North Blue, on the Pirate Ship of the Donquixote Family.

"So... what do you think about this matter?"

Wearing a pink feather coat, Doflamingo has a meaningful smile on his face: "In In the past six months, Marine has never appeared again, even including the Vice Admiral Tsuru who in the past found us time and time again and chased us...

... And for the past six months, Corazon was not on the boat..."

Beside, a brawny with explosive muscle lines all over his body said in a very shrill voice: "That means. .. Is that guy actually leaking our information to Marine all the time?"

His voice is extremely incompatible with his body shape, and the sense of contradiction is overwhelming, but in the Donquixote Family, there is no one. People will make fun of him, including Doflamingo himself.

Doflamingo does not allow anyone to make fun of their family members.

Another one with long, thin, long legs laughed: "This may be just a coincidence. You don't need to take seriously."

"I also hope that all of this is just a coincidence. It's a coincidence..."

Doflamingo grinned, and smiled slightly} people, "After all, I don't want to younger brother..."



North Blue, Minion Island, Pirate, headed by defected Marine Rear Admiral Barreiros, is gathering together to discuss the deal that is about to await them.

"Dolly! Bring the wine!"


"Just such a fruit, do you know how much it can sell?"

"I don't know."

Barreiros's men are trying their best to satisfy their boss's vanity.

"The price they set is..."

"...There are so many? It's crazy! Do those people from World Government have brain issues?

If we get that many money, what kind of pirates will we be!"

"Yeah, haha..."

"You think too much It’s a bit simpler..."

Barreiros is holding the heart-shaped Ope Ope no Mi in his hand, a touch of pretense flashes in his eyes...forcing color: "You know? If there is a doctor Eating this Devil Fruit will undoubtedly become a famous doctor in the world that can be counted on one's fingers.

A variety of intractable diseases can be solved, and World Government can get the most value from it. !

But we don’t have anything to do with this one. It’s better to have money!"

"The boss is right!"

Far away, A teenager was whispering.

"Sir Father, what's the matter with you..."

Drake didn't dare to approach father and his friends.

At the time when the teenager admired father most, his father chose to fall, which left an indelible wound on Drake's deep in one's heart.

"What should I do...but what can I do?"

The young man walks in the World of Ice and Snow desperately , Looking at the wrapped in silver and white, sighed: "If this World could be as pure as this snowy ground...huh?"

Suddenly Drake saw a few Chasing the slapstick little animal-a Great White Bear is chasing a few snow rabbits, it looks like it is strength to bully the weak.

Drake rubbed his eyes, because the most incredible thing for him was: Why is that Great White Bear still wearing a suit?

"Hey! Don't bully Snow Rabbit!"

The youth's sense of justice drove Drake to the Great White Bear.

Since I was a child, I admired the father who was once a Marine. Drake has been working hard to exercise his strength.

It's just a bear. In Drake's eyes, there is no threat at all.

"Idiot, come chase me if you have a kind!"


Drake was taken aback.

Do animals speak human words?

Driven by curiosity and ridicule, Drake quickened his pace.

When he chased behind a boulder, Drake was taken aback.

Because behind the boulder,

Drake saw two men.

They all have triumphant smiles on their faces, they don't look like good people at first glance, they are like...human traffickers!

"Sir Father, come and save me!!!"

The current Drake is far less tenacious than the future Drake Rear Admiral.

The cowardly character and the worship of father made Drake immediately think of his father instead of turning around and running away.

"You scream, even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you."

A muffler wall is shrouded around the three of them, and Drake is really screaming now Every day should not be called the ground is not working.


At this time, Drake finally returned to sobered up.

Unfortunately, in front of Hailan, there is no meaning at all.

"Say! Where did your father hide Ope Ope no Mi? How many people are in the stronghold? Come on!"

Drake was caught in a cave and was caught by these two A robber was interrogated.

"Ope Ope no Mi transaction" is Marine's top secret.

Neither Hailan nor Korazon have the qualifications to know this secret.

This information was obtained by Corazon from Doflamingo.

But even Sengoku only knew that Marine would trade with Barreiros on an island called "Rubeck".

According to Doflamingo’s plan, he will first meet Corason on "Feiyan Island", UU read www.uukā and then go to this island called "Minion" Take Ope Ope no Mi.

When Korazon notified Sengoku about this.

Admiral Sengoku has already ordered Vice Admiral Tsuru to go to Feiyan Island to arrange an ambush, ready to take down Donquixote Family in one fell swoop.

North Blue, Feiyan Island.

Vergo just made a call to Doflamingo and informed Doflamingo of Marine’s ambush on Feiyan Island.

This is the information he obtained at a great risk, because he originally applied to report to the New World G5 branch, but for Young Master, he took the initiative to invite Ying to come to North Blue.

This suspicion is too big.

When Vergo convinced Admiral Sengoku with "to face the craziest Pirate", Sengoku finally agreed.

But for this reason, the other two new recruits, Carlo and Gerrard, have also been sent to North Blue, ready to follow Vice Admiral Tsuru for some experience.

"Vergo...Are you sick? Have you urinated yet?"

Carlo's mockery came in the distance.

"Fart, you are sick! I will come right away!"

Every time Vergo sends Doflamingo's information is extremely short, and he has enough time to urinate to make a call.

But Wilgo encountered some accidents today.

Why can't I pee?

In order to improve his physical fitness and exercise his best body, he hasn't even touched a woman before, and he was able to urinate against the wind yesterday, but why is he not working today?

Vergo's mood today has not been very good, he always feels a little flustered inexplicably.

And this panic even affected his urination.

Is it because I worry too much about Young Master?

"Vergo, it seems you are really dying?"


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