On the Pirate Ship, a "white second generation" was yelling arrogantly on the side moving towards Marine with a loud horn.

Whitebeard has too many sons.

In addition to "Phoenix" Marco and "Diamond" Jozu, the main ship members who have been following the Whitebeard "Moby Dick", under the protection of the "Whitebeard" flag, there are dozens Pirates, hundreds of power organizations.

Whitebeard is disdainful of robbing civilians, and sometimes even subsidizes civilians, but his sons are not necessarily so.

There are often some scum in Marine, even more how "Whitebeard" this Pirates?

There are even some people with ulterior motives willing to call Whitebeard "daddy", it is not necessarily because of the charm of Whitebeard, but just to use this banner called "Whitebeard" for blessing What I did.

"Blackbeard" Marshall D. Teach is the speculator who used this banner. In his opinion, the so-called family members are nothing more than the Alzheimer's Whitebeard playing Pirate.

A Pirate was a little worried: "Captain Belém, I heard that there is a Marine Vice Admiral named Akainu in this Marine G1 branch. Not only is he powerful, but he also has a grumpy personality. The name of the old man is Whitebeard. Does the number work?"

"How could it not work? How many opponents we frightened away with the Whitebeard flag along the way, have you forgotten all of them?

Furthermore, I I'm not here to fight with them either."

Pirate Belen raised his horn and shouted again.

However, what greeted him was a magma punch that soared into the sky.

Faced with Akainu's "Dai Funka", Pirate Belem calmly lifted his hand.

"Pa", snap your fingers.

"Slow light!"

A wonderful beam of light enveloped Akainu's magma giant fist, just like pressing the pause button, Akainu's style actually stopped in midair. middle.

"Go, keep the ship a little farther away."

When Pirate Ship yielded enough distance, Pirate Belem snapped his fingers again.

pu tong!

The magma giant fist fell in the sea, and a wave of water was stunned, and the water vapor transpired like a hot spring bathhouse.

Compared to the "Silver Fox" Foxy, who has only 24 million Beli in the original Bounty, the "Slow Fruit" is in Belem's hands and he has already played it out.

Jonathan took the opportunity to persuade: "Did you see it? Sakazuki, your style was easily cracked by him. Let's not provoke Whitebeard Pirates. Ask them what they are here for. Right."

Akainu is very unhappy: "Jonathan, why are you so much nonsense? Are you scared?"

Akainu's words are really ugly, this is because he has few friends. The reason is that Jonathan can not take seriously at all.

Jonathan is certainly not afraid, but he knows very well that war is never a matter of one or two people.

At this time, Hai Lan also persuaded: "Sakazuki senior, let's listen to what Pirate said first."

Akainu was surprised: "How can you even... ."

This is why he doesn't like Hailan anymore.

He originally thought Hailan would fully support him, but didn't expect suddenly stood on Jonathan's side.

Hai Lan continued to explain: "At least we have to figure out what these Pirates are here for, right? Even if this battle is unavoidable, we can't fight a foolish battle."

Jonathan, who had just been sighed in relief, became nervous again: "Hailan Vice Admiral, are you still planning to fight Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Fight, why not fight? "

"Why do you want to fight?"

"We are Marine, and this is the Marine base, but now, Pirate has hit the door."

Hai Lan looked towards the two Vice Admiral, with a faint desire to fight in his eyes: "If the fight that comes to the door doesn't fight, this man will do it!"

"hmph! This is what a man should say."

This is why Akainu can’t hate Hailan anymore.

Wandering around, he finally returned to "Hit Pirate." "Above the essence.

"Since you even said that, then I will see what they want to do."

Akainu is an impersonal soldier who knows things but doesn't know people.

The words of Hailan, who has merits, are more effective than those of his old friend Jonathan.

The three came to the coast. At the port, there were a total of five Pirate Ships.

"You are finally out!"

Pirate Belen looked at the three Vice Admiral standing side by side, grinning Issho: "I don’t want the magma gift pack before. "

Hearing this, Akainu's mood rose a little, but he was still suppressed.

Belen ignored Akainu and continued: "We, Whitebeard Pirates, are here. We have no other intentions. We just want to ask you for someone."


"A girl named Bailey, which is my younger sister.

Oh yes, my father is Whitebeard, in other words, Bailey’s father is also Whitebeard , Now, I just want to get his daughter back for Whitebeard. This is not too much, right?"

"Really? Then you wait."

Akainu is actually Surprisingly speaking, he returned to the Marine base with a few of his men.

Hai Lan questioned: "Who is Bailey?"

Jonathan explained: "A female Pirate, ah, really Pirate, the one who kills without blinking an eye Kind of."

Compared to Akainu, Jonathan’s justice is “gentle” too much. The “adventurers under the banner of Pirate” that he has let off are countless. Finish.

Jonathan has never guessed Hailan. At this time, he even felt that he couldn't even guess Sakazuki.

Not to mention the real Pirate, even those adventurers under the banner of Pirate have only a dead end in front of Akainu.

Akainu will compromise?

Impossible? !

"Pirate, are you talking about this woman?"

It didn't take long for Akainu and his men to walk out with a tall woman.

"Wow...Master Bailey is still so beautiful, although she looks a little pitiful now, but I seem to be more excited..."

"en? "

Belen glared at his hand, and the man shivered with fright.

"Big brother!"

When I saw Belem, Bailey's little face was filled with hope.

Belen’s mood eased a lot: "Marine, you are smart, as long as you let my younger sister go, we, Whitebeard Pirates, will retreat immediately and never stay."

Akainu His face was hidden under the brim of Marine's hat, and he couldn't see clearly, but his tone was very heavy: "This woman killed 26 of my subordinates. What will you pay for their lives?"

Lun frowned. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com

This Akainu Vice Admiral is not easy to provoke, not as easy to bully as the G5 branch.

After thinking about it for a moment, he replied: "Why don't you do this, I will compensate you 1 million Beli for everyone, and you will be treated as a pension, so the total..."

Akainu Looking up, a pair of turbid eyes are like the most ferocious hell dog in the legend: "So you want to buy me?"

Hai Lan startedled, thinking that this is not his own line, how did you get it? Go in Akainu's ears?

In fact, it is not just Akainu, many soldiers have heard of Hailan’s rescue of petrochemical soldiers in the hands of empress.

Although there are no vigorous and shocking battles, Hailan's series of operations have long been a conversation among many soldiers.

Belen was stunned and explained: "You may have misunderstood..."

He even thought this Marine Vice Admiral would be a brain-dead, or how could it be? Understand this meaning?

But after careful consideration, this approach seems to be no different in essence from "buying". Both use money to achieve a certain purpose, but it makes people feel different.


Akainu raised his hand and pushed Bailey out.

For unknown reasons, Bailey thought she was saved, and ran to the coast with excitement.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

A dark hell dog pounced on the running Belle without warning, and took Belle in his mouth with one bite. middle.

The high temperature of magma instantly caused Bailey to burn and let out a sorrowful cry, just like a hell red lotus blooming.

At this time, Akainu finally revealed his fierce side: "All Pirate...should not live in this world!"


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