
"Carol, I advise you to stay away from me, don't think you are the best new recruit of West Blue this year , I will be afraid of you."

Vergo plays a taciturn soldier in Marine.

In order to facilitate his lurking, Vergo rarely comes into contact with other soldiers.

This Carlo from West Blue, Vergo remembers clearly that he simply didn't talk to him a few times.

Why did he walk as close as an old friend to himself?

even more how Vergo was in a very irritable mood today, and at this time he didn't have a good face for Carlo.

Vilgo shivered suddenly...

Mom... finally peeed out...

"Vergo, Do you know? Vice Admiral Tsuru just issued a new order, saying that we should leave Feiyan Island immediately and go to Minien Island."

"Oh, I know."

Vergo was shocked, and even the original rhythm of releasing the water was disrupted.

Did Vice Admiral Tsuru find any problems?

But on the surface he still pretended to be very calm.

Plain Heart...Plain Heart...

"Vergo, are you not going to call someone?"

"Call What call?"

"For example...notify Doflamingo that the location of Marine's ambush will change again..."

Vergo suddenly stopped water.


It's over.

This must be exposed.

There is no point in installing it again.

Try to escape before Vice Admiral Tsuru comes to catch yourself.

Anyway, that woman is a Devil Fruit Ability User, as long as she can escape to the beach, everything is still too late.

Seeing more and more Marine soldiers walking towards him, Vergo knew that he could only rely on military force to make a way out.

Carlo looked towards the comrade behind him: "Gerald, did you go first or me first?"

"Go on, this guy has mastered Busoshoku Haki , Where am I his opponent."

Gerard is still very self-aware of his own strength. This is what Wagner taught him and Hailan once said to Wagner: do what you can.

"Armed. Hardened!"

Vergo directly used Busoshoku Haki to cover his whole body, making him look like an ink man, with only one big white tooth It's still white.

"Haki is a skill, but the larger the coverage area, the more powerful it is... Soru!"

Carlo’s strength is not much worse than Vergo, plus this There is Vice Admiral Tsuru on the island.

Vergo’s undercover action, like his halfway release of water, collapsed...


The distance between Feiyan Island and Mini Eun Island is not far away, only a few hours' voyage.

When Doflamingo received Vergo’s information and headed to Minien Island, Vice Admiral Tsuru’s fleet had also set off on time.

When the Pirate Ship of the Donquixote Family approached the Sea Territory on Minien Island, the island had become a mess of porridge.

"Oh my god, where did these monsters come from?"

"Boss, what should I do if guns are not effective against these monsters?"

"Where is my son?"

"Father! Where are you?"

The Pirates who were partying were suddenly hit by the "Beasts Galloping".

The animals living in Snow Mountain have very strong battle strength, snow rabbits, snow wolves, white bears... all of them are fast, skin is rough, flesh is thick, usually humans see you They all have to walk around.

Although Barreiros is a Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral, he can't resist so many wild beasts.

even more how, over the years, the wine has emptied his body, making his strength much worse than before.

"Ope Ope no Mi?"

"I don't know!"


A Pirate He was slashed to the ground by the angry Barreiros.

"Find! Find me all! If you can't find Ope Ope no Mi, everyone will die here, and I must die too!"


Hai Lan had already stolen "Ope Ope no Mi" long before "Beasts Galloping".

Relying on the perception ability of "electric field", sneaking in this group of Pirates is simply with no difficulty for Hailan.

If it weren’t for worrying about beating the grass to scare the snake, which made Donquixote Family vigilant, Hailan didn’t even need to sneak in, just grab it directly.

Hailan has Kenbunshoku Haki, which is blessed by an electric field, which can use electromagnetic waves to transmit sound. Koala has the bonus of music fruit. Even if they are far away, the two of them can communicate without barriers.

As soon as Hailan got Ope Ope no Mi, Koala ordered Bepo to rush towards Pirate's stronghold with the beast Legion.

Amidst the chaos, there are people running away everywhere. Who knows who?

"haha, Luo, did you see it? This is Ope Ope no Mi, you can save it!"

When Hailan handed Ope Ope no Mi to Corazon Colasson danced with excitement on his hands.


Luo gave a weak voice, his small face turned pale, and he looked almost dying.


Luo suddenly stared wide-eyed, matched with his disastrous expression, like a wild ghost looking dead.

Because Corazon suddenly put Ope Ope no Mi into Luo’s mouth, he almost choked Luo...

Koala opened her mouth in surprise : There is this kind of operation? Just skip the "eating*" part?

But Luo now has a pained face, and his face is even a little purple, not much better than the original Koala...

Corrasson looked worriedly Luo: "How is it? Is the disease better?"

"What is good? Do you think this is a panacea? If you want to treat platinum lead disease, he has to rely on Ope Ope no Mi. He can heal him."

Koala gave Corason a white look: "It's you, you almost choked him to death just now."

Hailan pulled her body away. The former Corazon: "Have you heard? Such a big person, I don't know as much as Koala."

"What are you doing?"

Corazon doesn't know White Sea Why did Lan pull herself away. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Don't you want to see Doflamingo for the last time?"

Corrasson's face was solemn.

Anyway, Doflamingo is his own big brother. Although he has done a lot of hateful things, Kolasson doesn’t want Doflamingo to be executed. What he hopes most is that Doflamingo can be restored. Be a man.

But this is only his personal hope. The specific result depends on how Marine's justice will be punished.

"Koala, take Luo to leave this island first, and go to Feiyan Island. It should be safe now."

Koala looked stubborn: "No, I I want to stay here and add buff to you."

Buff is naturally also the word "invented" by Hailan.

Hot-blooded music can make people excited, and the fruit of music can naturally also temporarily increase a person’s battle strength and desire to fight. Otherwise, how can there be a scene of "all beasts running"?

"Koala, don't use abilities against me, you know, it won’t work for me."

When Hailan felt the mental ability of Boa Hancock and Koala successively , He developed a shield of "electromagnetic force field".

This move was learned from an anime character called "Sister Pao". It is said that sister Pao’s electromagnetic field can even defend Yuri’s mind control.

Unfortunately, the fruit of Aurora is not Goro Goro no Mi. There are many abilities related to "electromagnetic force", and Hailan cannot use it temporarily.

Because "electromagnetic force" belongs to the derived ability of Aurora Fruit, it is very difficult to master.

Perhaps, when Hailan's computing power is further strengthened, his abilities will become more diverse.


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