""The Most Beautiful Woman in the World", "Pirate Empress" Boa Hancock has now accepted the appointment of the World Government "Oka Shichibukai" to serve the World Government"

"It's so beautiful This is really a big beauty who deserves the title of Pirate Empress!"

"Alas, world number one beauty Pirate has become a running dog of the World Government. This is really a loss and sorrow in the Pirate world."


As the "World Economic News" spread throughout the world, the things behind Boa Hancock and Fishman shipbuilder Tom finally came to an end.

Although Tom is a shipbuilder who built the Pirate Ship for "Pirate King" Gol·d·Roger, this does not mean that Tom is in Pirate's position.

In fact, Tom is actually an absolute middleman.

He is only responsible for shipbuilding. As for who the ship is built for, and what to do with the ship after it is built, this is not something he cares about at all.

If there is anything he really cares about in his heart, it is probably his hometown Water 7 and his beloved "Tom Studio".

In response to this, the World Government negotiators did not waste much energy to persuade Tom to serve the World Government.

As for Spandam's framing of Tom's studio, it is no more. After all, World Government agents go to frame the civilians. This is not a good thing to say. The World Government can't afford to lose this person.

However, World Government has also made a guarantee that it will not make things difficult for the members of "Tom Studio" in the future.

At the same time, Begapunk’s assistant, Shiluruk, who was on vacation, finally returned to Magnetic Drum Island-he once left, returned, left (arrested), and returned. Hometown.

Siruruk still remembers that when he was captured by Marine in the name of "selling fake drugs", he had not returned home for almost two years.

No matter how poor and backward this Drum Island is, or the environment covered by wind and snow all day long, in Siruluk's heart, this will always be his warmest and most beloved habor.

It is a pity that whether it was the "Jiangyang Thief" Shiluluk or the "Quack Doctor" Shiluluk, the compatriots in their hometown received only one sentence after another infamy.

But Shiruluk was not angry at all.

Because he knows, this is all because of his own problems.

After all, whether it is a thieves or a quack,

are not acceptable to ordinary people.

The citizens did not all mobilize to pull him out and throw him into the cold sea, which is already very kind.

"Stop! Who you are?!"

The National Guard of Drum Island found Hiruk who had returned on the coast.

Two years have passed, and they didn't even remember this quack doctor for a while.

"It's me, Hiruk! I'm back!"

Hiruk greeted the guards enthusiastically, but only the guards were more vigilant. reaction.

"Why are you back? Didn't you get captured by Marine? Is it a jailbreak?!"


Hiruru Gram was taken aback.

"Please wait a minute!"

Seeing that the guards were already half-encircled and about to capture themselves, Shiluruk hurriedly took out a document from his purse "I’m a scientist in the Scientific Research Department of the World Government. You can’t arrest me!"

The guards took the certificate suspiciously and looked at it: "This seems to be true. Ah"

"Siluluk, you are promising!"

"You have become a researcher in the World Government, Hiluluk, you finally did a business Ah!"

"Hiruluk, your medical skills should not be so bad, right?"

"Relax, Divine Doctor Siruluk is here, what questions do you have? Just ask me!"

"Hehe, it's okay, I just asked if we were all ill"

The folk customs of Magnetic Drum Island are simple.

Seeing that Shiluruk finally "turned to justice" and became a scientist of the World Government, so that they have won glory for the country, their attitude towards Shiluruk has gradually improved.

When Siruluk returned to his hometown, he was still a little nervous, but now he saw how enthusiastic the guards who chased him all over the street were so enthusiastic.

"It's better to have a decent identity"

When I thought of the Pirate flag that I was so confused and unfathomable mystery that I hung at home, Shiluruk felt that at that time I am a little funny.

Yes, why did I hang up a Pirate flag in the first place?

Different from Akagami Shanks who intern on the Pirate King ship, and Luffy who was guided by Akagami on the Pirate road, there is no special reason for Hiruk to worship Pirate, but more like It is a kind of follow suit.

Shiluruk can't remember why he admired Pirate so much back then.


Hiruk shook the head with a smile.

Back then, I was really the same as a little child, it was a nonsense.

When Pirate doesn’t have the slightest connection with what you want to do? ? ! !


"What's the matter?"

Siruluk was taken aback, is this group of guards falling out to become hostile?

"Hiruruk Academician, please avoid it first, that savage is here again!"


It's in Hiru In Luke's doubts, the sound of "peng peng" gunshots sounded in his ears.

"Stop it! Don't shoot! How did you know that he was a savage?!"

Shiluruk is very strange. Given the environment of Drum Island, how could there be Where's the savage?

While shouting, Shiluruk rushed towards the "savage" who was shot.

"Be careful, Academician, that wild man is very dangerous!"

"Don't I know a wild man as a scientist in the World Government? You all stop me!"

In Begapunk’s laboratory, what strange creature has he not seen?

It's just a savage, I really can't scare him.

The shot savage fled to the mountains in embarrassment.

Behind him, Shiluruk’s shout was continuously heard: "Don’t run, I’m a doctor, I’m here to help you"


"Binks Wine and Wine"

"Facing wind and rain and huge waves"


Reverse Mountain, Twin Capes.

Koala is happily interacting with a moving skeleton.

The skeleton suddenly changed a pitch: "Little Sister, did you know? The rhythm of the lullaby should be like this"

This skeleton with an afro-head hairstyle is the same Brook met Lan in the Devil's Triangle Sea Territory.

Wagner was rescued by the lighthouse watcher Crocus at Twins Point. Crocus once asked Hailan to look for "Rumba Pirates".

Coincidentally, Brook is the last crew member of Pirates in Rumba.

So Hailan took Brook to Gemini Point, which was regarded as fulfilling Crocus's wish and paying back the favor of Crocus.

Now Crocus, Brook, and the whale Laboon have lived a happy and shameless life in Cape Gemini

As for the identity of Pirate "Rumba Pirates", Hailan has already investigated clearly Now, this is another adventure group that follows the trend of Pirate.

At that time, although it was not Great Age of Pirates, "Pirate" had already become a symbol of freedom.

Hailan asked Brook, if he is not allowed to call himself "Pirate" in the future, whether he agrees, Brook gave a pleasant answer without hesitation: No problem!

Anyway, he doesn't plan to go to sea anyway. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com intends to spend his entire life in Cape Gemini.

In addition to the fact that Pirates of Rumba has died so that there is only such a skeleton left, Hailan doesn't care about the bad things several decades ago.

"Are you going to West Blue?"

After a short break at Gemini Point, when Hai Lan was about to leave, Crocus asked when he saw him off.

Hailan nodded: "Yes, go to West Blue to perform the mission."

"West Blue is the most chaotic Sea Territory. Be careful when you are Marine's must."


"Haha, thanks."


After Hailan left, Crocus sighed meaningfully.

Isn’t this a coincidence?

Shanks, that little demon just returned to West Blue a few days ago.

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