Marine is not a serious Marine, and the little girl is not a normal girl, even the bear is a black-belly bear...

Don’t look at Bepo’s character I was born weak and timid, but it was fast to integrate into the small team of Hailan...

Corrazon hurriedly got up from the ground, but the unfathomable mystery fell to the ground again.

Helpless, he had no choice but to loudly shouted: "Save the child first!"

"Asshole, you want to run after eating the king's meal? Come, catch him for me!"

The bar boss rushed over angrily.

Hai Lan extends the hand and stopped the Boss: "Forget it, give me a face and put it on my account!"

Hai Lan is not short of money now.

Relying on the identity of an adventurer, fighting against Pirate and Germa, plus receiving bounty, now his money is completely rich.

Although Hailan’s identity at the headquarters is not kept secret from the branch, he usually has no contact with the branch. This time he was secretly sent to North Blue, so the branch didn’t know that this adventurer was actually Commodore of the headquarter.

Boss originally planned to teach the guy in black feathers a lesson, but when he saw the famous knife on Hailan’s waist, he saw the Great White Bear at the door and the cute little girl praising the Great White Bear. After thinking about it, the original rage immediately changed to a smiling face.

"Okay, thank you for this guest!"

If you dare to open a tavern in troubled times, you must have two brushes, which is not to be trifled with. , Such as Shakky in Shampoo; either his brain is extremely flexible and his ability to observe words and behavior is extremely strong.

A male swordsman, a little girl who can communicate with animals, isn’t this the characteristic of the rumored adult adventurer?

It doesn't matter whether it is true or false, in short, the face is given first.

When Corason got up from the floor in a panic, Bepo lifted Luo's legs and pulled Luo out of the snow.

"cough cough..."

Now Luo's body is very weak due to platinum lead disease, and his head is inserted in the snow and pulled out again. , Couldn't help coughing a few times.

"hateful...I'm going to kill you..."

Luo stared at Bepo bitterly, it was this stupid bear that made him out Such a big embarrassment.

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

Bepo stood aside obediently, with his hands parallel to his legs, and bowed deeply to Luo.

Bepo's psychological endurance is very poor. If you criticize him casually, he will apologize to him as if he has made a big mistake.

"Uh...well...then I forgive you..."

Luo was also taken aback, didn't his appearance just now be too scary?

Koala looked at Bepo, then at Luo, and suddenly satori in his heart: This little boy should be the more fun character Hailan said? It seems to be called... Tsundere!

Corazon also has a deep understanding of this.

Originally, Luo found out that Corazon was disguised as a dumb, and planned to make a small report to Doflamingo, but then he did not do so.

A lot of similar small details have been accumulated together, Corasson discovered the goodness hidden in Luo deep in one's heart, and discovered that he and his big brother are not the same kind of people, so he made up his mind To save this poor child. can’t be saved...

Because platinum lead disease is terminally ill...

"What did you run for?"

Seeing that Luo is safe and sound, Corazon also sighed in relief, and then Hailan's voice came in his ears.

Corrasson had an idea, and said to Hailan: "Don't I just owe you 800,000 Beli? As for running to North Blue to chase me? Can I still pay you back?"

Colasson said, winking at Hai Lan.

Is there something to hide from the little boy?

"Come on, let's talk about it here."

Hai Lan dragged Corazon into the alley near the bar.

Colasson did not forget to turn around and tell Luo: "Don't worry, it's okay, I will come as soon as I go."


Luo Yi Face suspicious.

You are the younger brother of Doflamingo,

can you still owe others money?

Will not even lie?

But he didn't ask too much, because he now considers Corazon his family.

"Why did you come to North Blue, too?"

Corrazon unfolded the muffler wall, and talked with Hailan with confidence.

Hai Lan only told Corazon about the mission of crusading and defecting Marine Rear Admiral, and did not say about the headquarters' plan to ambush Doflamingo.

Because he doesn't understand what Corazon is doing now, is he suspected of rebellion?

"so that's how it is..."

After Corason's explanation, Hailan has a certain understanding of Luo Cai.

Luo hated World Government and Marine because of the hatred that his hometown was destroyed by the World Government. Corrazon didn't want to reveal his Marine identity, so he diverted the attention of both sides when he was at first.

"Do you want to save him? But did you know? Platinum lead disease is incurable, and the child is no longer saved."

Platinum lead disease is a kind of damage to the human body The physiological mechanism and immunity of heavy metal poisoning disease, although not contagious, but the most terrifying thing is that it can be passed on to the next generation, causing the lifespan of one generation to be inferior to that of the next generation, and ultimately just like Luo, who must face death at a young age.

"No... there is another way..."

Corrasson's gaze suddenly became serious, "Ope Ope no Mi..."


"Ope Ope no Mi?"

After being reminded by Corason, Hailan also remembered the fruit he had seen on the Devil Fruit illustrated book before.

When I first searched for Devil Fruit of the "Space Department", UU read the book "Ope Ope no Mi", "Menmen Fruit" and "Castle Fruit" all mentioned.

But "Ope Ope no Mi" is special because it is not a branch of the space system, but a Devil Fruit with a complex comprehensive ability. As the name suggests, it has surgery-related abilities, such as cutting, injection, has it all.

However, due to the actions of the World Government, the Devil Fruit illustration book does not record the ultimate ability of Ope Ope no Mi-the Ability User can perform immortality operations for others at the cost of the Ability User’s own death.

"Yes... As long as you have Ope Ope no Mi, Luo's platinum lead disease can definitely be cured!"

Speaking of which, Corason’s eyes flashed With the brilliance of hope.

Suddenly, Den Den Mushi in Hailan’s pocket rang. Corrasson witty made a separate muffler wall for Hailan, and he leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette.

Den Den Mushi, on the other side is Admiral Sengoku: "We have found an opportunity to ambush Doflamingo. After our observation and testing, the new recruit named Virgo does have a problem, but in order to avoid beat the grass to Scare the snake, we still sent Vergo to North Blue.

Your task at this time is to cooperate with the crane staff to flanking Doflamingo at a critical moment. With your strength, I believe you can intercept Donquixote Family has been waiting for the reinforcements of Staff Crane."

Hailan probed: "Is there no other mission?"

"What else did you investigate?"

"I heard that Marine is going to trade Devil Fruit with Pirate..."

"...Hailan, there are some things that are not the time when you can intervene now. Complete yourself Don’t cause trouble for yourself."



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