
As soon as the words "Whitebeard" were heard, Akainu's anger burned to the extreme.


The uncontrollable emotions caused his Devil Fruit ability to also lose control, which actually lit the sofa under the seat.

"Sakazuki, calm down..."

"Go! I want to see what tricks old fogey, who likes to play Pirate's house, do!"

Ignoring Jonathan completely, Akainu strode out of the office.

After using Busoshoku Haki to put out the flames, Jonathan hurriedly chased him out, for fear of Akainu's irrational behavior.


On the sea, a Pirate Ship is sailing slowly.

"Report to Hailan Vice Admiral, you have seen the island where the G1 branch is located in front of you."

"Very well, hang up the Marine flag and move forward at full speed!"


Milo Rear Admiral's Battleship failed in the end, and various leaks sank to the bottom of the sea in the middle of the way.

A bunch of Marines had to grab a Pirate Ship and continue sailing.

Several Pirates were killed by the way.

"Come back!"

Suddenly I saw several Pirate Ships heading towards the Marine G1 branch. Hailan called back the soldier who was about to fly the Marine flag.

"Is there any other order for Sir?"

"Have you not seen the Pirate Ship in front?"

The soldier looked puzzled: "No. ."

"You call Milo Rear Admiral over and let him take the Telescope."


Hai Lan has realized it now Not the sight and hearing of ordinary people.

Even if the bonus to System is taken away, his physical stamina is already far beyond that of ordinary people. This is not a fantasy world and can close off his rank. So in some cases, Hailan can only find out through inquiries. .

Milo Rear Admiral quickly ran out of the cabin: "Report to Vice Admiral, what do you want me to do?"

"See those in the distance Is there a Pirate Ship? Look at their Pirate flag, what Pirates is that?"


Rear Admiral can see the existence of Pirate Ship, but look Not reach the Pirate flag above.

When he used Telescope to look past, cold sweat immediately ran down his neck.

"It's...Whitebeard Pirates!"

Hailan patted Milo's shoulder: "I know it is Whitebeard, I am asking you what Pirates they are."


Seeing the look of Vice Admiral serene beside him, Milo's mood finally eased a bit.

"It seems to be...Time Pirates!"

The Pirate flag of Time Pirates is a circle drawn on the periphery of the skull, and the hour hand is made of bones, which looks like a clock. Same.

Hai Lan eyes shined: "The Devil Fruit Ability User of the time system?"

Milo replied: "It is not clear that Time Pirates was born in New World Pirates, for the time being I don’t have any information about them."

"Hmm...then you guys, be careful, don’t go to the island for now, I’ll go to the island first."

"Vice Admiral!"

In the voice of Milo's call, Hailan has already disappeared.

"Milo Rear Admiral, what should we do?"

"Sakazuki Vice Admiral hates the weak soldier...we can’t just look at it, spread the word I order..."


At this moment, Buggy jumped out.

Buggy asked calmly: "What are you doing?"

Milo replied: "Go and support the G1 branch."

Buggy asked rhetorically. "Whose order is this? Huh?

How did I hear Hailan Vice Admiral mean that it seems to be to keep you on standby?"

Milo said anxiously: "But Sakazuki ..."

"Why? Akainu is Vice Admiral, isn't Day Tiger not Vice Admiral?"

"I am not this..."

"Then what do you mean?"

Buggy chuckled, "Besides, you have clearly received an order from Hailan Vice Admiral just now, and Sakazuki Vice Admiral simply did not give an order, so you are Take a simply non-existent order to defy an order issued by a headquarters Vice Admiral himself?

You are so bold!!!"

Buggy is in the "pull the calf" aspect His innate talent is extremely strong.

Following Hailan, this big fool, with every additional day of confusion, his ability to talk about crookedness will increase to the next level.

"It's not like that, we're just..."

Buggy waved his hand to stop what Milo was about to say.

The Marines on deck also looked at Buggy with breathlessness, forgetting that Milo is Rear Admiral, and Buggy’s rank is not as good as Milo...

"I I know, I know..."

Buggy's tone was dull and frustrated.

"Aren't you afraid of being punished by Sakazuki Vice Admiral for not participating in the battle? Come with me, I have a way to prevent you from showing up, but also to make a big contribution."

"Okay! We listen to you!"


"Sakazuki, calm down, we still have no way to confirm whether the person is from Whitebeard Pirates ."

Jonathan chased Akainu behind, but Akainu's footsteps became faster and faster.

It’s as if there is a deep hatred. When Whitebeard is mentioned, Akainu hates gnashing teeth: "Trifling's Whitebeard Pirates, what's to be afraid of? Even if Whitebeard is here, I want to let him He has come back and forth!"

"Sakazuki, can you stop talking about this kind of big talk? Just rely on yourself, what can you do to stop Whitebeard Pirates?"

Jonathan is also getting better Fadi became anxious.

Whitebeard's title of "the strongest man in the world" was not blown out, but punched out one after another.

Sakazuki's temperament is compared with before, UU reading www.uukanshu.com really hasn't changed at all, Jonathan sighed in his heart.

"Two Vice Admiral, what is going on here?"

At this time, a stream of light fell in front of the two.


"Hailan Vice Admiral? Hurry up and help me stop Sakazuki Vice Admiral. The enemy now is Whitebeard Pirates, absolutely not impulsive!"

Hai Lan questioned: "As far as I know, Whitebeard Pirates is not such a lunatic, what is he doing to attack the G1 branch?"

Jonathan said anxiously: "It is because of us. I haven’t investigated it, so I can’t rush into the battle.

Hailan Vice Admiral, you should also know that? Whitebeard is a well-known protector. If anyone hurts his family, he will definitely be recruited. Retaliation, Marine can't fight Whitebeard Pirates yet."

"I know, but don't worry about it."

Jonathan asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"


Even Akainu stopped.

Hai Lan explained: "If you must fight, then kill these people without worrying that Whitebeard will know about this?"

"Have you heard Jonathan!"

Akainu turned around and glared at Jonathan, "This is the wisdom that a headquarters Vice Admiral should have. You are a little clever, no!"

"You...I...you two don't talk nonsense! Sakazuki, Sakazuki, Akainu, you stand for me! Hailan Vice Admiral, I'm here to let you persuade you to fight, not to add fire to you!"


"The people inside listen to me, my father is Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world. If you don't want to die, just come out and surrender!"

"Dai Funka!!!"


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