"Koala, what is going on?"

The fleet led by Vice Admiral Tsuru has gradually approached Minion Island.

From a distance, Vice Admiral Tsuru can see the white silk thread that surrounds the entire town like a cage on the island.

She quickly guessed a possibility: Doflamingo...growth again? !

"Vice Admiral Tsuru, Hai Lan, he asked me to tell you that the birdcage has the ability to shield radio waves, and its defensive power is extremely strong. Even his Aurora Sword cuts the thread of the birdcage."

Vice Admiral Tsuru frowned.

"Destructive power" is the advantage of Jian Hao over other powerhouses, and Hailan is holding Aurora Sword in his hand. Even he cuts those threads, I am afraid he can't do anything.

"Hailan said anything else?"

Koala continued to explain: "The other cadres and members of the Donquixote Family are on the periphery of the birdcage. Hailan suggests that you first Go arrest them."

"I understand."

Vice Admiral Tsuru nodded, began an orderly arrangement.


The provocative smile of Hai Lan is reflected in Jiured’s sunglasses. Doflamingo lifts his fingers and shoots at him with a “bounce line” with a whistling sound of breaking wind. Hailan.

Hai Lan could even see the faint cloud of gas at the top of the bullet line.


The "bounce line" hit the air beside Hai Lan, as if hitting a hemispherical barrier and being bounced into the distance.

In front of Hailan, there is a brilliant aurora flickering lightly and darkly, and Doflamingo realized that it was a hemispherical protective cover!

Electromagnetic force field!

If only by relying on Hailan's current electromagnetic field protection ability, in fact, he can't stop Doflamingo from carrying the powerful destructive power "stretch line".

But Doflamingo's "birdcage" ability to block radio waves inspired Hailan.

Since his line can affect electricity, why can't your own electricity affect his line?

Previously, Hailan easily dodged Doflamingo's strong wind and swift rain. It was not because his Kenbunshoku Haki had surpassed Doflamingo.

But through the perception of the electric field, he has already calculated the trajectory of the "bounce line".

As soon as the "flick" left Doflamingo's finger, Hailan had already changed her position in advance.

The "flick line" can only wipe his side and pass without success.

"so that's how it is..."

Although Doflamingo doesn't understand so many principles.

But when he saw the protective shield in front of Hailan, he knew that his "long-range skills" had failed in front of Hailan.

Doflamingo stepped on the empty road and quickly narrowed the distance between him and Hailan.

Doflamingo right hand pulls behind him, countless silk threads are twisted into twists in Doflamingo's hands, Doflamingo right hand lifts, the twisted silk threads are thrown from bottom to top towards Hai Lan in midair.

"Superstrike...twist whip!"

This is an offensive style that can be long-range and close combat.

And this is the strongest style of Doflamingo's current monomer destructive power.

Doflamingo has full self-confidence. Even if Hailan uses the Aurora protective shield to resist, he is confident to crush the opponent's protective shield.

Aurora. Extreme dodge!

Hailan's silhouette dispersed in midair in an instant, and when it reunited, it had already come to Doflamingo's side.

Before, he deliberately said to Doflamingo, "Hit and see if you hit it", on the one hand, to stimulate Doflamingo language, on the other hand, this is also a plan of his.

His electromagnetic force field was developed not very long, not to mention Doflamingo’s "Super Strike Whip", as long as it is a few more times to "flick the line", he can crush his electromagnetic force field. .

But now, when Hailan confidently took over Doflamingo's "bounce line", Doflamingo himself took the initiative to give up the style of long-range attack.

In short.

Doflamingo... is counted!

Doflamingo flashed sideways, and a blue sword aura wiped his body and flew into the distance.


Pirate’s stronghold was divided into two from the middle by Doflamingo’s "Super Strike Whip", as if an earthquake had torn apart a canyon on the ground.

Hailan’s sword aura slashed towards Pica who was chasing Pirate, and directly cut off one of the thighs of Pica, the giant stone giant. The giant stone lost his balance and fell to the ground...


"You did it on purpose!"

Doflamingo glared at Hai Lan.

The stone, in this world, seems to have lost its "sturdy" attribute, and any powerhouse can be used to bully it.

Doflamingo knows very well that Pica can only control the stones, and is far from being able to increase the strength of the stones like the strength of the line fruit, so he wisely prevented Pica from participating in the battle between him and Hailan.

"Intentionally? You think too much, he is not worthy of me to deliberately target...

...to blame, I can only blame him for being too big. There is purely a living target!"

Hai Lan pointed his sword at Doflamingo, "Your birdcage has Absolute Defense ability, right?

But I think, if you can If you defeat here, the birdcage will automatically dissipate!"

Doflamingo Issho gloomily: "Then you can think too much...because of me, I won’t be You defeated it!"

The battle between Hailan and Doflamingo continues.

The birdcage has already become a mess.

Drake's father Barreiros, because he was suspected of hiding "Ope Ope no Mi" by his subordinates, wanted to embezzle Marine's huge amount of Beli, and was hacked to death by his subordinates in the "Battle Royale". .

The former Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral of dignified ended up with such a fate, which is really embarrassing.

The "ace battle" between Hailan and "Tian Yaksha" Doflamingo has lasted for nearly an hour.

The shrinking bird cage has brought great psychological pressure to the remaining survivors.

"Doflamingo, I'm Vice Admiral Tsuru from Marine Headquarters. Your subordinates have been arrested by me now. UU reading www.uukanshu.com now, it's time for you to give up resistance."


Suddenly, a voice spread to the ears of everyone in the birdcage with the help of the loudspeaker.


Doflamingo's face became even more ugly.

"Doffy, look here!"

Doflamingo looked towards Pica. In Pica's hand, Corasson is holding a sign with a few big letters written on it : "We are in it!"

In the Donquixote Family, Rosinante has always played a dumb character. He usually communicates with written words. In Den Den Mushi's communication, he uses some kind of Hit the code.

"Doffy...I saw it, Trebol and Diamante were indeed caught by the Marine called Crane."

Corrazon held up another one in his hand Brand: "Doffy, for the sake of the family, give up resistance."

"We're done!"

Doflamingo suddenly felt a little confused in his mind.

Busoshoku Haki of pitch black covered his right hand, and he actually grabbed Hailan’s Aurora Sword with his bare hands.

Even if the palm of his hand was cut by a sharp sword edge and blood was flowing out, Doflamingo still did not let go.

Doflamingo grabbed Hailan's face with the other hand, this is to replace the injury.

Hai Lan resolutely gave up Aurora Sword, lifting kicked Doflamingo in the abdomen and kicked him flying.

Aurora Sword disappeared, which was caught by Doflamingo, and then reappeared in Hailan's hands.

The trend is over.

But Doflamingo actually laughed, he laughed a little crazy.

"What an international joke is this...

...Can you really win because of this?!!!"


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