Hai Lan and Kizaru stood opposite Kaido with a lightsaber in their hands. The imposing manner was not weaker than that of Kaido in the same way as Little Giant.

Although Akainu doesn’t like Hailan’s battle method of seize every opportunity, he still has to admit in his heart that Hailan’s "heart-struck" against Kaido enemies with skin is rough and flesh is thick "The tactics are really good, even Kaido, he had to stop fighting at this time, thinking about the next countermeasures.

Akainu no longer said a word, basically it means that he has acquiesced in Hailan's tactics.

"Kaido of the Beasts, I have Marine Vice Admiral here today. You have to consider carefully whether you can withstand the cost of being caught alive by our Marine!"

Hailan is full of confidence in what she is saying now.

What kind of Pirate is Kaido? ――Forcing King Kaido.

Is he really want to die? Absolutely not.

If he really wants to die, jump to "Holy Land" Mariejois and massacre Celestial Dragon, then the next taste is absolutely sour and refreshing.

even more how if Kaido really wants to die, why should he develop his own "Beasts Pirates" power?

Life does not bring death or not. For a person who wants to die, the so-called "power" is simply superfluous.

All Kaido's deeds are just to pretend to be forced.

In Kaido's view, if you don't go everywhere after getting the Immortal Body, then this "Immortal Body" will be meaningless.

Why would a person want to pretend to be coerced?

Of course it is for his face.

So what Hailan is aiming at today is the face of Kaido, "the beasts".

If Kaido continues to be hopelessly muddled on the iron ore island and finally caught alive by Marine, Hailan has already thought about it...when the time comes, there will be a wave of "Kaido Gate" incident, and Kaido will be naked. Posting photos to the whole world, this is definitely more painful than killing Kaido...

Don’t he like to pretend and want face?

Hai Lan wanted to make him face sweeping from now on.

Although Hailan didn’t say these words, Kaido, who was cut to kill Matt by the two "barbers" Kizaru and Hailan in the previous battle, has already lost his heart...

Thinking about the countless kinds of probabilities after being captured by Marine alive, Kaido dare not continue to attack...

Kaido likes to pretend to be forced to die, like the kind that others want Killing him but taking him helplessly refreshed, but this does not mean that he is a tremor...Kaido has no tendency to be abused...

The more Kaido brain supplements the content, the more he treats himself The future "face crisis" will be full of a sense of crisis.


Kaido frowned, breathing strong heat in his mouth and nose. Under this distance, the three Vice Admiral of Hailan Hearing can even hear Kaido's wheezing.

Jin "Scourge" was also stunned today.

He had heard Kaido's howl from afar before. He thought that Kaido was hit hard in the battle, but he didn't expect that the trajectory of reality was actually crooked in an unbelievable direction-this bare. Big feet, wearing big pants, and the weird hairstyle is really his own boss...

Jin dare not say a word, he is afraid that Kaido-sama will be angry with me, and hit it with a stick. On his head...


For some reason, Kaido, who was thinking with a sullen face like Demon King-like, suddenly howled. I cried, crying like a child who was bullied outside and just returned home...

Hai Lan, Kizaru and Akainu Vice Admiral were shocked when they saw this scene. I’ve heard of Kaido’s temperamental elusive for a long time, but now it’s a bit too unexpected for them...

Please don’t get me wrong, Kaido is neither beaten nor crying, nor It wasn't that he was scared to cry, it was just a random manifestation of his venting his emotions.

Kaido is a Pirate who has never played cards according to routines, but this is only because his personality is more detached, and he thinks of calculating it.

But when he encountered Hailan, a real and unrefined Marine who did not follow his routine,

he realized that he was really insignificant, and such an enemy was really difficult.

Faced with the powerful strength of Marine’s three Vice Admiral and two of them, Vice Admiral’s fighting style that did not follow the rules at all, Kaido felt distraught and could not find a coping strategy at all.

You can fight but you can’t fight. The three opponents teamed up, and his tactics were actually too tight.

The anger that had nowhere to vent turned into a sad mood, Kaido burst into tears with a "wow"...

"That's okay, Kaido-sama can go on There is no way to continue fighting."

The "flame disaster" Jhin, who did not expect this result, realized the sudden turn of the battle, and made a decisive decision. Jhin transformed into a legendary bird bathed in flames. The claws grabbed Kaido's shoulders, his wings vibrated, and Kaido flew into the sky with the howling Kaido.

For a powerhouse of the "Jin" level, it is not difficult to lift a Battleship, even more how the weight of Kaido.

Just as soon as the "Plague" Quinn on the Pirate Ship prepared the machinery and equipment, he saw the blaze flying back holding Master Kaido.

"Quin, Kaido-sama is out of control. UU read www.uukanshu.com and withdraw quickly!"

"What do you mean by this pervert?"

" Stupid Quinn, I said to withdraw quickly!"

On the island, three Vice Admiral are discussing the next countermeasures.

Akainu roared: "Borsalino, why don't you let me chase it?"

Kizaru replied leisurely: "Sakazuki, don't worry, our task this time is to protect the iron ore island The steam steel mill in China, repelled the Beasts Pirates, but it didn’t say that you want to catch Kaido of the Beasts."

"You are a sophistry!"

Hai Lan published himself "Sakazuki senior, calm down, what can we do even if we catch Kaido of the Beasts? We can’t kill him, and he will run away sooner or later. What is wasted only our Marine’s own time, energy and Financial resources."

"Hailan, why do you even say that?"

Kizaru added: "Hailan is right, Sakazuki, sometimes it’s not The best choice, we should choose the best combat strategy according to the different situations in different battlefields."

Looking at Akainu about to blow his beard and stare at him, Hai Lan reminded: "But we are not everything. Can’t do it, aren’t there three more Pirate Ships? We’ll just leave them all here, and we can also train Jonathan Vice Admiral."

"you two ..."

Akainu, who was conscious of his injustice, was not good at it, and the depression in his chest turned into a sky full of magma, which hit the Pirate Ship who was hurriedly evacuating.

"Meteor Volcano!"

As the most powerful force in this sea, Marine is not afraid of Beasts Pirates' revenge. Hailan also knows that with this time Lesson learned, Kaido did not dare to retaliate against Marine and attack the branch for those little boat brothers.

Because of the price of revenge, he forced King Kaido to be unable to afford it.


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