Fair! Just! Public! The basic principles of these administrative laws... Um... They don't exist in Judicial Island... The only value of Judicial Island is to show the majesty of the World Government. This is an "island that never sleeps". The island is brightly lit all day and night, demonstrating the majesty and huge financial resources of the World Government that will never fall... In this Judicial specially set up by the World Government In the Island, there is only the nominal court. Regardless of the truth of the case, as long as the prisoner is detained to Judicial Island, he will definitely be found guilty. Here, the prisoner will only be escorted through the empty courts, and then will arrive at a cold and huge steel gate called the "Gate of Justice", and will eventually be sent to the deep sea prison Impel Down . And this symbolizes the "absolute justice" of World Government. This Judicial Island, which appears to be the island of the courts, is actually the base of CipherPol, which is equivalent to Marine Headquarters in terms of status. It's just that because CipherPols are all special agents, the number is relatively small, so there are 10,000 ordinary Marine soldiers stationed here. As for the highest Sir CP0s of CipherPol, they live in the "Holy Land" Mariejois and serve Celestial Dragon all the time. "elder sister...I'm afraid..." Sanda Sonia and Marigold nestled beside Hancock, looking at the ugly or wretched judges around them, timidly treating them Said the elder sister. "It's okay, nothing will happen." Hancock frowned, thinking about how he could get out. If the Chief-In-Charge who is responsible for escorting yourself to Impel Down next is not the two Marine Vice Admiral...I might still have a chance. When the time comes, you can confuse the escorted soldier with the passive effect of Mero Mero no Mi, trick them into unlocking the Kairoseki handcuffs for themselves, and then... "Momonga Vice Admiral and I will personally escort you When you get to Impel Down...you don't expect any small actions." Seeing how Hancock was thinking, Hailan reminded her in a low voice. Judicial Island's interrogation process is very fast, Hailan and Momonga did not take their seats, but directly followed Hancock, ready to leave here at any time. The three heads of the presiding judge "Three Heads" Baskerville looked at the jury on the left. "Guilty!" Baskerville looks like a "three-headed man" with three heads on his body, in fact...just disguised by three people, with small men on both sides, The big man is in the middle, and the small guys on either side are standing on the big man’s lap...The reason why the World Government did such a trick is to pretend to force the prisoner again before sending the prisoner into Impel Down. No, the two younger sisters of Hancock were shocked. Baskerville looked at the jury on the right again. The answer is the same. "Guilty!" "Bang!" Without even asking a word, the presiding judge of Judicial Island dropped the hammer of judgment: "Pirate Boa ・Hancock, Boa ・Sandathonia, Boa・Marigold is guilty and is now sentenced to life imprisonment for the three of you!" "Why..." Koala next to Hai Lan mumbled. Although it is true that these three women are Pirate, Koala is very uncomfortable with such a process-style trial. Hailan smiled and looked towards Koala, rubbed her little head, without saying anything. Upon seeing this, Koala is also sweetly Issho to Hailan, and no longer speaks. The Great Age of Pirates is undoubtedly a troubled world. In troubled times, only the sooner you grow up, you can better adapt to this World. It is not a bad thing for Koala to see the complicated side of this World. "Hateful guy..." The trial is fleeting. Walking on the way to the Gate of Justice, Hancock bit his lip tightly, staring bitterly at Hai Lan, who completely ignored her. What should I do now? If you really have to be sent to Impel Down, then everything is too late. Do you want to live the life of imprisonment in the past? Will a miracle happen...? If you didn’t go to sea at the beginning... Most prisoners would feel regret after being imprisoned. This is not necessarily because they have reformed, but because they are weak in the face of absolute power. The feeling of making people doubt oneself. It's as if a bald head punched the villain scientist into doubting life. Hailan didn't mind Hancock's resentment at all. He is Marine and Hancock is Pirate. If a Marine can be hated by Pirate, doesn't it just prove that he is a good Marine? How much slander a person can withstand, so much praise. "The prisoner in front is so miserable..." Koala suddenly pointed to the prisoner who was walking very slowly in front of him and said. "Who is that?" Hai Lan asked a soldier of the escort team. "Report to Vice Admiral, that is a prisoner of Water 7, named Tom, a Fishman, now sentenced to death for attacking the World Government judicial ship!" "Death penalty???" Hai Lan startled, this death sentence is a rare sentence. This matter is probably not as simple as it seems. Besides, isn't Fishman Tom of Water 7 the genius shipbuilder who invented the sea train? Obviously, the past crimes can be offset by the merits of completing the sea train. Why attack the judicial ship? Is this... floating? "Who brought him back?" "It's Spandam Sir. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" It's the two-skinned face again... Hailan thought about it 80%. There is grievance. But this time he doesn't intend to be fair. He is a soldier, not a judge, this is not within the scope of his duties. To take a step back, large and small grievances occur every day in this world. Where can this justice come from? If you happen to have relevant evidence in your hands, you can still help. Now this is the case... forget it. "The team ahead, wait a minute!" Suddenly, an agent quickly caught up with the escorted team, stepping on a shaved pace. "Report the two Vice Admiral, Gorosei has an order to suspend the detention of the three Boa sisters, and ordered me to notify the two Vice Admiral that they have important matters to talk to the two Vice Admiral!" "What is Gorosei? Know the situation here?" "The situation is urgent, please Vice Admiral not to ask too much, so as not to delay time..." Hailan scolded the agent: "I ask you something! Just one sentence Explain the question clearly, what are you pretending to be?" For some reason, the agent was so scared that he took two steps back: "It's Spanda..." "It's Spanda again! He thought What are you going to do?""This...the subordinates really don't know.""The front team, stop!""Vice Admiral, Gorosei just said to suspend the acceptance of Ababa... " "Stop talking nonsense with me! Isn't it Gorosei's order? I have to get it too!"

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