The highest attendee of this conference is Hailan Vice Admiral, and there is a reason.

As the head of Marine's New World g1 branch, Akainu seldom participates in headquarter affairs.

The highest Sir of the Marine branch is Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral.

The so-called "branch Captain" and "branch captain" are all for the convenience of the branch Sir to appoint subordinates, and the only bigger ones than Vice Admiral are Admiral and Fleet Admiral, so there is no "branch" Vice Admiral" this kind of military rank.

The scum Marine "Admiral" (Admiral) Nelson Roy whom Hailan conquered in East Blue at the time was only self-appointed by himself, can't be considered.

Similar to Akainu, Kizaru is always waiting for Celestial Dragon's enlistment in the headquarter; precognition wanders the Underworld and has extremely high power to act cheaply; other headquarter Vice Admiral also have their own tasks, so this level The incident does not require a big fight, just have a headquarters Vice Admiral in charge.

However, "Giant Vice Admiral" is a special case. Due to the low average IQ of Giant Race and relatively strong power, the giant Vice Admiral is equivalent to pure military force for Marine. In addition to combat, In some special circumstances (such as propaganda) can also play other roles.

On this sea, the only known Great Pirates we know about are Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Kaido, bigmom and other well-known Pirates.

But in fact, in the 20 years since the opening of the Great Age of Pirates until Luffy went to sea, Great Pirates have risen one after another on the sea, but they have all been one after another during these 20 years. Fallen.

Akainu, Sengoku, Garp, Kong...and the others are now playing against the Great Pirates of the 20 years including Whitebeard and the others.

After all, if there were only Whitebeard, bigmom, and Kaido in the past 20 years, the World Government and Marine had already eliminated them, and it was impossible to keep them for 20 years.

They are Pirate Kings who have successfully survived these 20 years.

The winner is king, and the remaining is king.

"Hailan, you don't take me there!"

When Hailan found Koala and said that he was leaving for a few days, Koala said with a pouting mouth.

"Isn't it all because that big bear's ability is so weird? I can't let you, a little girl, join me on adventures!"

Before crusade against Golden Lion Shi Hailan brought Koala,

because of the precognition, Gion, plus, and the others guarantee and protect. Now the big bears don’t have this treatment.

"Okay, okay, I know, you and Pikachu should be careful!"

It's all commonplace, Koala will naturally not talk to Hailanlong

Koala changed the topic: "I will teach Chopper at home during the time that you and Pikachu are away. When you come back, Chopper will definitely startled you!"

Looking at the Chopper hiding behind the wall and quietly observing this side, Hailan said to Koala Issho: "Then I can rest assured, Chopper's guts really need to be exercised!"

Hailan this time Go to South Blue to test the abilities and strength of Bartholomew Bear. The reason why I brought Pikachu is because Pikachu is very water-based. If there is any accident, he can provide great help to this Devil Fruit Ability User.

Faced with a powerful and strangely unknown enemy, Hailan must of course make adequate preparations in advance.


A few days later, South Blue, the kingdom of Sorbey.

"Kid, the king of this country is a very powerful monster. Let's talk about it first. Everything must be done according to the rules. Don't cause trouble."

On the way, one has A teenager with long golden hair is telling a little boy with red hair beside him.

The blond boy’s name is Kira, and his hairstyle is extremely killer. His long blond hair not only flows behind him, but also in front of him, golden hair has covered him. His eyes hung down to the tip of his nose.

This is the future "killing warrior" Kira, but Kira does not wear a mask at this time, instead relying on golden long hair to cover her face.

The Akagami boy next to Kira is naturally Eustass ・Kid. Unlike "Akagami" Shanks’ soft Akagami, Kid’s Akagami rises up like a burning flame, showing his relationship with "Akagami". "Shanks has a very different arrogant personality.

"I see, you really talk a lot today, Kira."

Kid replied impatiently.

Kira ignored Kid, he just gulped the ice cream in his hand.

Kira is a taciturn and calm boy, and at the same time a foodie.

If it weren't for being afraid of the strength of the Solbe Kingdom and worrying about what troubles Kid might cause, he wouldn't bother to talk nonsense with Kid.

"Princess, please stop messing around and go back with us!"

There was a sudden commotion in front of the two, accompanied by shouts and shouts. , A very cute little girl with long pink hair came out of the crowd.

However, what corresponds to the girl's cute appearance is her extremely rough and unrestrained behavior.

"Get out of here, get out of my mother!"

The girl called "Princess" ran into the crowd all the way, and by the way, she walked along a lot of the roadside stalls Food, while running away, did not forget to put it in his mouth.

If Kira is a foodie, then this Bonnie...Basically can be regarded as a gluttonous...

Kid on the side showed a lively smile "This country is really interesting... Why is Princess such a virtue?"

"The duel between Pirate'Akagami'Shanks and the great swordsman' Hawk Eyes'Dracule El Mihawk in New World became a legend ...Even Whitebeard, the'strongest man in the world', is amazed..."

Hailan, who has arrived in the kingdom of Sorbey, is reading the "World Economic News" in his work.

The duel between Akagami and Hawk Eyes has already happened half a month ago. The South Blue Wind and Cloud reported this matter a few days ago, but it was just hearsay and brain supplement. The content is far less detailed and true than the "World Economic News".



Hailan's ears suddenly sounded a little girl's screams, Pikachu was madly waved Ni knocked to the ground. UU Reading

"What a cute duck!"

Lying on Pikachu's soft and round belly, Bonnie couldn't help but admire.

Then she said something she regretted: "I don’t know if it’s good to bake?"


Pikachu was fascinated at the time.

I'm still waiting for you to continue to praise me, so you just want to roast me to eat it?

"ga ga!!!"

Golden's lightning flashed past, and green smoke came out of Bonnie's head and mouth.

Bonnie, who originally planned to roast Pikachu to eat, became burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Professor Pi treats all kinds of Brat... (=)

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