New World, a Sea Territory owned by Whitebeard.

"The son of the Whitebeard old man is only this, too. We didn't expect to be beaten down by us after only two or three hits."

"And that'Flower' Sword'Vista, he still wants to challenge the sword technique with the boss, but he was beaten by the boss to no avail, hahahaha..."

It's precisely what makes him bragging and talking and laughing in a bar. A member of the "Red Hair Pirates Group".

The reason why Pirates fight is not necessarily because of hatred or hegemony. Sometimes a look is the cause of the fight between the two sides.

As the second-generation Straw Hat brat, "Akagami" Shanks often challenged Pirate who has already become famous during his adventurous journey, and his purpose is only one, and that is to prove-I, You guys are strong!

Hawk Eyes’ reputation for “Greatest Swordsman in the World” was achieved by step by step. His life’s opponent, Akagami “Yonko” was naturally also killed by the name, instead of being killed by someone. A big bird blew it out.

The members of "Whitebeard Pirates" have one thing in common, that is, supercilious, extremely arrogant and arrogant.

This is not incomprehensible, after all, their father Whitebeard is "the strongest man in the world".

It just so happens that Akagami is another man who absolutely cannot allow others to insult his partner.

You come and I meet, but a few words didn’t make a difference, and then they fought, and the Red Hair Pirates team won.

While searching the spoils of war, the Red Hair Pirates group found a Devil Fruit.

Akagami has perfectly inherited the ideas of the generation Straw Hat brat Gol ·d·Roger. On his Pirate Ship, everyone disdains Devil Fruit.

Because for their adventurous seaman, the price of not being able to swim is really unacceptable.

Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the Red Hair Pirates group, poured cold water on the excited companions: "Don’t be too happy,'Flower Sword' Vista is just the fifth division of Whitebeard Pirates. Only Captain, the top three Captains of Whitebeard Pirates are all difficult to provoke characters. If you meet them, you can't be careless."

"Ah...OK! OK! ..."

The drunk Yasopp said nonchalantly: "But what should we do with this Devil Fruit? No one will eat it anyway, so let's sell it. It is said that it can sell a lot of money."

After hearing this, everyone looked towards Akagami, waiting for the boss's opinion.

Akagami said with a smile: "What's the hurry? This is Devil Fruit, the treasure of the sea. Isn't it good to keep it as a souvenir? If you want to sell it, you should wait until you are really short of money. Right."

Everyone was nodded and continued to drink.


The door of the tavern was kicked to pieces from the outside, and a dark-skinned man with a big belly came in.

"I heard that you grabbed a Devil Fruit?"

The person who came was from the second division of Whitebeard Pirates...member-Marshall d·Teach.

As soon as Teach entered the door, Akagami keenly caught the thick baleful aura that Teach had brought on him, as if he had entered the door by an evil spirit from hell.

Looking at the gleaming cold light steel claws in Teach's hand, Akagami's expression became alert.

"Who are you?"

"The dead don't need to know so many things!"

The murderous aura appeared in his eyes, and Teach rushed to Akagami.

Feeling the other party’s incredible destructive power, Akagami’s pupils shrank sharply: "Everyone, be careful, get out of the way!"


cold light flashed, Teach groaned flew upside down, his hands covering his mouth drenched with blood, opened his hands and saw that several blood dyed teeth appeared in his hands.

Akagami on the other side looks very bad too. He covered the position of his left eye with his left hand, and bright red blood overflowed between the fingers of his left hand. Half of Akagami’s face and left hand have been blooded. dyed red.


Devil Fruit, which was randomly placed on the table by the Red Hair Pirates group, fell on the floor-Red Hair Pirates group and I don’t care about Devil Fruit very much,

so the placement is quite random.

"Damn...How is Gomu-Gomu No Mi?"

Teach covering his mouth was shocked and inexplicably shocked. Gomu-Gomu No Mi is the same color as his dream Yami Yami no Mi. When observing in secret, Teach looked away...

The two men with blood on their faces confronted each other. Even the air in the tavern seemed to freeze at this moment, and a battle was about to break out. .

Then Teach ran away...

The Red Hair Pirates group froze for two seconds before came back to his senses, "Quickly chase!"

" Come back to me!"

The Red Hair Pirates group was unwilling to say: "Boss!"

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave here first!"

and The third generation of Straw Hat brat Monkey ・d・Luffy is different. In the Red Hair Pirates group, Akagami's words are very authoritative.

The Red Hair Pirates group took out some Beli to compensate the store, then packed up their things and left the place in a hurry.


Grand Line, Drum Island, Iron Barrel Kingdom.

On a whim, Wapol Bo, the new king of the Iron Bucket Kingdom, suddenly woke up his ministers: "From today, I will expel all the doctors on Magnetic Drum Island from my country!"

His king’s army Captain Dalton hurriedly dissuaded him: "Wapol Bo Your Majesty, please calm down, a country cannot be without doctors."

"Wapol, Your Majesty Is there a fart? The Royal Father is dead. This king is very kind without killing those quack doctors. Do you still want this king to keep such a bunch of rice buckets?"

Wapol wave The candlestick was smashed at Dalton, and Dalton hurriedly caught it.

At this time, several other ministers who had never dealt with Dalton also persuaded: "Wapol Wave Your Majesty, you can’t say that. If there is no doctor in the entire Drum Island, then in case What should you do when you are sick?"


Wapol wave calmed down a bit. After thinking about it for a while, he hey Issho: "Why not? Bring all the 20 best doctors on the island to the castle. I want them to be my personal doctors. All other doctors will be expelled."

Dol He said anxiously: "But what should the citizens do?"

"If those unsophisticated people get sick...they can come and beg me...haha...I'm so smart! "

The other ministers stopped talking.

The reason why they interceded just now was actually because they would not be hopeless when they were sick, and there was no medical treatment available. Now that the goal has been achieved, they naturally stopped talking.

"What are you doing in a daze? Now, immediately, give me action right away!"


"Finally done... "

Wheat Island, Ai Yin, who has not yet fallen asleep, took the newly made life card in his hand and laughed unfathomable mystery.

It's obviously just a piece of white paper, but in Ai Yin's eyes, it seems to be more precious than the most precious famous paintings.

"What's that?"

With a flash of fire on the horizon, Ai Yin ran out of the room and looked up towards the sky.

"Is it a meteor? doesn't seem right...this feeling is a bit like the imposing manner I felt in rainstorm..."

During the extreme flight, the gust of wind in the air made Kaido's remaining beard flutter with the wind, and his Haoshoku Haki had already spread out in all directions.

It's just that due to the distance, the coercion transmitted to Wheat Island has been reduced a lot.

"Why are there still people crying? It's so strange!"

Holding the life card tightly in his hand, Ai Yin looked at the flames in the distance, with a small face Filled with doubts.

The flying speed of the fire disaster was very fast, and Kaido’s rough crying quickly drifted from one side of Wheat Island to the other, frightening all the animals and residents on the island...


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