"Asshole! Why don't you answer the phone, do you want to be punished?"

Den Den Mushi yelled at Hailan.

If Hailan had already turned Den Den Mushi's head in other directions, he had every reason to doubt that Den Den Mushi would spray a star on his face.

"...Hey, how about people? Why don't you talk anymore?"

Listening to the rough voice in Den Den Mushi, the soldiers on the deck are like being held by a knife It's on the neck, even the atmosphere doesn't dare to gasp.

Now Sea Lan is silent, so who dares to answer?

"Sakazuki senior, it's me."


The other end of Den Den Mushi was silent for a moment.

Akainu is impressed with Hailan’s voice.

Akainu didn't have much contact with Hailan, but after the few contacts, Hailan left a special impression on Akainu.

The feeling that Hailan gave Akainu makes Akainu a bit unclear.

Sometimes Akainu feels that he should hate Hailan, but Hailan has done so many things that he admires him; but when Akainu thinks he should like Hailan, he feels that Hailan This person is very annoying.

This kind of ambivalence makes Akainu totally confused.

But the psychological duration is not long.

Akainu is a very simple soldier.

Since I don’t understand it, I just don’t want to, and use my extra energy to combat Pirate.

"It turned out to be Hailan Vice Admiral...but why don't you answer the phone?"

As soon as I heard Hailan answered the phone, Akainu's attitude eased a lot.

Even if Akainu is now the head of Marine's New World G1 branch and rarely returns to Marine Headquarters, Akainu has not missed the attention of intelligence on the sea.

The flying thief "Golden Lion" Shiki was killed by Hailan.

The three Oka Shichibukai have all suffered big losses in Hailan's hands.

Red the Aloof, which made a big noise in Sabaody Archipelago, was delayed because of Hailan.

These deeds one after another are in front of us, and even Akainu has nothing to say.

Facts are more convincing than any clever language.

Hai Lan briefly described the strange weather encountered before to Akainu.

Akainu said solemnly: "so that's how it is, I understand, are all okay?"

Hai Lan glanced at the deck: "It's okay, Battleship can barely sail. , The soldiers are all alive."

"Then I won’t hold them accountable, I will report to G1 as soon as possible."

After that, Akainu hung up. Telephone.

The faces of the surrounding Marine soldiers were surprised and envious.

Although there are no special lines in Akainu's words, it is not difficult to find from the tone of Akainu's words that Akainu's attitude towards Hailan is almost completely different from others.

There are not many people who can make Akainu treat this kindly.

Not even "Hero of the Marines" Garp.

But they didn't feel the slightest unfairness in their hearts.

Hailan Vice Admiral's achievements, they all listened to their ears and saw them in their eyes.

To Hailan, they only have the purest envy.

In fact, Hailan did not use any skills in his attitude towards Akainu.

As mentioned earlier, Akainu is a pure and simple soldier.

This Pirate King world is not like ancient China, it has the concept of "absolute loyalty to the monarch".

Therefore, there is only one person that Akainu can look up to and respect, and that is to have tangible achievements.

Although Garp also had the merits of conquering Pirates such as Rocks, Whitebeard, Roger, etc., Garp has been like a retired old man over the years and has rarely attacked Pirate.

In addition, Garp's off-line character seems a bit old and disrespectful, so Akainu's goodwill for Garp has dropped again and again, which is completely opposite to the "Little Garp" like precognition.

It's Hailan. Apart from his personality that doesn't match Akainu's taste, he can't fault him in other aspects.


Marine is stationed in the New World G1 branch,

Akainu is sitting opposite Jonathan Vice Admiral, and between them, there is a pendulum. There is a chess set.

"Sakazuki, this round has been played for almost two hours, you are a little absent-minded, this is the first call?"

Akainu did not answer Jonathan’s question:" See if I don’t kill you."


"What's the matter?"

"It's time for you... "

"...Don't play anymore!"


"What does Tsundere mean?"

"Don't say...Don't say..."

"You bastard, everything is good, just like to pretend to be mysterious. This is annoying."

Akainu Pushing the chess game in front of him, he unceremoniously sat on the sofa: "If you don't tell me, don't tell me, but Jonathan, what did you do wrong? How else would you be sent to guard the steam factory? "

A headquarters Vice Admiral, the commander of the G8 branch, was sent to protect the factory. Anyone who can see this is a demotion.

Jonathan happily explained: "Sakazuki, you think things are too simple.

The steam factory guards don’t look interesting, but you have to know that But the government’s core technology, once it falls into Pirate’s hands, the world will probably be in chaos.

So is the position important? Or is justice important?"

Akainu I couldn’t argue with Jonathan, and compromised: "hmph, UU read www.uukanshu.com, so you can do it, anyway, what you brat says is reasonable."

In fact, Jonathan didn’t tell the truth with Akainu. .

Although he is a good friend of Akainu, his personality is completely opposite to that of Akainu.

Akainu strictly requires herself and the soldier. Everyday all fights on the front line against Pirate.

Jonathan didn't want to participate in the battle at all. He just wanted to retire early.

The guards of the steam factory may be demotion in the eyes of others, but in Jonathan's eyes it is a good job.

It is not just steel mills. As the "industrial revolution" advances, shipyards and other industries will develop there sooner or later, and the economy will prosper sooner or later.

When the time comes, as the supreme commander of "Iron Mine Island", isn't it equivalent to retire?

I hold my wife Jessica on the left and the wine Shirley on the right. Life...merely this ~

But I can’t say to Akainu.

With Akainu's character, if you hear this, the relationship between the two is definitely over.

Of course, "protecting core technology" is not a complete lie.

The lucky ones who can find a large group of close friends simply by relying on their purest character like Luffy are rare.

The absolute majority of people rely on their brains.

Three days passed in a flash.

In the chess game, Akainu was killed by Jonathan and was about to be defeated by the general.


Akainu pushed the game: "So fast?"

Jonathan Sen raised his eyelids and didn't care about Akainu. Instead, he asked the messenger slowly, "Don't worry, speak slowly, what's the situation?"

The messenger swallowed. Spits, brow beaded with sweat, with a horrified look: "White...It's Whitebeard Pirates here!"


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