Did n’t it mean that Vice Admiral Tsuru’s fleet will ambush itself on "Feiyan Island"?

Is Vergo betrayed himself?

Or did Corazon betray him?

Doflamingo doesn't understand this now, and he doesn't have time to think about it, let alone pursue it.

The past is not important anymore. What's important is that now Donquixote Family has fallen into an unprecedented desperate situation.

"...Do you think this can be over?"

The smile on Doflamingo's face gradually disappeared.

frowned, an invisible energy wave surges in all directions like a turbulent ocean wave.

The imposing manner is majestic and unstoppable.

Haoshoku's Haki!

The survivors in the bird cage who have not yet died foamed at the mouth and turned their eyes, falling into pieces like wheat harvested after autumn.

Even Pica and Corason's foreheads are overflowing with densely packed cold sweat, as if their souls are suffering from a kind of pain.

However, there is one exception.

Hailan, who was standing opposite Doflamingo, was not affected at all.

When the angry Haoshoku Haki released by Doflamingo hits Hailan's side, it is like a monstrous sea surge on an invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable reef.

The reef stays still.

The waves were divided into two, and there was nothing to do with the reef.

The focus of Hailan's "Electromagnetic Field" is now to resist attacks from the Spirit Element.

Even Koala’s music fruit can’t break through his electromagnetic barrier, even more how trifling’s Haoshoku Haki?

In Hailan's eyes, Haoshoku's Haki is only worthy of the word "trifling".

This legendary qualification of one million talents being born a king, apart from being able to clean up some miscellaneous fish, it seems to be useless.

The majesty of the so-called overlord.

Also only this.

"Doflamingo...Are you expressing your last anger?"

Chi has changed.

Before finishing a sentence, Hai Lan flashed to Doflamingo's side, and Aurora Sword in his hand slashed towards Doflamingo's shoulder.


Doflamingo is not in love, but suddenly raised his position.

He knows that his Haoshoku Haki is impossible to frighten Hai Lan, so he is just to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers in the town and create a quiet environment so that Pica can hear her explanation clearly.

It's just a little surprise to Doflamingo that his Haoshoku Haki didn't affect Hailan at all.

But now, I can't take care of it anymore.

"...Tell your family members, don’t cause trouble in Impel Down. It won’t take long before Marine will send you all back!"

With Doflamingo Continuously pulling up his position, the silk thread of the "birdcage" was also pulled up from the ground and shrunk back to the top of the birdcage.

Doflamingo, this is going to escape!

Hai Lan noticed Doflamingo's intentions, and the offensive in his hands became even more fierce.

Doflamingo is a generation of formidable person who can bend and stretch.

He is very clear in his heart that no matter what effort he makes, he is caught in the encirclement of Marine this time and is doomed to fail.

Stay in the green hills without worrying about not having firewood.

Who is his Doflamingo?

Not an anonymous grassroots Pirate.

He is the Celestial Dragon once.

Even now, he still holds the "secret" that Celestial Dragon has to fear.

If you are captured alive by Marine and then given to Celestial Dragon, then everything will be over.

As long as he can continue to be free on this sea, Celestial Dragon dare not order Marine to hurt his family.

Whether it is for yourself, or for those lovely family members, you must never be arrested by Marine just like that!


You have to run! !

How can "Tian Yaksha" fall here! ! !

"Cobweb cage!"

With a flick of Doflamingo's right hand, a large net made of countless silk threads pounced on Hailan.

This is the style he specially developed for Hailan.

Because Hailan is a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User of the light system, Doflamingo’s former "cobweb wall" has no effect on Hailan.

Even if it is wrapped around Busoshoku Haki, Hailan can easily pass through the wide hole.

The silk thread of the "cobweb cage" is densely packed, even a small fish cannot penetrate the hole of the cage.

Even with elemental transformation ahead of time, Hailan is impossible to break through the cobweb cage that is full of Busoshoku Haki.

Just like Logia Devil Fruit Ability User cannot crossed over Kairoseki prison.

Pre-elemental transformation is not invincible either.

Ittoryu. Break the army and rise the dragon!

Aurora Sword swept from bottom to top in Hailan’s hands. The blue vacuum chopping wave hits Doflamingo’s "Spider Cage", accompanied by the crisp sound of gold and iron, "Spider Cage" "I was led by Hailan's sword aura to the distant sky.


Along with a stream of light, Hailan stopped in front of Doflamingo.

Doflamingo coldly snorted, "I admit that you are very strong, even I must do my best to deal with it, but if I want to leave, you think you can stop me Can it?"



Hai Lan’s voice is mixed with unquestionable confidence: "Just rely on I am faster than you!!"

Doflamingo's heel generates several threads, which makes his kick to Hailan carry several times the power of ordinary kicking skills.

Hai Lan disappeared. UU reading www. uukānshu. com

In the next moment, a provocative voice came from Doflamingo's ear: "Speed ​​is power. Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"


in midair burst out dazzling rays of light, Doflamingo was kicked fiercely by Hailan, and fell like a meteor to the sea below.

There is the hell of Devil Fruit Ability User.

Once you fall into the water, you will definitely lose.

"Superstrike...twist whip!"

Doflamingo used all his strength and used his strongest style to sweep to the sea below.

With the help of a strong reaction force, Doflamingo successfully stopped the falling trend just before falling into the sea.

The large splashes on the sea gave Doflamingo unexpected cover.

Fortunately, the scattering of light by the splashes has delayed Hai Lan's movements slightly.

But this is just an utterly inadequate measure, which is not enough to affect the overall situation of the battle.

One jump, one fly.

In the face of the absolute speed gap, it is only a matter of time before Doflamingo is caught up by Hailan.

"This...what's going on with this sudden feeling?"

When flying over the sea, Doflamingo winds silk threads on top of the high-altitude clouds.

But the cloud layer is a soft substance. If it weren't for Devil Fruit's ability to be completely unreasonable, the cloud layer would simply be impossible to withstand human weight.

Doflamingo couldn't be more familiar with the feeling of clouds, but what he touched accidentally this time was a solid solid.

Above the high clouds, is there a secret that you don't even know?

Doflamingo suddenly flew into the sky along the silk thread like Spider-Man.

He wants to seize all the turning points that may turn the tide of this battle!


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