sell them, but to arrest Hancock as his wife.

"Are you all ready..."


A wave of invisible energy is coming in an instant, like several sharp ones The divine force sword pierced the trafficker's mind, and the entire team passed out with white eyes and foaming at the mouth.

"Haoshoku's Haki?"

Hailan was going to appreciate what breaking methods these three girls or the mysterious powerhouse would use, didn't expect the other party to have a simple Haoshoku Haki dealt with these troubles.

"Although the Haoshoku Haki of this person is not as powerful as that of Akagami, but the release is extremely accurate. Sabaody Archipelago has such a person?"

Just between Hailan’s thinking, An old man with white hair and round glasses appeared in front of the three Boa sisters.

"'Dark King'Rayleigh?!"

At a glance, Hai Lan recognized this strong, powerful, mysterious old man with a powerhouse aura.

"Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh, as the deputy captain of Pirate King Gol D. Roger, his information has already been understood clearly in the mind as early as when Hai Lan was a child.

When Roger was executed that year, Rayleigh and other Roger Pirates crew members were all wanted, but "Dark King" Rayleigh disappeared completely disappeared without a trace like disappearing from the face of the earth.

But didn't expect to adhere to the principle of "the most dangerous place is the safest place", and Rayleigh actually lives in seclusion in Sabaody Archipelago.

It's really hidden in the city.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the old man in front of him, Hancock stood in front of the two younger sisters and asked with a pretty face. .

"Are you from Amazon Lily?"

didn't expect the other party actually told his secret in one bite, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Hancock couldn't help but startled .

"Who the hell are you?"

"Don't ask, come with me, there is an old friend waiting for you."

Rayleigh's Kenbunshoku Haki is so wide that it can even cover a small island.

Hailan has long been noticed by him.

But Rayleigh is not Hailan, without the blessing of electric field, so I don’t know what Hailan is.

So Rayleigh didn't think much about the powerhouse as clouds. As long as the other party didn't follow him, he didn't need to care about others.

But Hailan's computing power is not covered.

Relying on Rayleigh's clues, even if he did not choose to follow, Hailan also found Rayleigh's destination.

"Mother-in-law New!"

Seeing the former emperor Elder Nyon Ossa of the Amazon lily, the three Boa sisters threw themselves into the arms of the old lady with excitement.

The experience of many years is combined, even if it is as strong as Hancock, this time also burst into tears happily.

"The most precious thing of man is life, life belongs to man only once..."

The appearance of a voice made the bar quiet instantly.

In addition to the Devil Fruit Ability User who developed the "electric field", Kenbunshoku Haki is an "active skill" for the overwhelming majority.

Rayleigh is very confident. When he brought the three Boa sisters back, he was definitely not followed. So when he returned to "Shakky's Ripping Bar", Rayleigh did not always use Kenbunshoku Haki to explore the surrounding environment , I didn’t notice anyone approaching this bar.

Until Hailan's voice sounded, everyone in the bar suddenly became vigilant.

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