(200 are booked and updated!)

(Some friends said that they will update at night, everyone staying up late is bad for your health, so let’s change the update time as follows: every day 20.00-20.30 in the evening)

(There will be no extra charge if the above is less than 200 words)



"Cheat" Smith was stunned by the blow from the sky.

Since he became the leader of Sabaody Archipelago, no one has ever dared to attack his base in such a brazen manner.

The collapse of the base caused a large amount of dust. Doflamingo lifted his left hand, and several threads pulled up the baby-5 on the ground, and threw it to Saini Oro not far away.

Doflamingo has reached the level of brought to the point of perfection in Doflamingo’s control over the fruit of the line. When he wants to kill someone, the line is the sharpest sword. When he wants to save someone, the person being rescued will never be saved. Will be hurt.

It's just like Hailan is currently working on the sword technique of cultivation.

The book says, “There are swordsman who can cut everything in this world, and there are swordsman who can cut everything.” In short, a real swordsman, the sword in his hand is like having life. Same, follow your heart and follow the blade.

For Hailan who owns Aurora Sword, it is not difficult to be a "swordsman that can cut everything", and if you want to be a "swordsman that can cut everything ", you need to work hard and cultivated.

"Where did the wild brat come here to make trouble!"

As a veteran Pirate, "cheat" Smith didn't know Doflamingo at all.

Through Underworld's intelligence, he knew that a dark horse code-named "joker" had risen in the past two years, but he didn't know that Doflamingo and joker were the same person.

"Golden Treasure!"

Countless gold condenses a large number of golden weapons, Smith thoughts move, these weapons instantly flew to Doflamingo in midair.

"I hate this style the most..."

Doflamingo is associated with Smith's style of the three-handed aurora long spear that Hailan attacked him, and the anger in his chest is once again Was rekindled.

"Stretch the thread!"

Countless dense silk threads were shot on Doflamingo's fingers like bullets. There was no family member within the attack range, and Doflamingo attacked unscrupulously.

Normally, Celestial Dragon will rarely be able to reach it.

So for battles that can't be brought, Marines have always been happy to watch the show.

It's just that this scene is a bit long...

In a blink of an eye, half an hour has passed, and the battle in the distance is not over yet.

"Let you see my true strength, golden sacred fire!"

Under normal conditions, "cheat" Smith, who lost to Doflamingo, used the ability of Devil Fruit to awaken.

The entire No. 3 mangrove area has been turned into gold by Smith. Smith has even used a large amount of gold after awakening to create a golden giant, and he himself is in the golden giant like driving a mecha Manipulate inside the body.

"This...is this the power of Devil Fruit? From now on, I must become a Devil Fruit Ability User to avenge Stella!"

Mangrove area 5 , A handsome man in ragged clothes but with short gray-green hair gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

Although Devil Fruit Awakening only adds several attack methods for Ability User, it may not be able to defeat ordinary Ability User.

But at this time, Doflamingo has not yet reached the strength of his Peak period. Facing Smith's "golden fire", he can only choose to dodge.

"Oh my god, what is that? Kizaru Vice Admiral's laser?"

Marine on the mangrove area in the distance has fallen out of luck, who can expect Does the Gundam that go to the opponent use laser light?

Just when the Marines were too late to escape at the crucial moment, a blue energy sword with a stream of light appeared above the Marines.


The laser named "Golden Sacred Fire" suddenly exploded in midair,

the wind blowing underneath the Marines couldn’t even open it. Eye.

"Are we... not dead?"

"It is the Hailan Commodore of the headquarters!"

The scattered aurora condensed a silhouette, greeted the eye It is a back view with the word "positive x" written on it.

Because of training Fishman unarmed Dao, many garrisons in Chambord have already known Hailan.

Although they couldn't see the face of in midair's silhouette at this time, they knew Hailan's ability.

The destructive power of "Golden Sacred Fire" is very strong, and it can severely damage a Battleship with a single blow.

But Hailan is Logia Devil Fruit Ability User...hehe...

"It seems that Doflamingo may not have beaten Smith..."

In the next second, Hailan turned into a stream of light and flew towards the "golden mangrove area".

"Hey, you two fight back, don't provoke other mangrove areas, otherwise it will be difficult for me to do it."

Doflamingo and Smith who were fighting stopped , Glaring at Hai Lan one after another.

Smith: What's the situation? Am I being plot against by Marine? Or was it plotted against by someone higher up?

Doflamingo: Everyone must die!

Hai Lan looked towards the Golden Giant Smith: "'cheat' Smith, you attacked Marine soldier for no reason, and severely damaged Marine Headquarters Commodore. Now Commodore will crusade you in the name of Marine's justice! "

Cheat Smith almost spit out old blood.

What bad reason is this?

Are you a bit "heavy" on your body?

"It was an accident for me!"

"You should save these words to Judicial Island to explain to the judges!"

Smith won't Xin Hailan’s nonsense, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Judicial Island is a what the hell place, he knows no better, when the time comes, he also explained a fart.

"The Ability User over there, you and I are both unable, and he is Marine, I suggest..."

"You two are really ready to join forces against me "

Hai Lan suddenly Issho: "Doflamingo, you know my speed. If you are confident to kill me, then you come, or you should join forces with me to defeat this Smith.

If you agree, I will help you; if you disagree, I will help Smith; if you two hit me, I will run...The decision is now in your hands, it's up to you."


Doflamingo's face was solemn, and the wine-red sunglasses covered his eyes, making it difficult to see his eyes.

This is the first time Doflamingo has seen the so-called "Devil Fruit Awakening" ability. Now it seems that he is really not Smith's opponent by himself.

I thought that the "birdcage" was already the limit of the fruit of the line. Didn't expect even have the ability called "Awakening"?

Doflamingo has already decided, after returning this time, must further study his Devil Fruit ability; and this Smith's Gold-Gold Fruit, he is bound to win.

As for this hateful Marine, it is not his most important goal now. If you want revenge, there will be opportunities in the future.

But if Smith can't be solved this time, I would like to intervene in Sabaody Archipelago in the future, but it will be troublesome.

"Wire saw!" I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people. WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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