Being so disturbed by Spandam, things started moving towards an unexpected direction. When Spandam was shocked by Pikachu and fled with a giggle, he didn't just leave. He ordered his agents to collect detailed information about Hailan's battle this time and the three sisters of Boa. This investigation is really incredible... Then Boa ・Three sisters were once the slaves of Celestial Dragon? Regarding this information, Spandam is not judged based on the appearance of the three, but their Devil Fruit ability. Paramecia "Mero Mero no Mi", Zoan ・Snake Snake Fruit ・Boa form, Zoan ・Snake Snake Fruit Cobra form, this feature is simply not too obvious. Wait... something seems wrong? Isn’t Hailan’s achievements even greater in this way? So Spandam's head turned, and a call was made to Gorosei. Not only reported the information of the three Boa sisters to Gorosei, but even gave Gorosei a bad idea. Gorosei, such a total, reliable! So there is the next thing. …… On the sea, a World Government special administrative ship is carrying Hailan and Momonga to the "Holy Land" Mariejois. Hailan wondered: "Momonga senior, what exactly does the Spanda family have? Why is Spandam just a P5 Sir, but can contact Gorosei?" "I actually don't know this. I only know that Spandam and his father Spandah are almost identical in character, two wastes. And he and his father are just P's Sir, and not P0 yet, as to whether their family has any I don’t know the other details at all." After finishing talking, Momonga gave Hailan a deep look: "Also... Hailan Vice Admiral..." "en?" "This Spanda is not their surname. Spandam and Spandain are just his and his father's names..." Hailan Issho: "I know this, I will just say it casually. Don't pay attention to these details." "..." After a moment of silence, Momonga asked again: "You said you can also order Gorosei's orders. What does this mean? What orders are you planning to take? Is it convenient to tell me?" "Heh..." Hailan chuckled and explained: "Isn’t the three sisters Boa been released on bail because of the fellow Spandam? Since he made trouble for me, then I I can't be polite with him. I want to release that Fishman Tom on bail. And I want to use this to make Gorosei realize that Spandam is actually an idiot." Hailan is going to Mariejois with Momonga. Koala is naturally unable to follow. There are too many Heavenly Dragon pigs in Celestial Dragon. Koala is so cute. Is it good to be seen by them? Taking a step back, even if Celestial Dragon is willing to let go of the "younger sister" of Vice Admiral, Pikachu must be 100% cold. However, Koala and Pikachu were not idle either. When they were parting, Hailan asked Koala to call Wagner and the others to Water 7 to investigate. Although Spandam is indeed a waste, but what if the incident of Fishman and Tom happens to be Spandam? So it is always necessary to investigate clearly. There is always nothing wrong with being careful. Momonga was worried: "But can it work? That Fishman Tom attacked the World Government judicial ship. If I remember correctly, he was charged last time for helping Pirate Gol and Roger build a Pirate. Ship, right?" Although Gorosei is the highest apex of World Government power, Hailan is just trifling a Marine Vice Admiral. It stands to reason that there is no right to speak, but how can you back down now? How can a person who has become a major event lack the spirit of press forward? Great Saint, where do you want to go? Take the Southern Sky, Broken Lingxiao! If you don't go back...? hehe ... Then don't go... Cough... In fact, Hailan meant that he had a spectrum in this matter. "If I'm not sure, I won't say that." Looking at Hailan's confident expression, Momonga Vice Admiral will be suspicious... In fact, this matter is speaking from a Certain perspective also has to thank Spandam. If it weren't for Spandam, Hailan would not be eligible to meet Gorosei in person. Don't say that he is just a Vice Admiral, even Marine Headquarters Admiral, the chance to see Gorosei is very rare, normally only Marine Fleet Admiral can catch up with Gorosei. Spandam did not realize what a good thing he did... …… "Holy Land" Mariejois is not a government department like Hailan imagined, but a kind of Similar to the layout of the King’s Castle. Soldiers in armor are everywhere. After all, apart from the World Government, Mariejois' biggest role is to live in the Celestial Dragon. "Two of you, please..." A man wearing a white suit who should be P0 led Hai Lan to stand on Mariejois's "moving street". This "moving street" is like a freight track in a factory. As long as people stand on it, they can be slowly "transported" to the "pan ancient city" in the center of Mariejois. "The technology here is quite advanced, and it is worthy of being the place where World Nobles live." Hailan sighed, opened the Kenbunshoku electric field, and wanted to explore the special place in Mariejois. But the next moment he was stunned. Because Hailan sensed hundreds of life signals coming from under her feet. UU Reading It turns out that this "mobile street" is not the kind of mechanical technology Hailan imagined. Under the "moving street", at this time, there are countless slaves using human power to push the "moving street" slowly under the whip of the overseer. Hailan has already speculated to the utmost the misery of the Mariejois slaves, but now it seems that he still thinks of Celestial Dragon too benevolent. In fact, with the technology mastered by the World Government, it has long been possible to replace the human street with a mechanical street. But Mariejois has been like this for 00 years. It is not that World Government does not understand scientific and technological innovation, but to demonstrate the "excellence" of World Nobles. Regardless of the era and the degree of technological development, "Celestial Dragon" will always be "World Nobles"! With a complicated mood, Hailan finally came to the conference hall of Gorosei Oversee. Send Hailan and Momonga here, without ordering, the white suit walked out by himself. "You two are the Hailan Vice Admiral and Momonga Vice Admiral who caught the three sisters of Boa? Especially Hailan Vice Admiral. You still defeated the Arctic Tiger of the Flying Thief'Golden Lion' Shiki, Day Tiger!" "Sir is good!" Hailan and Momonga salute Gorosei. One Gorosei nodded: "en." Another Gorosei said, "Sit down." "Um..." Hailan looked at both sides, and finally Issho awkwardly: " No place to sit???" Upon hearing this, the faces of the five old men showed different expressions...

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