"It seems that you are dead today!"

Doflamingo looked towards Hai Lan, grinning Issho.

The last time he played against "cheat" Smith, for some special reasons, he chose to join forces with Hailan.

But this time is different.

Not to mention whether they can defeat the legendary "flying thieves" Golden Lion Shiki just by joining forces.

More importantly, Doflamingo has no reason to join forces with Hailan.

Kill him.

Isn’t it better?

"He is Marine!!!"

Golden Lion was taken aback.

The two younger generations not far away he didn't expect to say the same thing in unison.

Doflamingo was also stunned.

He didn't expect Hailan to shake the pot so simply and decisively.

"You two...Who is Marine?"

The complexion of Golden Lion became ugly.

He had seen the strength of these two juniors at first, and he wanted to win his hands.

But as soon as I heard that there was Marine in these two people.

This is unbearable.

Before Roger turned himself in, what Golden Lion hated most was Roger.

Because this man from East Blue has always pressed his head firmly.

Perhaps Roger doesn't care about the title "Pirate King", but Golden Lion cares very much.

Because of Roger, he even did not hesitate to make trouble at Marine Headquarters and ended up being arrested and imprisoned.

After escaping from Impel Down, Marine became the most hated existence of Golden Lion.

Marine not only caused him to lose his legs, but also destroyed his body.

In order to imprison these Great Pirates in Eternal Hell.

Marine not only puts on them the shackles that can limit the Devil Fruit Ability User’s ability, but also regularly injects them with weak medicine, and even the pitiful prison rice is mixed with various medicines. .

Golden Lion's heart is like a lion and will never be defeated by setbacks.

However, his body has suffered from another devastation this time.

Therefore, Golden Lion hates Marine.

As long as he encounters Marine, he will definitely kill to the last one.

"You two...Who is Marine?"

"He is!"

"Of course it is him!"

Golden Lion grinned suddenly Issho: "Then you two will all die!"

"Lion, Chikiya!"

Withered wood and Sakura have twelve famous swords The Golden Lion's legs flew up and down, and the sword aura of one after another golden rolled towards Hailan and Doflamingo like fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

Golden Lion was once a world-famous Dual Blade Flow swordsman. Even now, every sword aura he cuts can easily cut through the thick ice.

"The nest of spiderwebs!"

Doflamingo pushed forward with both hands, and countless threads of silk immediately formed a large net in front of him, blocking the densely packed sword Aura, the sound of "ding ding dong dong" is endless.

But Doflamingo's whole person was also pushed back by the sword aura, just as if he lost to the Golden Lion's sword aura, he actually fell to the sea below.

Golden Lion did not continue to chase Doflamingo, who could not even hold his own power, turned and flew towards Hailan who was using high-speed flashing to avoid the golden sword aura.

"Doflamingo this guy... even pretended to be invincible and ran away..."

In the perception of the Kenbunshoku electric field in Hailan, the clouds have fallen and no face can be seen. Doflamingo is drifting away.

Hai Lan did not choose to pursue Doflamingo.

First, he knows very well that Golden Lion will not easily let go of the two who broke into his territory.

That is a lion with a strong concept of territory.

Secondly, "Golden Lion" Shiki has always been a major concern for Marine Headquarters over the years.

Even after escaping from Impel Down, Golden Lion disappeared.

But whether it's the prudent Sengoku or the carefree Garp, whenever they talk about Golden Lion, they are very worried that this man will return in a swirl of dust to retaliate.

Sengoku and Garp are naturally not afraid of Golden Lion.

But Golden Lion is truly ambitious.

His revenge is definitely not limited to the Sengoku Garp two, even if it is not the entire world, at least it will be Marine around the world.

For these years, Marine has been searching for information related to Golden Lion, but unfortunately it has been in vain.

No one thought that Golden Lion would actually use the Devil Fruit ability to build a Floating City for himself on the clouds.

Hai Lan stayed here to investigate the secrets of this Floating City.

"brat, are you a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User? Your ability reminds me of a yellow monkey I saw in Marine before!"

With veteran life experience and combat experience, Golden Lion guessed Hailan's ability at a glance.

The situation where the two parties first report their strengths and weaknesses before the fight is just in the comics to introduce the ability to the audience. In reality, this is basically impossible, because few people will be stupid. Tell the enemy about yourself.

So guessing about the enemy's ability is the basic combat literacy that every experienced powerhouse must possess.

"Congratulations, you got the answer...so the reward is..."

Hai Lan turned around and looked towards Golden Lion.

"...Sun Fist!"


Without a little precaution, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The Golden Lion, who looked at Hai Lan with a proud gesture, was suddenly pierced into his eyes by the dazzling light.

I was immediately pale, and even slight tinnitus appeared.


Kenbunshoku Haki sensed Hailan's whereabouts, and Golden Lion grabbed it with his bare hands and pulled it again.

An island floating in the air actually smashed into the flying Hailan carrying the imposing manner of Mount Tai's topping.

Paramecia "Fuwa Fuwa no Mi" allows Golden Lion to control gravity, which truly possesses the power of overwhelming power!

A Logia Devil Fruit Ability User is shattered by a physical attack. Even if it is not harmed, the body will have a strong sense of discomfort.

This is the reason why most Logia Ability Users will be very angry after being attacked, not just because of face-saving.


Unfortunately, Golden Lion did not hit Hailan, but broke the rock wall of another floating island.

I got really crazy and even demolished my own home.

Hai Lan is fine, but the Pirates on Skypiea are all suffering.

Some people with bad luck even fell directly from the sloping island.

Below is the boundless sea, basically bode ill rather than well.

"Hateful guy...I must kill you!"

The Golden Lion floating in the air let out a hysterical roar.

After so many years, didn't expect the first time he played against Marine, and he suffered such a big loss.


"Turn on all the surveillance systems on the island!"

Golden Lion returned to his castle, trying to find Hailan's silhouette.

The aurora outside the window is as gorgeous as sunset, but the screen is covered with speckled snowflakes.


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