"Miss Ai Yin, I need help here." "Good!" "I can't stop it, come on!" "Come on!" Here comes!""The keel is broken!!!""Coming soon!"In the cabin, Ai Yin was working desperately to repair the east wall with other sailors. An invisible Spiritual Storm suddenly poured into the cabin from above like a tide. "Ah..." Ai Yin screamed, holding head with both hands, walked a few steps crookedly, leaning against the wall, as if all the strength of the body had been taken away, and slowly slipped to the ground. Above the deck. And those busy sailors were worse than Ai Yin. A sailor suddenly lost focus in his pupils, and his inertia could no longer maintain his standing position, and soon he fell heavily to the ground. Then...the second...the third... As if cutting wheat, the sailors and passengers in the cabin fell in pieces, "pu Tong "The sound of falling to the ground is like a dense drumbeat, endless. There are even a few people who have crooked their necks and foamed at the mouth, as if they had been hit in the head with a punch. "It's painful..." Ai Yin, holding her head in both hands, fell against the wall, her petite silhouette looking like a little girl who had just been bullied. "No...I can't sleep...otherwise the passenger ship will disintegrate..." "What the hell is going on outside..." On the deck. With Hailan as the center, a violent invisible wind pressure moved towards and instantly swept away in all directions. Rain, wind, lightning... In the face of this imposing manner, they are all overshadowed, as if Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, even nature can only choose acknowledge allegiance in front of this imposing manner. Even time seems to freeze directly at this moment. The expressions of those busy sailors are all frozen on their faces, and even their movements seem to be frozen in place. The splashing water also seems to be frozen, it can only maintain the splashing action, and can't fly out even a cent. Everything seems to be frozen for a moment, like a moment, but also like a kind of eternity, moment eternity, serene. In the next second, everything resumed flowing, as if someone had turned off the "Pause" button, time passed again, and the water continued to splash. But the sailors on the deck changed their status. They could no longer stand, and fell one after another. Haki of Haoshoku! Crossed over for nearly 20 years, in the midst of fighting with the destiny, Hailan finally awakened the proof of Naha-Haoshoku Haki. The imposing manner accumulated in his chest was finally released to his heart's content. In this brief moment, Hai Lan felt heartily and heartily. But after the fun, Hai Lan, who was originally anxious, also regained his composure. "Oh... this will kill them..." The first time Haoshoku Haki awakened, under the indiscriminate attack, all the people in the ship passed out. Who will control the passenger ship? As Hai Lan was thinking about countermeasures, he suddenly felt that the raindrops seemed to be much smaller, and even the Sea wind gradually softened. "The silent super thunderstorm... is over?" Hailan raised her head and looked at the gradually rising clouds in the sky, thinking: "Can Haoshoku's Haki really affect the natural environment?" Haoshoku Haki is a terrifying ability that everyone talks about. But after fighting against Akagami, Golden Lion and the others, Hailan discovered that this ability seemed to have no effect at all except for clearing cannon fodder. The most terrifying ability on the sea is a bit of a misnomer. Hailan didn't know that when Akagami and Whitebeard were fighting in the original book, Haoshoku Haki of the two split the sky. But he knows that when two powerhouses compete against Haoshoku Haki, they are often accompanied by lightning flashes and thunder rolls and gusts of wind. "So... is this luck? Or ability?" shook the head, no longer thinking about these guesses that he could not draw a conclusion on his own, Hai Lan walked towards the cabin. Sure enough, the people here were also affected by their own Haoshoku Haki. "It seems that there are still people..." Following Kenbunshoku Haki's perception, Hailan found Ai Yin who was shivering coldly in the corner with her knees. This child can actually resist his Haoshoku Haki? Hailan originally planned to invite Ai Yin to join her Marine unit, but when she thought that she was still in a state of "running away", she gave up this idea. Holding Ayin in her arms, Hai Lan led her to the deck, "Okay, don't be afraid, the matter is over." It wasn't until then that he could see clearly, it turned out that this little girl Her hair is not black, but a natural wavy hair of sea-blue color. Ai Yin whispered: "I'm not afraid...you let me down..." Hailan said with a smile, "What are you doing as a little girl? It's not a big man, isn't it? Is there someone else making a joke about you?" "I'm not a child..." Hai Lan pretended to be vicious and said: "Enough, be careful, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish." "You..." Ai Yin stopped speaking. She went to Jianhao Island this time to do a very important thing. She couldn't reveal her identity for the time being, otherwise her ability would have been lifted and returned. Walking to the deck, seeing the long-lost sunshine, Hailan put Ai Yin down, "Look, I didn't lie to you? Don't be afraid anymore." Ai Yin: "..." Hailan's approval value has not yet arrived, so he plans to wait for these people on the ship to wake up before leaving. But waiting is not a solution, so Hailan took the water basin and prepared to splash them one by one... "Hey, little girl, come and help!" "I'm not little girl, I'm Ai Yin!" "The name is not important..." "Why, don't you have a name?" "No." "I If you don’t believe me, what do other people call you?" When thinking of the name that the group of people at Sabaody Archipelago came up with a few years ago, Hailan smiled: "You can call me...um... .Iron-legged water float!" But Ai Yin was shocked and said: "You are the iron-legged water float?" "???" Is "iron-legged water float" already so famous? Do you even know the little girl in New World? Ayin continued to ask: "Do you know Lilith? A girl who was rescued by you before, she told me about you." How could Hailan remember who Lilith was... In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Hai Lan changed his words: "Sorry, you have admitted the wrong person. I am a counterfeit. In fact, my real name is "Youfa" Hukes!" Ai Yin wondered: "Showks? The name is pretty normal...but what the hell is that? Don't you wash your hair?" "It's not important..." "Hey, do you really tell the truth?" "Hai...Pirate!" A water that had been awakened by Hai Lan pointed at the three Pirate Ships in the distance and yelled in horror. Up. After experiencing the "silent super thunderstorm", the passenger ship has not known which Sea Territory it drifted to. It is not uncommon to encounter Pirates. In the next second, an invisible wind blows through, and the three Pirate Ships are instantly dismantled... "This..." I was planning to ask "Xu Ke" The sailors of "Sirman" looked dumbfounded. A coffin-like boat appeared behind Pirate Ship. "Ayin." "What's wrong?" "You have to thank me, right?" "Yes, I forgot to tell you, thanks..." "Don't have to be so troublesome." "???" "My friend is here, I won't sail with you anymore. You can help me wake up the rest of the people." "Your friend?" Hai Lan didn't answer, turning over the ship's side and stepping on the sea directly to the coffin ship. Ai Yin on the deck was so angry that he moved towards Hailan and shouted: "You liar! You also said that you are not an iron..."

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