Jia Xingmu Wωωω.χ⒏1zщ.còм哽b捌㈠小h

"What's going on?"

mouth With a cigar in it, Golden Lion asked with a black face looking at the white snowflakes on the screen.

"No...I don't know..."


A shot was fired, and the staff member who answered Golden Lion’s question was hit in the calf and fell into a pool of blood.

The severe pain is torturing his brain, but he dare not scream at all.


Leaving a word, Golden Lion flew out of the castle again.

It's not just Doflamingo's bird cage that can shield radio waves.

The electric field formed by the high-energy charged particle stream of Hailan Aurora fruit can also interfere with the transmission of electric waves.

In order to monitor the growth of the animals and plants on the island and the work of the laborers, Golden Lion installed numerous images of Den Den Mushi on these floating Skypiea.

This point has long been noticed by Hailan.

"These creatures...are they so weird?"

Walking in the forest, Hailan is collecting information on these floating Skypiea.

"This mantis is really big..."

A huge mantis comparable to a Winged Dragon is waving its two sickles and flying towards a giant bear.

Two cold glow flashed past, and the two towering trees surrounded by several people were cut by a praying mantis like a hot knife cutting butter.

The majestic mantis rushed towards the giant bear, but was caught in his arms by the giant bear's two long arms like giant ape.

Then the long-armed giant bear actually resorted to a "German-style arch bridge throw", just like a human wrestler, making the originally aggressive praying mantis easily fainted.

But before the giant ape had time to show off one's military strength, a giant frog was like a Japanese sumo wrestler and knocked the giant ape into the air with just a few palms.

Giant ape smashed a rock and passed out, but the frog fought with other weird creatures.

Hai Lan frowned: "These creatures are extremely belligerent. This must be deliberately cultivated by humans."

Generally speaking, the battles between creatures in nature are basically For survival.

Territory or food.

If these are not threatened, animals will not easily fight with other animals, because it is not good for everyone.

But the creatures here are almost pinched as soon as they meet, irreconcilable.

So since these are man-made consequences, there must be relevant research materials, right?

"I found you!"

With the angry voice of the Golden Lion, the densely packed golden sword aura cut to the ground like a strong wind and swift rain.

a stream of light flashed in the forest.

The golden sword aura that fills the sky is actually not a flexible silhouette that can slash Hailan.

"Lion's mighty ground roll!"

When the Golden Lion right hand lifted, the soil on the ground was lifted up instantly as if it had been ordered.

The endless soil formed one lion head after another.

Hai Lan is like a poor prey that is thrown down by a group of lions and can be torn apart at any time.

Ittoryu. Lanyue. Full Moon Slash!

Hai Lan held the white Aurora Sword with both hands, just like a hammer thrower, Aurora Sword was cut out of a 360-degree spin in his hands.

A round sword aura that was as bright as a full moon shot in all directions, "rumbling." Those lion heads made of mud collapsed like the ruins of an old castle collapsed.

"Soil is soil. I want to rely on ordinary soil to bury me alive, Golden Lion, do you look down on people a little too much?"

Like a firework lit, the sea Lan flashed in front of Golden Lion instantly.

Golden Lion grinned Issho: "What an arrogant and conceited little demon!"

"Lion. Chopping!"

Golden Lion has a right foot Lifting, the dead wood volleyed out a golden sword aura that looked like an unrolled bolt of white silk.

This sword is enough to split a mountain!

elemental transformation. Extreme dodge!

Hai Lan flashed to the side of Golden Lion instantly, and the white Aurora Sword in his hand was divided into six.

Aurora Sword. Aurora Link!


Golden Lion successfully held up Hailan's sword.

But before he had time to fight back, Hailan already took the second Aurora Sword and slashed at Golden Lion again.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

As a former Peak swordsman, Golden Lion is inferior to Shanghai Lan in absolute speed, but sword drawing speed is Enough to crush Hailan.

"The combination of your Devil Fruit ability and the sword technique is very good. It is much better than the yellow monkey, but your strength is still far worse!"

Golden Lion, who successfully took over the six combos of Hailan, was a little proud and couldn't help but comment on it habitually.

Then his eyes went blind...

"Asshole! It's this move again!!!"

The reason why Hailan called out last time The name "Sun Fist" was used to paralyze Golden Lion.

This time he didn't call out his name, he directly used the dazzling aurora, which was really effective.

Golden Lion once again lost the trace of Hailan.

"The old man is so angry!"

Taking advantage of the negative buff in the Golden Lion, Hailan directly sneaked into the Golden Lion's castle.

"Hurry up and report...puff..."

Pirate, who was in charge of the guard, didn't even have time to say anything, and was directly pierced through his neck by the flying Aurora Sword.

Those Den Den Mushi in the castle, Hailan only needs to interfere with their electric waves, Den Den Mushi, who has a brain wave disorder, naturally fainted.

Through the perception of the Kenbunshoku electric field, Hailan directly penetrated the Golden Lion’s castle and came to Indigo Academician’s research room.

"Where is the information?"

"What information?" Indie was dumbfounded.

"All the information!"

Hailan has no time to waste with Indigo now. UU reads www.uukanshu.com, but all the files he sees are caught in a single brain. Up in the hands.

oh la la!

The walls of the castle were smashed by someone outside, and Golden Lion himself quickly chased Indigo's research room.

"Shiki, he wants to grab our research materials!"

"What? You..."

"Sun Fist!!"


Hai Lan instantly turned into a stream of light at the wall where Shiki broke open and disappeared into the distant sky.

"Shiki! What are you doing with your eyes closed? Hurry up!!"

Indigo Academician put his index finger and middle finger close together and knocked Golden Lion once.

In the entire Floating City, only Indie dare to treat Golden Lion like this.

"Asshole, the old man was hit again!!!"

Golden Lion was furious.

"Shiki, you can't smash things here!!"

Under Indigo Academician's reminder and reassurance, Shiki finally restrained his urge to attack .

If this was replaced by the Golden Lion of the year, he would definitely fly directly to Marine Headquarters, and he would definitely not be able to calm his in-mind anger if he didn't kill it as a sea of ​​blood.

But Golden Lion in mind is very clear.

Now I can't bear the third tossing.

The rudder overhead, Impel Down's torture, has already made his strength much worse than before.

Unable to provoke Marine, the true overlord of this sea, before he is completely sure.

"I... my head hurts... you can help me see it."

Golden Lion suddenly sighed.

Only in front of Indigo Academician, Golden Lion will slightly reveal the tired side of the old lion.


Seems to be recommended by a big guy? Do you know the situation? A certain Lizhi with a face covered in circles

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