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"The youngster is really energetic now..."

On the sea in the distance , Rayleigh on the deck looked at Hai Lan and Doflamingo in the sky and said to himself.

After the incident with Hailan, Rayleigh thought about it and became more worried, and finally decided to send the three Boa sisters back to Calm Belt Amazon Lily.

I just went out to sea not very long, and I saw that young Marine who had pitted himself and didn't know he was fighting with who again.

"Garp ...hehe ..."

Rayleigh left Sabaody Archipelago with the three sisters of Boa, and Garp, who was in charge of tracking Rayleigh, also followed.

With the large-scale Kenbunshoku Haki, Rayleigh has long been aware of the existence of Garp.

But the two have been old rivals for several decades, and they are very familiar with each other.

Rayleigh feels more and more that Hailan and Garp have a lot in common. For example, the two do not play cards according to the routine, which is simply a headache.

But there is also a completely different place. Hailan Keng has always been someone else, and the young Garp...he is pitting himself more often...

Since the last time the two reunited because of Hailan's needle threading, Garp and Rayleigh had a fight first, then drank a drink, and finally reached an agreement.

Garp stalks Rayleigh. That's the duty, and Rayleigh is not incomprehensible about this.

Anyway, I only want to enjoy my old age, and I don't want to fight for hegemony anymore. At most, I will show Captain Roger what this Great Age of Pirates can develop into.

Since Garp is still full of energy like a youngster, Rayleigh naturally has to behave to make Garp and Sengoku feel at ease.

Because of Rayleigh's departure, Sabaody Archipelago Shakky's intelligence organization has recently reduced the frequency of activities.

Working under Celestial Dragon's eyelids, without Rayleigh's care, Shakky can't take too many risks.

Of course she is not afraid. With her ability, she can safely escape from the shampoo at any time.

But she still has a lot of companions under her, and she can't let them also take risks.

In this way, since Shakky's intelligence organization has narrowed its scope of activities, Sabaody Archipelago is now the stage where "cheat" and "black cat" compete.


The Pirate and slave masters who could not be brought to the market were killed by Doflamingo.

There is nowhere to vent the anger that was ignited in Hailan, and he could not blatantly go to the area managed by Marine to slaughter Marine, Doflamingo vented his anger flame hair to those who could not...

"Dear joker, you will expose our whereabouts..."

In the "Black Cat" family base, the black cat is cautiously with the joker from North Blue The big guys have a talk.

Doflamingo coldly Issho: "What are you afraid of? If that cheat dares to find here, I promise to let him come back and forth!"

Kuro frowned: "This is Celestial Dragon If you are not careful..."

"Celestial Dragon shit is just a bunch of stupid pigs!"

Although it has been deprived of Celestial Dragon Identity, but Doflamingo is still not afraid of Celestial Dragon, because he holds the secret called "Mariejois National Treasure" in his hands.

"Locke, do you have any detailed information on the'cheat'? I don't want to plan slowly anymore. I am eager for a feast now!"

"My lord, still Be careful...Uh..."

An invisible energy wave swept Kuro's mind. Kuro's figure shook for a few steps, and he sat weakly on the chair, not taking a long time. Come on.

The faces of the others in the Donquixote Family show admiration.

Most of them from all over the world, when they see Doflamingo’s Haoshoku Haki, they are like seeing a god, and they can’t hide their worship at all.

In fact, with Kuro's current strength, Doflamingo's Haoshoku Haki can have a substantial effect on him, but it will not be so serious.

It’s time to show real acting...

Doflamingo grinned Issho: "Now,

I am your master, and your command to me is only Can choose to obey, can’t choose to wonder, do you understand? My cute little black cat."


Kuro tried to take a few deep breaths, forehead It was covered with densely packed cold sweat.

"To find a suitable excuse to deal with cheat, it is actually very simple. But it may require your family to pay a little price..."


"If Miss Baby-5 is captured by the slave master, with her weapon fruit ability, she will definitely be named by cheat. When the time comes, you can attack cheat in good faith, eh!!!"

Kuro was mentioned by Doflamingo: "You the fuck want to touch my family? Courting death?"

"This is just...a suggestion..."


The baby-5 on the side, with bright and intelligent eyes wide open, asked expectantly: "I... Am I needed?"

Doflamingo looked at Baby-5 thought for a moment, and threw Kuro to the ground.

The eyes behind the Kuro lens are slightly narrowed. The character of this baby-5 seems to be used...

"cheat" Smith has World Government officials as the backstage, even Doflamingo You can't attack Smith for no reason, just like Doflamingo's stealing Dressrosa in the original book requires brainstorming.

Doflamingo looked towards Kuro: "What do you use to ensure the safety of my family?"

"Life card..."



the past few days Kuro stayed with Doflamingo, UU reading www.uukanshu.Com naturally couldn't find the opportunity to pass on information to Hailan.

But Kuro, who is well thought out and proficient in plot against, has already worked out a complete and simple plan with Hailan, except that he did not expect Doflamingo to kill in the impossible zone of Sabaody Archipelago. , Everything is proceeding according to the planned trajectory.

The plans of Hailan and Kuro are not complicated, because the more complex the plan, the greater the risk. As long as one link goes wrong, the whole plan will collapse.

Their plan is nothing more than Hailan angering Doflamingo first, making him lose his composure, and then actively attacking "cheat", Hailan sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

The only difficulty in the plan is the test of the "acting skills" of the two.


"Is this the little girl you said that ate the fruit of the weapon?"

"Yes, yeah, in order to catch her , We also hurt a few brothers."

In the base camp of "cheat", Parker Shi was flatteringly introducing the capabilities of baby-5 to Smith.

"Well...how do I feel that something is wrong?"

Smith stared at the small face of baby-5 and frowned: "That kind of thing Little girl, shouldn’t you feel scared after being caught by traffickers?"


An adult whip with thick arms fell from the sky and slammed it towards the "cheat family". Just like a knife from Heavenly God, the entire building of the "cheat family" in Mangrove District was beaten twice by Doflamingo. The destructive power can be called terrifying!

"Super Strike...Twist Whip!"

This is an enhanced version of "Super Twist Whip"! I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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