"This is a favor... I really can't help..." Sabaody Archipelago, in Shakky's hold-up bar. After listening to the request of Elder Nyon Ossa, "Mother-in-law", Rayleigh sighed deeply. Mother-in-law New is anxious: "But now that can save Amazon Lily, there is no one but you!" "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh, once the right hand of Pirate King Gol D. Roger. This man who used to stir the sea with Roger, in Mother New’s impression, is like a god. There is no problem that he can't solve. But in fact, Rayleigh is just a human being, not a god. Even when they were young, he and Captain Roger were chased all over the world by Marine Garp. even more how Now, he no longer wants to participate in this worldly dispute, he just wants to spend his old age in a cool and unrestrained manner. Rayleigh shook the head: "Mrs. New, if I happened to meet Boa Hancock and the Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral, I might be able to help a little bit, but now Hancock has been taken away by Marine. Now, I’m completely powerless.Forgive me to speak bluntly, I can’t help."Whitebeard once saw in the newspaper the news that the Tigers defeated the Golden Lion and a generation of newbies replaced the old. Of course, Rayleigh also saw the news. . While regretting the Golden Lion, Rayleigh also lamented the rapid development of Marine. If you want to fight against the Marine of the younger generation, of course you also need the Pirate of the younger generation. He doesn't want to move this old bones. It's a pity that Great Age of Pirates has been opened for almost ten years, and there is no one in Pirate newbie that he can see. Too many Pirate have embarked on a completely different path from Captain Roger. This is not the situation that Rayleigh wants to see, and it is not the situation that Captain Roger hopes to form in the first place. Rayleigh is now a little worried. If he continues to develop like this, can he live to the day when the truth of history emerges? "Mother-in-law New!" Suddenly, a female warrior in cool clothes broke in. "Why don't you know anything about being polite?!" Mother-in-law New, who was careless, scolded the female warrior badly. "Han...Master Hancock is all right!" "Really?" The little old lady jumped up from the seat in surprise. "Really! It's a call from Lord Sandassonia just now, telling us not to act rashly!" Upon hearing this, Rayleigh and Shakky were also embarrassed. What's the situation? Pirate who was captured and released? Could it be...that Oka Shichibukai plan? Before leaving, Rayleigh persuaded mother-in-law New with earnest words: "It's not a bad thing to let her suffer a little loss...just take care of the child..." ...... "I want him to give it personally. I open the handcuffs!" Sabaody Archipelago Sea Territory, on the deck of the prison ship, Hancock rejected the soldier who was about to open the handcuffs for her, and she pointed to Hai Lan. The soldier is a little hard to do: "This... Hailan Vice Admiral, he is a Devil Fruit Ability User?" Koala also tugged at the corner of Hailan's clothes and shook the head to him: "Be careful. Fraud..." Hailan made a confident expression: "It doesn't matter. Even if there is a fraud, what can she swindle?" Hailan took the key from the soldier's hand and left. Going to Hancock's body, he grabbed Hancock's wrist and Kairosaki handcuffs in his hand. In an instant, a feeling of powerlessness spread throughout Hai Lan's body, just like the feeling after his body was hollowed out in a continuous battle for several days. In order to resist Devil Fruit's two major weaknesses, sea water and Kairoseki. Hailan had deliberately carried out corresponding exercises. It's a pity that this is a "law-level" power, which has nothing to do with the Ability User's own strength and cannot be resisted through exercise. Even the three Vice Admiral, they are helpless in front of the power of Kairosski and the sea, they can only catch them obediently. However, compared to the feeling of complete powerlessness that the whole person was thrown into the sea, although Kairoseki can also take away the power of the Ability User, it is not so thorough. ① Some simple actions such as running and jumping can still be done. "You..." didn't expect Hai Lan actually grabbed her wrist, and Hancock immediately glared at Hai Lan with resentment. Hailan Issho: "You asked me to open the lock for you yourself, why? You regret it again?" Hancock didn't know how to fight back, so he kept silent. Without the protection of the electromagnetic force field, and approaching Hancock so close, Hailan immediately felt a burst of turmoil. The lock was opened and the Kairoseki handcuffs fell on the deck, but Hailan had not released Hancock's hand. "Smelly man, don't let go...ah..." The blue light jumped playfully on Hancock's body... "No... sorry... you are really It’s so beautiful, I didn’t control it for a while... Alas...This is a common problem of our Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, it accidentally affects the surrounding environment... Are you okay?"" Stay away from me!" "Well...hehe..." Hai Lan smiled "kindly" and walked away from Hancock. Hailan has never been a generous person in such matters. Someone wants to fix him? No problem. But the prerequisite is to prepare yourself for counterattack. "Let's wait and see!" Hancock was about to leave the prison ship with the help of two younger sisters, but Hai Lan's voice came from behind again. "My distinguished lady empress, please hold your steps!" "empress" is the title given to Boa Hancock by the World Government. In the future, the "World Economic News" will tout her as "world number one" beauty", Morgans also has a lot of work. "What else do you want to do?" empress looked back and stared at Hai Lan bitterly. "If you think you can act wilfully with the shelter of the big umbrella of'Oka Shichibukai', then I will attack Pirate Boa Hancock as the headquarter Vice Admiral at any time. Of course, I am after all. It’s not a devil either. If you really want to be angry with Marine, you are welcome to come to Marine Headquarters to challenge me at any time, but if you are not my opponent for one day, I would advise you to be polite to Marines and restrain yourself. Your Only I Am Supreme temper.Being a human being, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has to know a little bit." "Let’s go..." empress did not answer Hailan, and followed two younger The sister and World Government officials went to Mariejois to sign an agreement. Hai Lan didn't need her answer, because it was only his unilateral warning. "Hai Lan, she is the future'world number one beauty''Pirate Empress', if she makes any mistakes, do you really have to deal with her?" Hai Lan looked towards her questioningly Koala: "What can't you do? Are you fascinated by her too?" "No." Koala shook the head, "Wait for her to be famous in the world, when the time Comes if you do it to her, will you provoke Pirate of the whole world?" Yes. Hai Lan suddenly remembered. This fantasy world is derived from a comic called "Pirate King". It's like everyone in the world of "four-wheel-drive brother" is playing four-wheel-drive vehicles. This is the fundamental reason why everyone is scrambling to become Pirate. If the protagonist is Pirate, doesn't it mean that as Marine, he is the real villain? According to the manga, this "world number one beauty" should be the wife appointed by the author for the protagonist "Straw Hat brat" Akagami Shanks, right? Depending on their age, it seems to be quite appropriate. If you are actually just a villain and you are destined to have a battle with the "protagonist team"... Following Koala's question, Hai Lan looked towards the distant sea and said a pun: "Then kill them A falling flower and flowing water!"

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