"Dead...Is this man dead?" "Should be dead..." After the lightning, the storm and waves on the sea weakened temporarily. Seeing the amazing scene before them, the sailors seem to have forgotten the rain falling from the sky, staring blankly at Hailan who fell on the deck unconscious. Because of the use of the blessing of fruit ability, even in the rainstorm, everyone on the boat can hear Hailan's voice. Electromagnetic waves can feel the vibration of the air and convert them into electrical signals to pass into Hailan's mind. Conversely, Hailan can naturally also use electromagnetic waves to vibrate the air to achieve the effect of "amplification". However, in this environment, no one has studied why they can hear Qing Hailan's voice. "Hey... Are you kidding me?" I heard Hai Lan's impassioned speech in the cabin before, "Let the rainstorm come more violently", Ai Yin just ran to the door and saw it The scene where Hailan was flashed in Lightning Flash. Everyone on the deck looked at each other in blank dismay. When they didn’t know what to do, Ai Yin was the first to run to Hailan’s side, and she shouted: "Hey, you won’t really die Right? I haven't said thank you yet, you can't die!" "It's over... It's all over... We're dead today..." As soon as I saw Lianyi The powerhouse where the sword had cut off the three masts was instantly killed by lightning, and the courage that everyone had finally mentioned turned into deep despair in a blink of an eye. It's just that everyone on the deck overlooked a detail. The lightning just hit Hailan who was holding the knife to the sky, and the deck was already full of rain. Although the conductivity of rainwater is not as good as that of seawater, it is also much stronger than pure water. Judging by common sense, they should have been chopped to death by lightning together. But they are safe and sound. "No burns, it means there should be no mortal danger, this...can you save it?" Ai Yin hurriedly knelt beside Hai Lan, feeling a little at a loss. She has mastered some simple first aid knowledge, but this was struck by lightning... I have never met... "Forget it, give it a try first." Ai Yin prepares The ability to activate the "regressive fruit" restores Hailan to the state it was a few hours ago. Although the "regressive fruit" is ineffective for certain diseases such as "cancer" and "asthma", but now it can only be a dead horse as a live horse. Healed. Just when Ai Yin's two small hands were gathered together and concentrated on preparing to activate her abilities, a powerful hand grabbed her wrist. "Mom... bombed... corpse!" Someone on the deck yelled. Ayin was full of joy, no fear at all, "Are you awake? I know you will not die!" "You are..." "You Don't you remember me?" Seeing the little loli kneeling beside him, a moment flashed in Hai Lan's mind, "Why did you little girl run out again? Go back!" "Okay." !" Hailan thought that this little loli would pout a few words with herself, but didn't expect to be unexpectedly easy to talk, giving people a sense of maturity that didn't match her age very much. However, Hai Lan didn't think too much about the tragedies of this World, and there are countless precocious children. Rosinante rescued Luo, Bellmere rescued Nojiko...too much. Ayin moved quickly and ran back to the cabin in a blink of an eye. "Awesome... really amazing..." "Are you... a man or a ghost?" The reactions of everyone on the deck were different, some were happy and some were scared. "What are you doing in a daze? Think it's safe now? Didn't you see that the accumulation of water on the deck is getting more and more? Hurry up! Have you seen it all? Even thunder can't kill me, man will conquer the sky Ah! What else do you have to be afraid of?" It is really embarrassing to say some words out loud in normal life, but in some extreme circumstances, appropriate slogans and inspiring The declaration can indeed inspire people to deep in one's heart. This is also the origin of the allusions such as "Break Drum Marching", "Blowing the Trumpet", "Wind, Gale" and so on. Especially under the leadership of Hailan, a powerhouse that can't even kill thunder, a group of sheep may display the ferocity and battle strength of wolves. "hahahaha... the silent super thunderstorm is also just this... let the rainstorm come more violently!" Some of the sailors with more bold characters have been happily impudent under the experience and encouragement of Hailan. The ground laughed loudly. Another part of the non-talkative sailors also felt their blood boiled by the heavy rain. With slogans and goals, this is the best motivation for a team to work hard. ka! Another thunder and explosion. This time Hailan did not passively attack, but actively rushed towards lightning. Because if he ignores it, then the lightning might divide the ship into two! zi zi ... Under the guidance of Hailan, the lightning collided with the wind and lased dazzling rays of light in midair. Rumble... Accompanied by the late thunder, Hailan successfully blocked the lightning that fell from the sky halfway. From everyone on the deck, it was as if the great swordsman had cut the lightning in the air. ! Hailan named the blue Aurora Sword "Lei Qi" because of the reason that "lightning enhances the cutting force". In fact, the name of the style "Raeche" in Naruto in UU reading www.uukanshu.com comes from-Kakashi once used a ninjutsu called "Chidori" to cut off the lightning in the sky. Hailan finally cut off the lightning at this time, and it is still a violent lightning that can destroy a medium-sized passenger ship in one blow. His "Rae Che" finally deserves his name. "Brothers, work harder, with the leadership of this adult, we can definitely survive!" The sailors and passengers on the passenger ship are also very motivated, under the eagerness to survive and the leadership of Hailan , Broke out several times the usual work efficiency. Hailan that cut lightning fell on the deck. Fearless of the wind, breaking the waves, cutting off the lightning... This series of desperate actions went on, not only did not make Hai Lan feel hearty and invigorating, but it made him feel uncomfortable in his chest. "What the hell is wrong with me..." Looking up at the black clouds above her head, Hai Lan desperately wanted to vent some emotion in her heart, just like a volcano about to erupt. The thicker the darkened clouds, the stronger the emotions in Hai Lan's heart. It's like a spring... the harder you press it, the more majestic explosion is coming. The roaring wind, the rumbling thunder, the crackling of rain falling on the deck, the busy noise of people in the ears...all of this, like a buzzing fly, stirs Hailan's heart. Impatient, irritable. "It's so noisy!" Om—— At this moment, among Hailan's erratic eyes, a ray of light flashed by an unprecedented amount of light.

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