North Blue, the Kingdom of Louis.

In a bar, two silhouettes, one big and one small, are sitting at a table facing each other.

The big one has short golden hair, but with heavy make-up and a crow-like feather coat, he is a little bit scornful, and at first glance he is not a serious person.

The little one wore a cotton cap, his entire body was wrapped in a gray cloak, and his appearance was hidden under the hood of the cloak. He was sneaky, like a thief.

This pair looks like the kind of criminal organization that specializes in catching children to steal money, go begging, and then adults take the money to enjoy the blessing...

"Have you heard that? Recently, a swordsman adventurer appeared and was looking for trouble with Germa 66 everywhere. It is said that several strongholds of Germa 66 have been unplugged, which is really pleasing!"

"Stupid Jimmy , You are a man who has read too many comics, how old you are, and you look at those superhero comics all day.

The truly brave man on the sea has long gone to write his own Legendary. Now, how can I have time to study these comics that fool little children!"

"It’s not the'warrior of the ocean' Sola, I have already ignored the kind of tricks that deceive children, this time it’s Really, he is a swordsman who calls himself an "adventurer"! I heard that he cut off the mecha of Derma 66 with a single knife!"

The mecha was obviously torn by the Vajra brother. As a result, it was passed on and it was cut by Hailan...

That’s how the rumors came...

"Really? Does this swordsman have a name? ?"

"It seems that his name is called'ying'... No one knows the specifics..."

Although Hailan has already made one for herself "Shiranui Naruto" pseudonym, but often half true half false intelligence is the easiest to deceive.

Hai Lan now hides his name, only revealing the word "ying". After people know that his real name is "Shiranui", it will be easy to accept this name.

If he at first preached that he was called "Shiranui Naruto" in a high-profile manner, then people would suspect that this is not a confusing fake name, right?

"hahaha...Okay! The bastards of Djerma 66 are really rewarded, happy, happy, drinking, drinking!"

This is the kingdom of Louis, yes North Blue is one of the few countries that has survived the attack of Djerma 66 and can maintain its sovereignty.

It is easy to understand that the people here hate Germa 66.

"Luo, what do you think of that'shadow', will it be the one sent by Doflamingo to trouble Germa 66?"

The scornful blonde man Leaning back carefree, he asked.

He doesn't worry at all that someone will hear him and Luo's conversation, because he is Paramecia's "fruit of silence" Ability User and can block all sounds.

After he listened to the useful information in the bar, he opened the "silencing wall".

"Mr. Cora...I think it's better to forget...My disease, it seems that it can't be cured."

The young man named "Luo" The boy did not answer Corazon's question, but weakly mentioned his illness.

Actually, Luo appeared sneaky, not because he stole something, nor because he was shy, but because he got "platinum lead disease."

This is a terminal illness, and there are rumors that it is an infectious disease.

So in order to avoid trouble, he must hide his pale skin.

Colasson wanted to divert Luo's attention from the subject, but he failed.

"Hateful, these quack doctors are so ill-medical. If you hadn't stopped them, I would have set their hospital on fire! But don’t worry, the world is so big, there will always be a cure for platinum and lead. A sick hospital!"

"It's useless..." Luo whispered, answering weakly.

With a "creak", the door of the bar was pushed open.

Although Corason opened the "silencing wall", the basic qualities of the agent still made him immediately notice the situation at the door.


Corrasson's expression was a meal, but it was only a meal.

Although I haven't seen Hailan for several years, as a good friend who used to be in the headquarters, Corrasson still immediately recognized Hailan's identity.

Hai Lan also immediately looked towards Coralson, but due to the heavy makeup, he did not recognize Coralon, but when he saw Coralson’s feather coat of the same style as Doflamingo, combined He also wanted to understand the identity of Rosinante as an undercover agent.

Doflamingo's coat is pink, like a flamingo; while Corason's coat is pure black, which is a dark crow.

Hailan, Koala, and Bepo found an empty seat and sat down.

Since Hailan demonstrated the strength of "Ittoryu. Breaking the Army into the Dragon", Shakky and Peijin immediately became Hailan's little fans, and they had to follow Hailan without skin and face.

At first, Hai Lan refused to compare these two.

But then Hailan discovered that the two were amused and sang together, and they had the potential to be a "storyteller", so in order to carry forward the "adventurer spirit", Hailan reluctantly allowed them to follow her. beside.

This time the two of them didn't know where they went to brag.

As for the "Vajra brother", Hailan, who is so big, didn't carry it.

Even if "Erha" is carried, traveling is quite difficult, even more how the picture is too beautiful and I can't think of it...


Koala poked Hailan’s waist quietly, whispered: "The two people over there are a bit weird, I can’t hear them talking..."

Hai Lan Xin thinks that of course you can't hear it, because Rosinante is Paramecia's "fruit of silence" Ability User. It will be troublesome for you to hear it.

But he didn't say this, after all, Rosinante's identity is still very sensitive.

"It’s okay, I can hear..."

The transmission of sound originates from vibration. Although I don’t know if the "silencing wall" of the fruit of silence is a vacuum, it is It doesn’t matter if Hailan is in a vacuum, because he can convert sound signals through electric fields and waves...

Koala is not happy: "But I can’t hear it. UU read ”

"Then I will teach them..."

Koala is even more anxious: "don't, don't, don't, I don't mean that."


Koala just said casually, she didn't plan to cause trouble for Hailan.

"Did you forget what we promised the king? Did you also forget what we are investigating?"

"You mean...they?"

As reminded by Hai Lan, Koala finally remembered the original plan to "investigate the little boy with platinum lead disease".

Apart from this, as an "adventurer", they also took over the bounty of the Lucis Kingdom against a combination that specializes in making trouble in the hospital.

According to the intelligence, the messing-up group was the "Platinum-Lead-Sick Boy" Hai Lan wanted to find, but he didn't expect that the other person turned out to be Rosinante.


Hai Lan walked to Corrazon's table with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine.

Corrazon gave Luo a color, and the tacit understanding between the two had already reached a deep understanding.


A moment of "sou", Corasson directly used his armpit to hold Luo and rushed to the outside of the bar.

Hai Lan blinked: What are you running? What's so scary to see me? If I can still eat you, can't you?

Just listen to the boss in the bar behind and then rushed out: "No money!"

? ? ?

Is this running out of money?

hong long!

As soon as he ran to the door, Corason caught Luo and fell to the ground one by one.

Corrazon is usually careless, but Bepo only stretched out a stubby leg and tripped Corison.

Luo even flew a radish stuck in the snow...a pair of calves tossed around...want to talk with more like-minded people "This Marine is not serious", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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