"Um..." A few Gorosei squinted, and they were all hitting their own selfish calculations in their hearts. The "God" mentioned by Hai Lan just now refers to Gorosei. They can still hear this. In Gorosei's opinion, although the Hailan Vice Admiral has some harsh words, his mental consciousness is actually quite high. This is the soldier Gorosei needs if he can uphold his own justice without violating the orders of his superiors. This is the same as the troublesome Garp at Marine Headquarters. Because of his dislike of politics, Garp refused to be promoted to Admiral again and again, which has always caused headaches for Marine Fleet Admiral and Gorosei. But if he is given an order to crusade Pirate, he will do his duty again, without any ambiguity. A perfect thug. If Garp had the same political ability as Gorosei, Gorosei would be more wary of him. Hailan is not sure about this. This is also the reason why he disguised himself as an upright Boy like Garp from the moment he entered the door. The world likes to listen to good things. But in fact, the more capable leaders are, the less they like flattery spirits who can only slacken their beards but have no real ability. Just like the founding emperors in history, they were all talented and tempered generals who were reused. Later, after hearing all the slanders from the villain, the emperor who persecuted the good generals did not know which generation it was. Gorosei is not Spandam and his father Spandane. Each of these five old people is human spirit. Flattery is not easy to use here. Rather than wasting too much energy in intrigue with them, it is better to maintain a straight Boy personality from the very beginning. Don't fight them. A Gorosei said: "Well, since you can support our decision, that would be great. Let's end today's conversation..." Hailan hurriedly said: "Sir , I also have a request, no, to be precise, it is a suggestion." "Say." Hailan said resolutely: "CP5's Spandam Sir caught a Fishman named Tom in Water 7, Judicial Island He was sentenced to death for assaulting the World Government judicial ship. I suggest not to kill the Fishman. The World Government can include him." Gorosei asked, "Do you know the true identity of Tom?" Hai Lan nodded: "You know, isn't it the shipbuilder of Pirate Gol D. Roger? I remember that this crime has been offset by his completion of the construction of the sea train." "But attacking the World Government judicial ship is also a serious crime." "I have sent someone to investigate. There is no evidence to prove that he attacked the judicial ship. Of course, there is no evidence to prove that it was not him, so the water here is very deep." Wearing a hat, take it Gorosei with the walking stick squinted his eyes: "...Vice Admiral, Hailan, actually you want to target Spandam, right? Don't worry, the credit for you and Momonga will not be ignored for this matter." "Cough..." Hailan was lightly coughed, pretending to be embarrassed after being seen through. Then "can't wait" to change the topic: "If Tom can be incorporated, we can build a sea train on the Grand Line. The sea train is much faster than the Battleship. When the time comes World Government, it can be more Do you rule the Grand Line well?" Upon hearing this, several Gorosei laughed. Blonde Gorosei explained: "The youngster is the youngster, and the idea is always that simple. Laying the railway is indeed a means to effectively rule the Grand Line, but the biggest difficulty lies not in construction, but in maintenance. Not to mention the safety of the train itself, if there is a deliberate Pirate that destroys the railway, what should we do?So that Tom, there is no longer the value of being included." Gorosei added: " Hailan Vice Admiral, we can understand that you are upset about Boa Hancock’s role as Shichibukai and you are angry with Spandam, but you don’t have to target him like this." In fact, Hailan did not consider the issue of "maintenance". , The reason why he still proposed the "Sea Train" plan is to conform to his personality that "young impulses do not like to use their brains" at this time. Hailan hurriedly explained: "I run fast, I can go and maintain..." This time, Gorosei was completely amused by Hailan: "Okay, let's end today's conversation. " "Won't Tom know how to study steam engines? We can improve the Battleship..." Gorosei smiled and said nothing. The technology of the steamship is originally the technology that the World Government has blocked. "We can also build a steam factory..." The white suits have already "invited" Hailan to the door, and Gorosei's eyes were bright when he heard the words. "Wait a minute!" "Hailan Vice Admiral, what is the concept of a steam factory you just mentioned? Can steam engines still be used in factories?" The white suit bowed and retired. Hailan straightened her collar and explained: "Ah...how can't this? Isn't the steam engine technology just gears or something? There is also the suspension technology of the sea train, so big iron bumps. If you don't sink into the sea, don't you want to study it?" Gorosei suddenly understood. Gorosei whispered: "This simple-minded person can sometimes think of key points? Our previous thinking is still too rigid." "If a factory can be established, because the scope is relatively small. , You can arrange a special garrison.Neither worry about damaging the rails nor worry about losing the Battleship technology by Pirate. It is indeed a feasible way." "That stupid Spandam really almost missed one item." The big thing... really can't let him serve as CP5's Sir anymore. Why don't you...should he be transferred to CP0 to do miscellaneous tasks?" "..." "Hailan Vice Admiral, you are right about the steam factory Do you have any suggestions for the construction of the city?" "How do I understand this?" Hailan looked "innocently" towards Gorosei who looked towards him, his heart did not fluctuate and he even wanted to learn Digging a nose like Garp, pretending to be dumbfounded. Later, I thought it was too disgusting, just let it go... Gorosei rubbed the temple: "Okay, you go." Hailan is still a little "reluctant" : "Then...Tom?" "We will arrange CP0 and Begapunk to meet him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will not worry about Hailan Vice Admiral." "Okay...then I'm leaving..." "Wait a minute!" Gorosei, holding a long knife in his arms, stopped Hailan: "Hailan Vice Admiral, you are right about justice How do you define it?" Hailan's expression instantly became serious, and he was righteous: "Justice! It is to fight Pirate and protect civilians! So even Boa Hancock became Oka Shichibukai, but If she still attacks Marine next time, I may kill her directly, behead her first and play it later! Even at the risk of violating discipline!" "You can rest assured that this is clearly stated in Oka Shichibukai’s agreement. Start with Marine.""Thanks Sir for understanding!""You can go now...""Then I am really going?""Let's go!"" ……" How did Hailan not know that what Gorosei likes to listen to is actually-"Justice is to maintain the rule of the World Government!" But again, Gorosei is not Spandam. This sleek answer will only arouse Gorosei's suspicion. Flattery can only be photographed on the hoof. In front of Gorosei, he will always be an upright Boy. Human settings can’t jump... But by coincidence, these things Hai Lan said are true. Whether it is Zhouhu or Hailan, the persistence of justice is the same.

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