Grand Line, Marine Headquarters.

"Have you heard? Last night, Beasts Pirates raided the steam steel plant on the New World Iron Ore Island, but was repelled by the two Vice Admiral, Borsalino and Sakazuki. This was even Admiral Sengoku. It’s incredible."

"But Admiral Sengoku, they also captured Kaido of the Beasts alive."

"Idiot, it can be the same."

" Admiral Sengoku, they waited until Kaido was tired before catching him. It is said that the two Vice Admiral beat Kaido in less than an hour."

"Huh? No, what am I doing? Remember that there should be three Vice Admiral? Jonathan Vice Admiral was also there, right?"

"The old-age Marines from the G8 branch had no battle strength. The main players in the battle last night must be Kizaru and Akainu. Vice Admiral!"

Smoker, who had just returned from the mission, was walking on the road of Marine Headquarters, and his ears were talking about the "steam steel plant defense battle" one after another last night.

But there is one thing he finds very strange, how come there are three Vice Admiral?

Why is Hailan Vice Admiral not mentioned?

As a classmate who came from the same elite training camp as Hailan, Smoker is still very concerned about Hailan's related matters normally.

Smoker, Hina, and Hailan are all graduates of the 14th Marine Elite Training Camp. The starting point is the same for everyone, but the growth of the three has made a huge difference.

Hailan’s triumphant progress along the way is not only a military rank, but even his strength has shown an amazing growth rate, not weaker than the three Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition known as monsters.

Even has been crowned the title of the most outstanding genius since Marine 800 years-of course, this title is not officially canonized, but the officers and soldiers privately called out, in order to be in CP9 Rob Lucci, the best genius in 800 years, stands across the river.

Countless Marine officers and soldiers are proud of Hailan.

It’s just that the overwhelming majority don’t know that when the genius was performing a mission in the Kingdom of Falui, Hailan had already used "flick a flash" to give cordial greetings.

Now CP9 people don’t even think about it. Lucci’s growth rate has clearly surpassed other CP9 members. It’s hard to beat, but why does he still work hard every day? It's as if you have a grudge against your own body.

Because the other members of CP9 don’t know, their genius, newbie Rob Lucci, has never put them in their eyes. Lucci in mind is a real imaginary enemy, but he was unable to fight him. Hailan.

The same target is Hailan, and of course Smoker, who was born in the same class as him.

At the beginning, Hailan gave some suggestions on the development of Smoker Devil Fruit and body refinement. The Smoker was not upright, and it didn't matter if he said it, but secretly did not work hard.

Seeing the strength of Hailan advanced by leaps and bounds, even Hina has already become Marine Commander and Captain early, and the greatly stimulated Smoker is even more powerful.

It's a pity that because of his character, his military rank has stopped at the Captain of Marine Headquarters.

However, his strength has already reached the average level of Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral.

Smoker and precognition have a very good relationship, so precognition often shares some information with Smoker in private.

At that time, there were four Vice Admiral instead of three on the Iron Ore Island. This is the news Smoker got from the precognition.

"What the hell is going on? What the hell is happening to those people above?"

Smoker's face with two cigars in his mouth is a bit unsightly.

He is jealous of Hailan, but he is jealous of Hailan's strength, not Hailan's achievements.

On the contrary, if the achievements that Hailan should have obtained are invisibly erased, he will instead complain for Hailan.

New World, G1 branch.


With a sound of "Pa", Akainu slapped the desk with a slap.

Because he restrained his strength, this slap did not smash the table.

"The strategy of repelling Kaido of the Beasts was clearly invented by Hailan. Why is it counted on my head? Do you think of me Sakazuki as who?"

Opposite Akainu is a screen.

At this time, he is having a remote video conference with the senior management of Marine Headquarters.

Admiral Sengoku on the other side of the screen helplessly persuades: "Sakazuki, calm down, this is a higher decision, you know."

In the Conference Hall of Marine Headquarters Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Kong Ming, Kizaru, and precognition are sitting there. Fleet Admiral Kong is not there.

Zephyr has not been involved in political affairs for many years since he took up the position of "Marine new recruit training camp Chief Instructor". The previous "Onigumo incident" is a special case.

Because Hailan "offended" Celestial Dragon, since Hailan defeated Beasts Pirates's signature "Drought" Jack in front of the world, the original "big news" Morgans had even written the manuscript Okay, but unexpectedly, after the "Celestial Dragon Quotations Incident" broke out, all of Morgans' preparations fell into vain, and even "Day Tiger" Hailan was hidden by the World Government.

A few months have passed, and Celestial Dragons’ impression of Hailan has gradually faded.

The outbreak of the "steam steel mill incident" once again pushed Hailan to the foreground. UU Reading

In order not to attract Celestial Dragon’s attention, and in a sense, it can barely be regarded as protecting Hailan, Marine Headquarters intends to continue to hide Hailan.

But Akainu quit.

"I don't know, I don't know anything, I only know that the credit does not belong to me, I can't afford it!"

"Sakazuki, you..."

The screen suddenly turned into snowflakes, and Akainu, who was far away in the G1 branch, unceremoniously cut the connection.

The people in the Conference Hall didn't say much.

In fact, they are not comfortable with this incident, but Celestial Dragon is a saber above Marine, unable to counterattack or defend, but can only avoid it.


Before Sengoku finished speaking, Kizaru hurriedly interrupted: "Aiya... I can't afford this, you all I know, I don't like to be in the limelight. I can't as well put the credit on Mr. Garp."

Kizaru is sober.

If someone else grabs Hailan’s credit, it’s fine. If you replace him with Kizaru, Zephyr still has to eat him...

Fighting won’t be enough, but Zephyr later When you criticize yourself, you may be even harsher.

Sengoku didn’t force it, he looked towards precognition again: "Kuzan..."

Precognition seems to have prepared the wording: "It’s none of my business. I have never participated from the beginning to the end...I support Borsalino Vice Admiral's point of view."

Sengoku and Crane looked towards Garp...the air bubbles in the nostrils of Garp who was leaning on the chair and drowsy It’s already the size of a balloon...

Sengoku took a deep breath, just about to roar...

"Mr. Sengoku, don't be impatient."

Consultant Kong Ming shook the white feather fan suddenly and said: "I have a word today, please listen to me."


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